Tuesday, July 19, 2011


 On Wisdom, A Sonnet
(Dedicated to Msgr. Salvador Mora)

Remember the music, the dance.
The meeting of the minds, the touch,
Of medicine, the legal parlance,
Of Tanduay rum, fisherman's fresh catch?

That words turned to action uttered
Were not written in the white sand
But fully engaged to be heard;
Was a profound message of the land.

The distractions of today's world
Lead us to hostile disregard
For the great Treasure unexplored

Have found no place in our innards
Yet hidden in the everyday strength
Is the power of the greatest of Bards.

N.B.  (This poem is about the memorable moments of my bachelor's days in the Philippines with Msgr. Salvador Mora. We were able to befriend non- Catholics and also non - Christians. Msgr. Mora ( an honorary title) is not a bishop but a non-ivory tower priest and a good friend. He is a San Jose' Seminary, Manila, Phil graduate run by the Jesuits. I, once upon a time, have been a part of the campus of that Seminary along Highway 54 at (EDSA ) Epifanio de los Santos Ave., Metro Manila where the historic People Power Revolutions of Feb.22-25, 1986 (3 days) took place that leads to the unbloody replacement of a nation's top leader; paving the way to a woman's occupancy.
Greg In. Trabanca  

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