Friday, July 26, 2019

The Blessed Mother

The Lady of All Time

In the "sink and swim" time of today, there is a battle raging between the powers of good and evil.  And, to gain control of its supremacy the power of evil is trying to gain a foothold upon the Church that was built on a rock, the Catholic Church that has the Eucharist and the Blessed Mary. We have seen and heard of the Christian religion or maybe "cult" or are Christians (they believe in Christ) but not in Mary, the Immaculate Mother of  Jesus.

There are questions about the Blessed Virgin Mary. Why she does have many faces and names? There is Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Piat, Our Lady of the Pillar, Our Mother of Perpetual Help, etc... Good question! By the way how many people are you if you are a wife, a mother, a provider, an adviser? As a wife, you are a mother to your children. As a mother, you are a protector against harm's ways as you refuged them for nine months.  As a provider to your children, you are Mama. As the provider, you are a pillar of strength because you nourish them for their growth and development. As an adviser, you direct them to the path of righteousness as you sheltered them in the womb for 9 months. To your friends, you are whatever you are known to them, To your company you are, mom, madam. You are the same here but different people, addressing different needs.

The same thing applies to Our Lady, The Blessed Virgin Mary. She has many titles, and many faces but the same sweet, beautiful Lady who caters to our special needs. As a mother, she is a perpetual help, as a friend, she is understanding and ever ready for our succor. an intercessor, a trusting confidante. And she is always available. She is the best friend of Jesus who at the wedding feast at Cana, motherly told the wine servers to do as "He tells you."

Do you love Mama Mary? If so, say the Hail Mary!

Friday, July 05, 2019

"Be still and see that I am God" Ps 46:10

Pray, Love, And Live

Prayer is effectively said
In the stillness of your moment.
It is in silence that we laid
The fullness of life's great event.

Through the scintilla of our score
We fathom the trickle of truth
Penetrating our inner core
As clear as the days of our youth.

Let us live to understand life
And that we have all the options
To ask even as sharp as a knife
That sears our inner emotions. 

Pray, love, and live the experience
The beauty of simplicity
The greatness of the Omnipotence
The source of spiritual energy.