Friday, August 25, 2006

Crossing Paths

one day
to exchange
our experiences
down rough and smooth memory lanes
drawing us closer as
a baby to a mother.

Note: The above poem is an attempt to create a Fib. "The Fib is a poem that draws on the Fibonacci sequence; its lines consist of 1,1,2,3,5,8 (and so on) syllables. This started on a blog and then was written about in the New York Times. It's great and wondrous... in culture."

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Santo Nino de Agosto

Saturday, Aug. 19,2006 is the 6th celebration of the Santo Nino de Agosto. This annual August fest in Chicago was the idea of Rev.Leoncio Santiago, pastor of St. Genevieve Church of 4835 W. Altgeld, Chicago, Illinois as this celebration has been
on-going in the East Coast (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Unity is the reason for this celebration; "letting devotees come together in one place, in one common worship while preserving the autonomy of each devotional group.

And why not connect devotees worldwide? Thus a website was created- It has just started. It is our profound hope that this site will be connecting devotees of the Santo Nino globally.

Monday, August 14, 2006

08/15/06, Tuesday


Searching for nuance and meaning
the journey leads me to question
the different portals of learning,
of street-wise friends with perception,

of places, even dangers hide.
I'm seeking for Him even far
because of my hopes, my dreams reside
and etched in the glow of that star.

I think of Him as my mission,
immortality- the beauty
in His passion for redemption.
They don't believe in His story.

When darkness surreptitiously
appears in the form of plague and war
bringing fear while the masses pray
to keep Almighty's door ajar.

Melodious notes of balmy rain
and rhapsodic smile of the sun
shatter and ease the burning pain
so that people may understand

that power resides not in them
but in the might of that Unseen
and they saw Him in Bethlehem
while Magi asked, "where have you been?"

And in a friendly foreign shore
I see my daring self adrift,
undauntedly different from before;
unknowingly a stunning shift.