Sunday, December 28, 2008

Chicago Tribune's Front Headline (12/28/08) :



The past days Chicago and its surrounding burbs were covered with snow to the point that they became like a white mountain of hard rocks. Now the snow thawed due to the advent of the pouring rain. And now officially 2008 is the wettest year in Chicago history.

Meanwhile, around the world - the Israeli airstrikes that killed hundreds sent Hamas to vow for retaliation.

On the homefront. We were privileged to have visitors from Canada who were from our hometown. Over pan pizza, we dined, talked, reminisced, joked, and laughed.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Voice in the Wilderness...

Why is this voice crying out in the wilderness? What kind of voice is this that we should give heed? To whom is this voice addressed and why? The leaders of the people were perplexed; hence, they sent emissaries to unwrap the mystery of the voice crying in the wilderness.

John withdrew himself to the wilderness, where he encountered God, who called him to be a voice of conscience to the people, and herald the coming of the Lord. The wilderness is very symbolic place, since there is very little to sustain life and give protection from the wild animals; one must place his life in God's hand. john learned to be humble and depended on God, who sustained him and made him a peophet to be His voice calling out for repentance.

People coming to listen to John realized how futile their life had been - all desolate and arid land. Their examination of conscience led them through the wilderness of their own life. Subsequently, they sought the baptism of repentance in order to allow God to enter into their lives and turn them into a garden of everlasting joy. Those who remained in the conformity of cities and towns missed the opportunity to walk through the wilderness in humility, and find God- the Source of joy and happiness.

The encounter with God is an awe-filled experience, which leads to humility and total surrender. John could have embraced pomp and popularity by claiming that he was the Christ, but he refrained from such ambitions.I am not Christ, not Elijah, or a prophet, but simply a voice crying in the wilderness , he insisted. "I baptize you with water; but there stands among you, unknown to you, the one who is coming after me and I am not fit to undo his sandal-strap."

John, in his journey through the wilderness, totally placed his life in the hands of God, and became a voice of good tydings. The season of advent is an opportunity for us to embark on a similar journey through our own wilderness and seek God's forgiveness and in humility be a voice of cheer this Christmas. Let us not emissaries to find the voice crying in the wilderness, but touch the feet of the Immanuel (God with us) and be a voice yourself, of good tidings .
- by Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. Gospel - John 1: 6-8, 19-28)

(Sunday, Dec 14, 2008. I was the lector. Reading 1- Isaiah 61: 1-2a, 10-11 & reading 11 - Thessalonians 5:16-24.)

Dec. 28, 2008 Feast of the Holy Family


A good family, better world! Indeed, it is absolutely true that a good family helps to establsih a better society and a peaceful world. Family is the cradle that nourishes life to grow and blossom in the world.It is in the family that we first learn to love, to pray, to forgive and to show concern for others. If we dissect the wor Family we get F ather, A nd, M other, I i, L ove,Y ou. That is, Father And Mother I Love You. What a beautiful definition to contemplate and cherish throughout our life!

Jesus, Mary and Joseph formed a "Holy Family" of Nazareth, which became an icon for all to emulate. The family of Nazareth was centered to God. Therefore, fulfilling the will of God was their utmost priority and concern. Mary bowed her head and said: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word." Joseph welcomed Mary into his home at the words of the Angels, and protected the Mother and the Child from an evil King. Jesus loved his parents and helped them to do "His Father's will" at all times. Family is the creation of God, and sanctified through the sacrament of marriage.

Today, more than ever before, the family unit is facing an enormous challenge to protect it from annihilation, since it faces attach on every front. Marriage is not given proper respect and valued as a sacrament.It is an in thing for couples to live together and have children even before they contemplate getting married. In out time, great percentages of children are born outside wedlock; domestic violence and wife-battery is growing, and the devorce rate is overwhelming. The so called "messiah of our time" seems to have found a solution to restore respect for the family by making same-sex marriage legal. Where are we headed and what is our future?

The world crises are a symptom of a greater malady. The world leaders are just applying ointment to heal the symptoms, not realizing the sickness, which will not be healed with such attitude. All their social, economic and political policies will be ineffective, if they ignore the basic unit of society, "The Family." Jesus, the Son of God came to visit his people to bring joy, peace and healing.

The Holy Family of Nazareth showed us the way, as to how we should build a good and healthy family by doing the will of God at all times, even at the cost of death.

Good family, better world! Every child yearns to dwell in a good and loving family. Why are we afraid to create a healthy atmosphere for our children in our homes?Remember, there cannot be greater joy and happiness, than to return home where you are loved and welcomed. This bliss is contigious, but not tried very often by many. If many of us try, we can make this world a better place and a wonderful home for all of us in which to dwell. The Holy Family of Nazareth is a beacon of hope and a glorious light to dispel the darkness from our world. Let us welcome the Holy Family in our homes and in our hearts. - Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
Saying Yes to the Lord....

The adage " Some men are born great, others achieve greatness, while there are still others who have greatness thrust upon them " seems to be quite inadequate when one sees it in a spiritual perspective. The Scriptures would say that we are all born "in His image and likeness" (Gen. 1:26)
Are we not all born great?

The greatness to which we are born needs to be actualized-. And to actualize this greatness we need to surrender our lives unto the Lord. As we go along the journey of life we make numerous choices. We harbor our youthful dreams of doing big things and living in a style that reflects our success. sometimes we make choices that that favor the well-being of others over our own desires. We have said, "yes" when every selfish bone in our bodies was clamoring "No!, I want to do what I want to do!" Today's Scripture readings assure us that when we prefer God's will to our desires, it is indeed a wonderful life. ( Reading 1 - 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a,16; Reading 11- Romans 16:25-27) ( I was the lector on the 11:00 AM mass )

King David had dreams of grandiose building projects. He insisted that the Ark of the Covenant, symbol of God's presence among the Israelites, should be housed in a magnificent temple. And he pictured himself as the right person to get the building job done. However, as so often happens in our lives, God had other plans. He makes it clear to David that there is nothing that a human being could build for Him that would honor Him as much as obedience to the Divine Will. It will be God who will build a house for David, not the other way around. And that house will be a secure line of descendants from which the Messiah will come forth.

Mary was seemingly no different from the other local teenagers. When the angel Gabriel informed her that she would give birth to the Son of God who would receive "the throne of David his father," Mary was understandably perplexed. Her marriage to Joseph, her reputation, her very survival in her hometown, were on the line. However, Mary said "Yes" to the angel's completely improbable message. Whatever the cost to her, she would become the house of God's presence.

Like David, we might have to humbly admit that, that God has called someone else to build the temple and grab the headlines. Our task may be unheralded but it is as important in the eyes of God. And like the Virgin Mary, we give birth to God-with-us by recognizing that we are the temples God chooses to abide in. By saying "Yes" to the often tremendous risks and terrible tensions faith demands, we become birth canals for the Lord. -Fr. Peter Fernandez,sfx.

(Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. He is the author of A Soul In Flight-Path to Contemplation. It is spiritual poetry that reflects on a life lived in the joy, pain, and overall mystery of God's ever-loving presence.)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday, Dec 26, 2008

With my wife, Eve, we watched the DVD of Pope John Paul II - A Statesman of Faith, "As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the world in which we live." Pope John Paul II stood as the most popular pontiff in history, a spiritual compass to almost a billion Catholics worldwide, and a powerful symbol of peace to countless others. Considered an outsider choice for the papacy in 1978, Karol Josef Wojtyla led over 16.7 million people in worship, met nearly 700 heads of state, survived an assassination attempt, and helped facilitate the end of Communism in the Soviet Union.

He is the most traveled pope in the history of the Vatican. His carefree youth in Poland, his human rights activism, his late struggle with Parkinson's disease, his compassion, and his inspiration portray a deeply loved human figure among Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

We watched - The Story of the Twelve Apostles, a chronicle of  Jesus' inner circle of followers whom He gave them the staggering assignment to change the world.

Jesus, a Jew, who was crucified by telling The Truth led an ordinary 12 men to spread the Gospel of Truth.

The Twelve average men (- fishermen, farmers, local magistrates ) dedicated their lives to a prophetic Jewish preacher in the backwaters of the Roman Empire who transformed them into revolutionaries and whose life and teachings as planned by God, eventually changed the world.

Peter denied Christ three times but later became a "Rock", James and John, the fiery-tempered "sons of thunder"; Matthew, the tax collector later murdered by cannibals; Simon the Zealot, the anti-Roman fanatic eventually "cut to pieces" preaching in Spain; and Judas Iscariot, whose betrayal would be paid for with silver and suicide.

This is also about the story of the Twelves's early fear and discouragement at the shock of the Crucifixion, to the final acceptance of the resurrection and their epic mission to spread the Gospel through the known world.

These Twelve died for the Gospel to life.
26 Dec 2008

With friends and relatives we celebrated Christmas 2008 @ 5751 N. Jersey Ave.
We dined, chatted, joked, reminisced. Moments of remembrance.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008 (12/24/25,2008

It's the dawning of a new day. And the past reverberates but tells us that it is the presence of some. Today is the future of others.

My e-mails were numerous. Friends who hibernated for a long time have found a haven to get a rest and spend the while to a moment with friends to say hi and how are you. These are the people that I care about and be with. At this point what really matters is the relationship. It is not the money, the personal possessions accumulated through the years, the degrees added to your resume'. What matters in our journey are memories that we have with people we care about and love. The route that we have taken is essential as they lead us to our destination - the citadel of memories.

I love the way that I have traveled. It is colorful, smooth, rough, rugged, zigzag, and dangerous sometimes. As I look back, a grin in my face appears. the thought of that memories seems like a great escape. And I cherish those moments with people of different sizes, colors, creeds, and habits.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Surprise Party at Little Quiapo....
Oct 23, 2008- Thursday

Inday and Yoshi Miyahira left for Okinawa, Japan. We sent them off at O'hare Airport.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Tale of Two Classmates ( Or a Profile of a Man as a Classmate) 

" A good friend has a place in your life, he honors you, respects you, and never deserts you at the approach of danger."

One autumnal night as I punched the desktop computer keys,( was learning how to use a computer) I was unconsciously led to a website that paved the way to my high school Alma Mater's Alumni Association - Ateneo de Zamboanga. And to my great surprise, I saw the email - Our Class' 57 valedictorian is Manuel Mijares.  Why Roger? I thought for a second, Did Manuel change his name or this is only his email address.

Excitement enveloped my being. High school days are here. Wonderful memories inundated my psyche'. Still fresh, the struggles of city life in a different environment away from home. It's sheer work and study from Tetuan on a bicycle, slicing the road on a sunny or rainy day to the city where Ateneo de Zamboanga was located. 

Anyway, I did email him recalling our high school nights. We were on last night high school of the Ateneo de Zamboanga.

And what do you know! He responded through his son who is a bigshot, a retired colonel. Roger Mijares, that is.

The Colonel responded:

Sir Greg,

I am Colonel Roger V. Mijares PA (Ret) the eldest son of your classmate, Manuel Mijares. I registered his name in the OAR ADZU for your Golden Jubilee last December 2007, thus my e-mail address.

Papang is staying with me now. He retired from the government service (DTI) some time ago and celebrated his 82nd birthday last March 18 this year. Mamang is also with me.

He is okay, but have some difficulty in walking due to his arthritis.

Thanks so much for remembering him... I'll inform him tomorrow about your email (it's 11:27 pm now). He's already asleep.

Were you able to attend your Golden Jubilee Homecoming? Are you staying in the Philippines or abroad Sir?

Attached are some pictures of Papang.

Roger. (Thu 16 Oct 2008 11:am)

( Sat Oct 18, 2008, 2:14 PM) I replied.
Then Roger emailed back:

Sir Greg,

Greetings from the Mijares Family here in Zamboanga City!

Family breakfast time this morning was filled with excitement for Papang as I informed him of the email you sent him. His face was full of smiles as I mentioned your name to him..."Yes!"He said, "I still remember him!... he was my classmate in the last night high school of Ateneo de Zamboanga...and was our class Salutatorian. He is a very intelligent person..."Further, he said, "Please tell him I am thankful for remembering me by sending an email..."

"As regards to the family, tell him that God is so good to me and my family...for giving me a loving wife Andrea, a retired public high school teacher now; seven (7) wonderful children: Roger - a retired Army colonel, Teresa- a School Nurse at Ateneo de Zamboanga University High School Dept., Bernadette - Chief Nurse in one of the Hospitals in Antipolo City, Rizal, Manuel Jr - a Civil & Geodetic Engineer connected with DPWH Region IX, Jorge - an Insurance Agent, Eliza - a Registered Nurse and Miriam - an Optometrist.

Tonight after dinner (after checking my incoming emails...) I again informed Papang of your latest email. The more he got excited, and immediately answered your queries...He said- "So, he is residing in the US... how nice...Ask him, what was his occupation and where he was working when he retired in 1974 ..."

"As far as I know, the following classmates have already gone with the Lord - Ricardo Rivero, Emerito Reyes & Gumersindo Mendoza...During our Golden Jubilee - only three (3) of us were able to attend, namely: Antonio Lacastesantos, Artemio Santiago and me..."

Lastly, please also inform me that I'm staying with you here in Zone 3, San Roque, Zamboanga City and thank him for including our family in his prayers."

Thanks for the email to Papang.

Roger (Sat 18 Oct 2008 7:24 am)

The Tale of  Two Classmates

From the Windy City (Chicago) 12:56 am Monday of 2008

Dear Classmate,

I missed the golden Jubilee Homecoming in 2007. And I am far from the Philippines' shore.

(I was an educator in the Philippines before I came to the States in 1974 as an immigrant. In America, I worked as a stockman, Clerk, Assistant Rate Clerk, Assistant Traffic Clerk, Transportation, and Traffic Analyst at J. T. Ryerson Steel Co. I am also an Insurance Broker. I retired four years ago but still actively working as an insurance salesman and busy with the world of the Internet).

After our graduation at the Ateneo de Zamboanga, I went to pursue my studies at the Zamboanga School of Arts & Trades to take up Drafting but it was short-lived. I meandered for a while savoring the tempting sweet city, teen life. Then I took a summer job at the harbor pilot tug boat through the recommendation of Capt. Cervero, a master pilot of the Zamboanga Pilot Association, responsible for docking foreign ships at Zamboanga City pier.

With that earned money, I ventured to Mountain View College, a vegetarian Seventh-Day Adventist School in Bukidnon, the summer capital of the Philippines. I learned lots of things during my one year of stay at that College - 15 kilometers away from the highway. It was a meatless year; no worldly music. Instead, I heard songs of brooks and streams. There was tranquility; there was a religion whose day of rest was Saturday. This college was financed by the  U.S. dollar.

Mountain View College was nestled in vast hectares of farmland dotted by sugarcanes, potatoes, pineapples, corn, rice, soya beans, and green leafy vegetables. The vast tract of land owned by the College consisted of plains and valleys surrounded by streams and creeks. It has a hydroelectric plant that generated electricity and at night the College campus appeared to be a city in the wilderness. The male students were housed in the Boys Dorm while the female students at the Girls Dorm. Rules and regulations were to be observed strictly on - no smoking, no drinking, no meat. Once a student is caught breaking rules, he/she is sent home. Half-day is work; the other half is for studies. I stayed for only a year.

Homeward bound.

Home beckoned me only to be persuaded by our town priest to see the Bishop of Zamboanga City  (during the Boys' Scout World Jamboree in Pasonanca) so I could study at the Jesuit-run San Jose' Seminary in Highway 54 now called EDSA to take up priesthood. Three of us were supposed to go but only two succeeded.

Off we went, not on a plane but on a slow boat to Manila. And we were excited to be met by a Jesuit priest driving a jeep at the Manila pier. We were assigned each a guardian angel- a seminarian who will guide and help answer questions as we were neophytes, so to speak.

I was amazed that after a few days and some examinations I was assigned to a higher English Class while my companion was on English 101.

I learned that these seminarians were devoid of carefree outside teen-age adventures. After dinner, there was a 30- minute break where we met other minor seminarians to chat on any topics under the moon and the stars.

These minor seminarians were totally innocent of the rough and tumble world of the restless, the fearless, and the innocent. I dished out stories of courtships, of serenading, of school dances, of childish pranks and mischiefs like stealing a chicken, sugarcane, mangoes which are a no-no nowadays. They were saintly innocent. I told them that the real outside world is fraught with temptations as the snake of Eden lurks in every corner waiting and wishing. They loved my take. 

These minor seminarians yearned for my presence after dinner to listen to my often exaggerated stories of fun, frolics, escapades, and spur of the moment tales. 

However, the Seminary was not appealing to me. I went calmly outside amidst the glory and promise of a  further study in Rome.  I remembered that opportunities loomed on the horizon of the daring, the gutsy, the persevering, the dreamer. I squarely faced the world of reality.

The itch

There was that longing to come home. It was still the best place even though how humble. I learned to love the soil. I became a farmer but the horizon was limited. Some of my afternoons after a farming break were spent with farmer neighbors playing volleyball and other times hanging with friends, playing basketball, and enjoying the locals' favorite drink the "tuba'". That was comparable to beer and cheaper.

Back to the classroom

Meanwhile, I moved on to blaze the trail of trials and thrills. I went back to the classrooms and this time to drink the aged wine of education. I studied at Zamboanga AE Colleges, befriended announcers, writers, the learned, and lovers of life. They were: radio announcers - Abe Sappal (Carl Dumas over the radio), Romy Enriquez,  writers - Cesar Aquino, Rommel Corro, Barjamin Jubaira (son of Ibrahim Jubaira, a classmate of Emmanuel Pelaez, who made him a Philippine attache' in Kuala Lumpur and the first Filipino short story writer to be known outside the country and the Philippines' Free Press short story awardee),  professors Atty. Romulo Plagata, Mr. Amora, Zoology teacher, and Mr. Labad, Air ROTC instructor. My weekends were spent with them. who were both from Marawi, Lanao. with their favorite kinilaw of rare tuna and cases of soft drinks Coke or Pepsi. We don't go for hard drinks and I loved it.  Mr. Amora was a UST graduate. With them, I learned that I am also a child of this world and I have the right to occupy a space on the planet earth.

A Literary Editor

At  ZAEC's school paper, I was delighted to be a Literary Editor when I wrote a short, short story titled the Valley called Kipit and a free verse poem about a teenager's life. I was sort of academically active during my college years but I don't belong to any Student Activist Group. I am the son of a humble hamlet farmer, the reason why I abstained myself from being connected with these so-called elite students.

Editor-in-Chief of Andres Bonifacio College., Dipolog City

Satisfaction was foreign to my young psyche'. I transferred to Dipolog, the city of Orchids. A luminous star always followed me even in my darkest hours. Its glow directed me out of harm's way. I sat on the chair of an Editor-in-Chief of the Andres Bonifacio College paper after a series of examinations. My school obligations were spared.

Debater and Student Council President

With that experience, I went back to the City of Flowers- Zamboanga city. Once more the Flower of Talent bloomed; its sweetness wafted and permeated the air of La Hermosa, Preciosa Ciudad. I found myself cornered in the College of Education where we won a debating contest against the College of Law which was a first in the history of the College of Education. Usually' it was the College of Law who dominated the intercollegiate debating world. I was also the president of the Summer Class Student Council, the very reason why Mr. Rodolfo Canivel, the director of Philippine Muslim College, Jolo, Sulu offered me to teach in both high school and college. He even asked me to bring teachers to teach the National Language, English Grammer and Literature, History, ( 2 ) Math, Science, and a Bandmaster. I opted to teach English Literature in High School and English in College.

Beyond Expectation

Finally, with the transfers and taking of different courses, I have enough units to complete a Bachelor of Science in Education degree with a major in History and a minor in English at Zamboanga AE College.( Courses taken were: AB, Commerce, BSEEd, BSE). These were beyond my wildest expectation.

The Test

Finally, after so many road tests and road maps, I was back in the classrooms. This time it was no longer to listen and take notes but to give exams and dish out words of wisdom. And this ushered me to the cities of Jolo, Basilan, and Dipolog.

The Result

I taught English and Literature at the Philippine Muslim College, Jolo, Sulu. I was an adviser of the Schoolpaper for one year. Basilan City's Claret College of Isabela accepted me to teach English and as an adviser of the Schoolpaper when Ulbert Ulama "Bob" Tugung took the bar exam in Manila. I grasped the opportunity. Bob Tugung, an intelligent person, became a very good friend, almost a brother to me. Those were happy days in Isabela. We were with the press and he taught me the rudiments of writing and the principles of how to win friends and influence people. I have a column in the Basilan Times. Bob Tugung earned an honorable position after the Martial Law and also met his untimely demise. ( I read about it when I was abroad.) My prayer and respect to Bob.

Then the RVM director of Ferrer High School in Labason, ZN convinced me to share my God-given talent with the school. I have a two-year teaching stint with that school. The next move was with the Dipolog School of Fisheries, Dipolog City until the wind of change swept the Philippines after the Martial Law in September of 1972. The die is cast. I have no option but to migrate to America in 1974, through the courtesy of a district school nurse, Evangeline Rueles Caermare who answered the call of Cupid. Along this vein, I acknowledged my indebtedness of gratitude to her. She became my best half. Without her, America would only be a dream.

America is a place of many questions but has all the answers. It welcomes everybody. According to the Filipino writer, Carlos Bulosan, America is in the heart. Indeed, it is! And also, it is on how you look at it as "beauty belongs to the beholder." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer wrote, " Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. You were intended out of love; you must be love in order to intend."

The student

I am still a student; a man with the desire to learn as Life offers so much to be learned and digested. I am happily married to a Registered Labor and Delivery Nurse and have two sons.
I was a member of the Cursillo and the Charismatic Group. Now, I am active with Church activities as a lay minister, a lector, and a 4rth degree member of the Knights of Columbus.


Goodbye my classmate, May you fare well!

Addendum: Thank you Manuel for asking. By the way, extend my regards to the host of our high school graduation party, Artemio Santiago. May God bless his family, to Antonio Lacastesantos and his family my sincere greetings. And to the rest of our classmates, if you ever hear about them or cross path with, I wish them more wonderful birthdays to come. Tell them to email or write to me as Christmas is fast approaching.You are all in our prayer  My wife and I are devotees of the Mother of Perpetual Help, Santo Nino', The Black Nazarene, and  the Lady of Penafrancia.)

Hail Ateneo hail, on to the fray. Once more our foes assail, in the strong array. Once more the blue and white held on high, we sing our battle cry, we do or die. March on, march on, march on to victory. March on, march on, march on with loyalty. To the fight, to the fight to win our loyal strife. Hail...



Note: Manuel Mijares was our class Valedictorian and  I was the Salutatorian due to lack of residency. Manuel said in the email through his son Roger, a retired army colonel. " I stll remember him. He was my classmate in the last night high school of Ateneo de Zamboanga and was our class salutatorian.. He is a very intelligent person... Please tell him, I am thankful for remembering me by sending an email."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

10/12/08- Sunday
Promises made...

Many make promises, but only few fulfill their pledge. The evidence is crystal clear during the election year. Gullible , we fall the bite of the campaigning politicians so easily, even as we are called upon to exercise our noble duty to cast our vote. No wonder, election fever is griping the citizens, as we are taken for a ride once again with false hopes and promises for a better tomorrow. Despite betrayals, we continue to place our trust! Why?

The prophet Isaiah gives the answer, on behalf of God., to his people who were in distress. An extraordinary promise is being made to wipe out every tear from their eyes and restore their dignity with the eternal hope of salvation. Is this also going to be just another promise to be broken and to shatter their dreams? too many promises had been conked out; consequently, the confidence of the people about their future had turned bleak.

God fulfills His promise in time, in His son Jesus to restore confidence, and a glorious hope for a better tomorrow. This explains why we keep hoping for a superior future, despite continuous betrayals from our leaders. God is our ultimate refuge and anchor, in whom we trust. He makes promises and never fails to fulfill them in His time; to fill our lives with His blessings and grace.

On the holy mountain, the God of hosts will prepare a banquet, and remove the mourning veil by destroying death forever. Jesus, the Son of God and Redeemer prepared the eternal banquet on the Holy Mountain and by His own death on the cross, destroyed death itself though His Resurrection. Promise made, promise fulfilled!

At baptism, we made a promise to God to live as His loving children, with hearts filled with faith, hope and love. Have I kept my promise to God? Or like our secular leaders, have I betrayed God over and over again.We had promise Jesus to share His life with others to restore confidence and to bestow the hope of a glorious future, by our life of faith, love, charity, forgiveness, truthfulness and sacrifices,It is time we come back to our sense and live up to our promises and the call of Jesus our Savior. Promise made... promise should be fulfilled!
-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
Arrival of Visitors from Okinawa, Japan @ the US Naval Base.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Lady of Penafrancia - Patrona nin Bikol, Philippines

Friday, September 12, 2008

Last Wednesday, September 10/08, Tom Llorente, a friend and I attended a Bible study class at St. Lambert Church in Skokie, Illinois. Rev. Welsh, a retired Roman Catholic priest gave the lecture.
He gave us a looking back on the days of Paul as a persecutor and evangelist. Fr. Welsh brought us to the days of the Roman Empire and that great minds were found among the Greeks who worshiped many gods.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"True love is neither physical nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be and will not be."

When things go the other way which is the least that we expected what are we going to do. Do we really care when things go awry? This is the test of authenticity. Or are we just plastic; fake, that is.

September is almost the end of summer;
soon leaves will begin to fall. Old man winter
comes out with white paint to color the earth
making it beautifully immaculate.
" Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;

Life is wonderful. The earth provides us the marvel.
It is for us to unravel its mystery.

When I was a kid, I loved to walk in the rain.
The inviting and invigorating rain nourished
the living plants and animals. It offered nourishment
to my soul.

And I survived the storm of worry on
how to pursue my goal despite of the lack of some things.
Now as the storm looms in the horizon,
I right away reviewed my steps on how to dance in the rain.

Let us dance.

Let us make the best of every minute
that we have to spare on this earth!
(Matt 14:13-21 )
See and Perceive

We see, but not perceive. Seeing and perceiving the reality is pivotal to give us new perspective to enrich our lives with clearer vision. People travel the world and claim that they have seen the place and they know the people, but they are taken by surprise on their return visit. One needs to interiorize what one sees with the physical eyes, in order to grow in wisdom and understanding.

The rich man and poor Lazarus in the parable of Jesus, allow us to find the variation of seeing and not perceiving. The rich man saw poor Lazarus lying at his gate, but rather, allowed his dogs to lick him.

We are in such a hurry, that we often overlook the reality, and other times, we choose to ignore the truth. In biblical terminology, it is a sin of omission. In our neighborhoods, we pretend that we have not noticed Lazarus lying at our door step, or walking our streets, in our neighborhood.

The disciples of Jesus were in a rush to let people go, as they wanted their dinner, and rest for the night. Unlike, Jesus, the disciples saw the people but did not perceive the need to feed the people, who too were hungry and tired. Jesus truly recognized their condition and needs, and shared with them what he had, to satisfy their hunger.

The ability to perceive is a gift of God. It is given to those who come with humility, simplicity and faith. Riches of this world harden our heart, and make us proud and arrogant, which is why, we see but do not perceive. Day by day, poverty and misery compound the lives of the millions of Lazarus' around th world. Do not allow them to go hungry; give them some food yourselves.
-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The irony...

The opposite realities come together, and yet, find a meaningful encounter, which makes joyful "the irony".The Sunday has two names: Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday. This sounds bit strange; it sounds like saying that it is a Sunday to rejoice and a Sunday to mourn. Well, it is precisely that,which completes the meaning of the day's celebration.

The days which followed this event unfolded the sad side of the irony. The people who are shouting "Hosanna to the Lord" and spreading their garments on the wayside, will cry out even louder. "Crucify Him!" Human nature becomes crystal clear. Human beings always want to tread on the popular road. We, so easily let go of our values and discipline. Jesus, on the other hand, endures passion and death; he takes the difficult path for our sake.

When the earthly kings come to town, he comes with power and might. The Heavenly King, who is King of all kings comes as a servant. "Say to the daughter of Zion; look your King comes to you, he is humble, he rides on a donkey and on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden." What an irony!

"Cursed be the man who hangs on the tree." The death of Jesus on the cross transforms everything, and from now on, the cross becomes a life-giving tree. As St. Paul would say: "for Jews, the cross of Christ became a stumbling block, and for Greeks a folly, but for us believers the wisdom and power of God." What an irony!

We face ironies every day of our lives. Let us face them with courage and faith. Even though we might have to walk a difficult road, let us not falter, but be always on the side of God, rather than, to walk the popular road, which leads to doom.
-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday,July 22/08

How it feels to be 82

Monday , July 21 Frank Obina was tendered a Birthday Party at 6234 N. Washtenaw by his daughters Minda, Rosa and Chelang , son, David and wife Teddy with tasty lechon on lemon grass, Guam's favorite dishes of kilagwin chicken- half-broiled chicken chopped into small pieces with lemon and lime juice, salt and pepper to taste , kilagwin shrimp - the shelled shrimps sliced with lemon and lime juice, salt and pepper. There was the eggplant in coconut milk another Guam's specialty. Also the very tasty potato salad (rosette potato diced, eggs , sweet relish, pimiento in bottle, mayonaise)

Ist Stop
With Frank Obina, his wife, a son ,3 daughters, Buddy (Nissan driver) , my wife and I- we journeyed to glimpse Illinois' what's- near- to- Chicago's spots to see. We tramp ride- to view what's in the Botanic garden in Glencoe. The Garden amazed us with its nature's abundance of fauras and faunas. Varieties of flowers, trees, shrubs and herbs. Geese dots its ponds not to mention squirrels in glee hopping through the branches. The Japanese garden offered awe, serenity and tranquility.

2nd Stop
China town in the Southside on Cermak was the launch's break venue. Jolly Jee welcomed us with its sumptous menu of gustatory delight. Ordered were: soup, duck, beef, pork, seafood, eggroll, chilled avocado. Nine people were satisfied.

3rd Stop
Navy Pier enticed us to its Chicago River Architecture Cruise.( Price: $24.00 regular & $21.00 for Seniors). Brigitte, the teacher turned tour guide soaked our inquiring minds and amused us with her phrase of " in the world" on the salient informations about the history of the "windy city" that is Chicago's nickname due to its politicians referred to as "full of winds'; hence "windy"and its architectural designs manifested on its array of buildings - condos, offices, residentials, hotels. As the boat plowed and slithered across the Chicago river, the guide showed us the remnant from the shooting of the movie "The Dark Night" and the building that Spider man climbed.
Chicago derived its name from the native Indians who called the low-lying, prairie area as Chicagou, "smelly onion patch." The forest of skycrapers dotting the Chicago river had its primeval roots in the 1770s. Chicago's architectural history is shaped by 2 major events: balloon frame construction and the famous Chicago fire. The balloon frame construction started in the 1830s. This is a Chicago invention of building in sections that let homes be assembled" as quickly as you could inflate a balloon." This innovative concept was used later to build towns from Chicago across the nation to the West Coast."

4th Stop
Broadway and Argyle- the Vietname-Chinese business hub. Frank's friend Joe Co spoled us with the "so much food" at Furama , a Chinese restaurant.

Stories Revealed:
Joe Co & Frank Obina on the next blog.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

stay with me

don't vanish
not even for a minute

stay with me as the day, the week, the
month in a year.

not even for a minute
go not away.

stay with me
Thou Holy Spirit!

in the dawn of a planet's life
you break into my vision
like a dream of a rose-colored garden
your lips touch the lone heart
sending pulsating desire of pure
joy, of life, of wanting to soar
the infinite sky like an eagle's dare.

you are really like the sun vanishing
in the sea of dreams where the stuff of
memories surf in their loveliness.

a memory you are real. you touch my shoulders
you drive my enthusiasm.
you are mine.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Peter and Paul...

Peter and Paul are the two pillars of the church that were established by Christ, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. The early church was blessed with these two charismatic leaders who made a great impact on their community of believers at that time and who continue to influence the faith of the church today. They truly inspired the nascent church to make the "leap of faith", and acknowledge Jesus as "the Christ of God."

Peter the fisherman, was one of the first disciples to be called by the Lord to follow him. Peter, being a married man and bread winner for his family, must have found the call to follow the Lord a veritable challenge. Although faced with such an obstacle, he left everything and answered the call. His family, too, must have been inspired by the Lord, for they were able to support and encourage Peter to walk with the Lord.

What a journey it was for Peter! He was privileged to be part of the inner circle that gave him the advantage to witness the profound moments of his life for the Lord. He was the first one to confess that Jesus is the Christ of God. He was outspoken, and became the self proclaimed leader of the group. Hence, Jesus did confer on him the shepherding role, and made him the rock on which His church would stand.

Paul, on the other hand, was not part of this group who witnessed the teaching, preaching, and healing ministry of Jesus. Yet, he takes a prominent place in the church. Despite his being a persecutor of the church, Paul became its greatest builder. His conversion, while on the way to Damascus, is the epitome' of God's mercy and forgiveness: "From a sinner to a saint." The encounter of Paul with the Risen Lord made him an apostle, whose mission was designed by Jesus himself: "An Apostle to the Gentiles."

Peter and Paul are symbolic pillars of the church.Peter is an icon of stability, and the hierarchy of the established church. Paul brings charisma and spirit to this recognized church to make it alive and active in its mission. Both are vital for the growth of the church to dispatch salvation to the ends of th earth. This structure is not man- made but was designed by God for the salvation of all. Today, we live in a sad world. Many have left the apostolic church for their own personal reasons; many others have tried to destroy the church of God; and many others hunger for its downfall.

Pope Benedict, in his recent encyclical, reiterates the will of God in establishing the church on the foundation of the apostolic faith, in order to bring His redemption to all His children. Without doubt, the Catholic Church is that "One True Apostolic Church" here on earth, for all to witness the love and mercy of God.
-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx (St. Timothy Church Bulletin)
The secrets of the kingdom of heaven...

Jesus thanked his Father for revealing the secrets of the kingdom of heaven to little ones. Why are the treasures of the kingdom of God kept hidden from the wise and the learned?This is a critical question. We needd to decipher the wisdom of God revealed through the prophets and finally through his beloved son, Jesus.

Adam and Eve, the beloved creatures of God lived in Paradise filled with grace and love. However, temptation for false knowledge filled them with pride, which led them away from their Creator. Consequently, they lost Paradise, and were driven to a desolate land. Is knowledge bad? No, but learning and knowledge must be perfected and turned into wisdom, for if not, it is false knowledge. Wisdom always unfolds the nature of God - who is all love and compassion; yet beyond our comprehension.

Israel was the least among the nations. Nevertheless, God preferred Israel over other nations to reveal his nature to them. Mundane wisdom would suggest just the opposite; it should be the most powerful and advanced nation to exercise its hegemony over other states. But God's wisdom surpasses all human knowledge and understanding. Ultimate wisdom and truth is revealed to simple and humble people.

Jesus is the wisdom of God - The way, the truth and the life." In an unprecedented manner, the Son of God became man, and dwelled among us. Almighty and all powerful God came to visit his people in the most humble way we can ever imagine. This act of God baffled the wise and the learned, for the secrets of the kingdom of heaven are kept hidden from such people.

The ultimate disclosure of God's wisdom and the secrets of the kingdom of heaven were revealed on the cross. The people of this world could not and cannot understand, for they considered, "cursed be the man who hangs on the tree." Even those to whom God first revealed these secrets, looked at the cross as a stumbling block, and the wise and learned considered it as folly, but for humble, faith-filled people, it was the power and wisdom of God.

When Jesus saw the faith among the poor, the humble and the simple villagers, He gave thanks to his Father, for keeping the secrets of the kingdom of heaven hidden from the wise and the learned., but revealing them to mere babes. For they are the ones who have no pride. They have the humility and simplicity of heart, because they trust not in understanding, knowledge and wealth but in God Almighty.
- Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx (St. Timothy Church Bulletin)
The Sower and the seeds...

Most living in the cities have lost touch with Mother Earth. The city children have very little knowledge about farming and raising livestocks. I was surprised with the kind of answers I received from the fifth grade students. The first question I asked was: " From where do we get milk?" Most of them answered from Fred Myers, Costco or some other grocery stores. I received the same answers when I asked about eggs and other farm products.

The earth is our mother which produces abundant crops to feed her children. However, her children have neglected their mother and taken her for granted. Today, we hear the buzz word "Global Warming" resounding all around us. Is mother earth reacting to us for our carelessness and disregard, or perhaps, calling for our attention? It seems that we have walked on the wrong path for a long time.

Jesus was so much in tune with nature, that he could appreciate it gracefully, and enhance its worth for our wellbeing. He compared the "Kingdom of God" to the natural world to give us a clear understanding about the eternal reality. He compared the Kingdom fo God to such thing as yeast, a pearl, a fish caught in the net, sheep and goats, the wheat and weeds and many others. Through the empirical world he wanted to lead us to the spiritual realm.

"The Sower went out to sow seeds." This scenario is still prevalent in the developing countries. However, in the developed countries everything is done by machine. Whether by hand or by machine, the seeds need to be sown in the grown for a new crop and for a fresh harvest. Only those seeds that fall on the good soil, produce an abundant yield.

The Word of God is the Seed for the eternal harvest. Jesus is the Word of God, which has been sown in our hearts to produce good fruits of faith, hope and love. But, we need to prepare the ground for the seed to take deep roots. This we can do by listening to the word of God; by celebrating the sacraments and performing works of charity. Let us not allow the seed to be taken away from us by the bird in the air, through false living, and wrong values. God continuously sows the seeds of salvation in the hearts of his children.
- Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. (St. Timothy Church Bulletin)

Sunday, June 22, 2008


The celebration of the mystery of the Eucharist: simple bread and wine is transformed into the body and blood of Christ. The gift of his Body and Blood, which Christ offered on the cross for our redemption, was anticipated at the last supper. The feast calls us to cebrate! We give thanks for Christ having chosen the Eucharist as a unique means for Him to be in our midst in a special way, as the channel through which his love and mercy flow to us most abundantly, and as the way of communicating his life to us more intensely.

Eucharistic celebration is the source and summit of our Christian life. It is the source of God's life and strength, to nourish us with faith and hope, to live our daily life in a challenging world. It is our summit, since ultimately we will sit at the table of the Lord sharing his life for eternity, in his kingdom. Therefore, our participation in the Holy Mass is the pivotal and necessary to share the life of God and draw his strength and nourishment to our body and soul.

At the Eucharistic table, we share the one bread, the wine from the cup, and we become one body of Christ. Consequently, we should leave behind our jealousies, animosity, and differences, realizing that we are all in Christ. This awareness lead us to comprehend the mystical body of Christ, of which, we all are members. Therefore, coming together as the Body of Christ, to share in the mystery of the Eucharist is essential, as well as to feed the living members of this body with our love, faith and hope. We must come together as a community, for our absence from the church is detrimental to the growth and wellbeing of the body of Christ.

This Eucharist is broken for all for the remittance of our sins. It is also broken to teach us how we must break ourselves for one another. Jesus multiplied the bread for five thousand people, when He saw their hunger. If we cannot share our bread, our life and love with those in need- the homeless, desperate and abundant, then we are far from the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
.... Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx

Sin is defined in the Old Testament, as missing the mark. Adam was created in the image and likeness of God, until he missed the mark and committed the sin against his Creator. This rupture of relationship between God and men shaped a sinful structure. Every person that comes into the world is born in this sinful configuration. Once you are in the sinful structure, you cannot avoid sin.

What is the remedy? Humanly speaking, there is no salvation from this chain reaction of sinful design created by our first parents. The doom was inevitable and unavoidable. "Sin entered the world through one man, and through sin death, and thus death has spread through the human race because everyone has sinned." Nevertheless, God had a different design for his children and would surpass human knowledge and understanding. Although men wanted to keep the Creator at a distance, He came to dwell among his children. Such is the love and mercy of our God.

God and God alone could break the sinful structure, and restore His Image and Likeness to his children. He takes an unimaginable step to dwell among men: "And the Word became Flesh." "If it is certain that through one man's fall so many died, it is even more certain that divine grace, coming through the one man, Jesus Christ, came to so many as an abundant free gift."

Through the sacrament of Baptism, we have been lifted up from the sinful structure, to recreate us in grace, as children of God. It is a free gift of God to the whole of humanity, at the price of His Son, Jesus Christ, offered His own body and blood willingly for our redemption. This gift of God's life, which was lost in sin, is restored through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, once and for all.

As we continue to live on earth, we cannot help but live in the political structures men have made to sustain our human life. It is pivotal to discern and examine the structures we dwell in, before it is too late. If the political structure takes us away from God; pounding on our divine life of grace with false teaching and values, then we should be vigilant and oppose such a structure without any fear. Let us not miss the mark, but always be thankful to God for giving us the divine life of grace and salvation.
......Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Received these 40 Tips for a Better Life in 2008. (with highlights and addenda)

1. When you wake up in the morning make the sign of the cross , thank God for life, health,
blessings, complete this, " My purpose is to ........... today", then the washroom.
2. Say your morning prayer. Then for at least 10 minutes lock yourself in a room and sit in silence.
3. Don't forget to hear Mass every day if possible. Make time to practice prayer. It is the daily
fuel for a busy life.
4. Take 10 to 30 minute WALK daily. SMILE while walking. It's an ultimate anti-depressant.
Another 10-30 minutes of massaging all parts of your body from your head down to your
toes for blood circulation.
5. Buy a DVR and tape your late night shows and get MORE SLEEP.
6. Live with Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy. Say:" I will win(succeed) because I got FAITH,
7. Play more games and Read more books than you did in 2007.
8. Spend time with over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
9. Dream more while you are awake.
10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in
plants. Eat meat from those that fly, food from the sea .
11. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli,
almonds and walnuts.
12. Try to make at least 3 people smile each day.
13. Clear clutter from your house, your car, your desk AND LET NEW AND FLOWING
14. DON'T WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS ENERGY on gossip, energy vampires, issues of
the past,negative thoughts, or things you cannot control. Invest your energy in the
positive present moment.
15. Realize that Life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the
curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last
a lifetime.
16. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a college kid with a maxed
out charged card.
18. Life isn't fair, but it is still good.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
20. Don't take yourself too seriously. No one lese does.
21. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. Talk only on things that you
agree with the other person.
22. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
23. Don't compare your Life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
24. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
25. Frame every so called disaster with these words: "In 5 years, will this matter?"
27. What other people think of you IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
28. GOD HEALS almost everything.
29. However good or bad a situation is, IT WILL CHANGE.
30. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
31. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
32. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
33. The best is yet to come.
34. NO MATTER HOW YOU FEEL, get up, dress up and show up.
36. Call your family often.. (Or email them to death!!!) Hey I'm thinkin of ya!=)
37. Each night before you go to bed complete these statements: I am thankful for
_____________. Today I accomplished __________.
39. Enjoy the ride. Remember this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a
fast pass. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride.
40. Before you go to bed, say your night prayer. Thank God for the blessed day, for your
wonderful family and/or friends, for life, for blessings, for your vehicle, for food, for your
place. God is a living God. He lives in us. He loves us.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008: Venue of Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree
Radisson Hotel Northbrook: Marquette Province, Northern Illinois District
2875 N. Milwaukee Ave: 2008. Exemplication hosted by La Salle Assembly
Northbrook, IL 60062: No. 189

I was one of the 104 brother knights who took the exemplication of the Fourth Degree. We were eight from Fr. Francis A. Ryan Council 5025. This memorable event honored Florian J. Grusz, Past
Faithful Navigator, La Salle Assembly No. 0189.

My dream of becoming a member of this prestigious worldwide Catholic organization came true. My life was totally different.The countenance of my world glowed with beauty and love.
I am still me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

K of C Council No. 5025

The Tuesday night Mass at St Thecla's Falcon Hall was memorable. Especially with Fr. Robert Pajor's reflection on the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus . And the question, Why?

With that query comes to mind the story of Creation.

In His infinite wisdom has the intention to create a world from a Word. God. Angels. Rebellion. Eden. Man, Adam (from dust) & Woman (from the rib of a man) Eve, Mother of the Living. Serpent-Lucifer (most beautiful of all the angels & leader of the rebellion). Disobedience. Promise of Redemption. ( Mary. Jesus ).
Cain and Abel . Noah. Great Deluge. Noah's Ark. The Survivors.
King David. Judaism. The Star. Magnificat. Coming of the Messiah.

GOD, THE SON .The Three Kings. King Herod. Christianity. Pontius Pilate. Gogotha. The Seven Last Words.


Read Time magazine's March 24, 2008 issue on: 10 Ideas That Are Changing the World marked #10 Re-Judaizing Jesus. Scholars are now rereading the Gospels through the eyes of a Jew: Jesus. Read more about it on Time's magazine.

Orate Fratres! (Brethren pray)

Monday, March 17, 2008

From St. Timothy Church's Bulletin

On Changing Your Prayer Life...
1. Change the channel. Signal the change in these 40 days by skipping TV on certain days.
2. Feed your soul. Many people today are overworked and under nurtured. Take certain days to do something fulfilling alone - visit a museum, read a "spiritual book, listen to some soothing music, or read motivational books.
3. Eat light. cut back on the size of your meals (not only on Fridays). Give the money saved on food to charities that feed hungry people. Perhaps take time to work at a soup kitchen or a place that cares for the hungry.
4. Be a Simon, the Cyrenean. As Simon helped to carry Christ's cross, so help a family member or a "neighbor" to carry a physical, emotional or spiritual difficulty.
5. Worship with friends and family. Invite someone to join you at Mass.Dicuss the thoughts you received in the readings and the homily.
6. Reach out to someone who is alienated from your group.
7. Pray for those who are being persecuted for their faith or race.

Out of Circulation

Been out of circulation for some time. Still, I am with my purpose-enhanced life. To do my best, that is. Now, I am gearing for the 4th degree in the Knights of Columbus. I am looking inward if I'm worthy of chivalrous disposition through the power of my intention. On this Lenten season, I have to submerge my awful self to a baptism of retrospection, meditation, dedication, and contrition. And honestly, locate the hidden answer to Who I Am.
Dead Man Walking...
bumps are: "Dead Man Walking!" It seems unlike for a dead man to walk in time and space; however, metaphorical, it could be true. Death can be defined more than a few different ways, save for just physical death.

For example, a person who is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment is a person who lives, though faced with the death of freedom, death of companionship of family and friends, as well as society at large. He is alive but a dead man. Difficult to perceive, but it is the reality. Similarly, when you lose a family member, a friend, your job, or part of your body, you face death.

During our lifetime, before we die, it is better to die to our ego, pride, selfishness, hatred, and sinfulness. Look! Deadman walking, but full of grace and peace! Prophet Ezekiel, on behalf of God, announced to his people about the new life, "I shall put my spirit in you and you will live." God proclaims that He is going to open the tombs and raise you from your graves of sin, to lead you back to the promised land.

Jesus raised Lazarus from death, which was unheard of. Lazarus died of physical death and was laid in the tomb for four days. Nevertheless, Jesus brought him back to life from the nether world, to illustrate the power of God working in Him. All humanity was "dead men walking", before the coming of Jesus into our history. Now, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we receive the new life of Grace, as we live in God.

We are no longer "Dead Men Walking", but we live as children of God through His Son Jesus, in the Holy Spirit. During the season of Lent, we contemplate the mystery of God's powerful intervention to give mankind a new life. Let our meditation on the paschal mystery of Jesus fill us with grace and faith, and bring us joyfully into the season of Easter. ( Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx)

Monday, February 18, 2008

02/18/08 (Monday)

Shook hand with a news anchor, Robert Jordan at PopEyes on Lincoln Ave. He extended his hand twice. Good man, humble and the father of Karen Jordan, also a news anchor.
o2/17/08 (Sunday)

On Sunday's Homily: " This is my son in whom I am pleased...
It's about Encouragement which is God's; discouragment, the Devil's. In our journey on this planet, we need always ENCOURAGEMENT. This is our food, our vehicle, our breathe,

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jan 26/08

I was the lector on this 9:00 o'clock sunday mass.

In-pew presentation script.

Immediately after the Cardinal's recorded homily, I read the In-Pew Presentation Script on behalf of pastor Peter Fernandes as he was still in India about the Annual Catholic Appeal and why it is so important to support it while the ushers were distributing the pledge envelopes and the pencils.
January, 2008
a new Year - The past versus the present and the future.

On th 2008 annual Catholic Appeal
Jan 14- Training

Jan 20/08 Announcement Weekend

I was one of the three ( the two were : Tony and Martin )who was given the opportuniy to coordinate about the Annual Catholic appeal. The theme: The Lord is my Light... Another opportunity to thank God for His gifts and blessings - our life, our place on this planet, our diamond moments to share what we have - our Time, Talent and Treasure.
We are happy to be members of " the one, holy catholic and apostolic church ". As such we all need to be part of and support the work of God in our world.. in our parish, neighborhood, our workplace, our archdiocese and throughout the world.