Monday, July 27, 2009

The Body and Blood of Christ

Only in the Catholic Church is the mystery of the Body and Blood of Christ given the highest veneration, and kept alive in true faith by the command of the Lord, "Do this in my memory." Jesus came on earth to gather God's people together, into one community. It is well said that the gathering of the people around the banquet table creates equality with dignity. Hence, at the Eucharistic table, all are welcome to partake of one bread and of one cup, in order to form One Body of Christ.

Today, we rejoice and give praise to our Lord for having given himself as our own spiritual food and drink in the Holy Eucharist. We Christians celebrate this mystery with great joy and faith, as this is an imperative for our sprititual growwth, and food for the journey. this mystery allows us to contemplate ever better our absolute need of the Eucharist for our Christian life, both as individual and as a community.

However, there are many who do not believe this mystery to be true, and they chose to walk away depressed and discouraged. The account of the two disciples on their way to Emmaus after the death of Jesus, gives us an indication of defeat and loss they were suffering. Nevertheless, these disciples had what it would take to believe. They possessed an openness to God's Spirit. They were blessed to witness the first Eucharistic miracle. At the breaking of the bread they recognize the presence of the Risen Lord.

The Risen Lord is really and truly present in the form of bread and wine. It is neither a total physical presence nor total spiritual presence, but the real presence of the Risen Lord.We believe in faith, and accept it as the perfect gift from God to humanity. "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life within you." Jesus offered his life on the cross, as the sacrificial lamb for our redemption. God gave us new life through the life of His Son, Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, which we receive in fullness at the Eucharistic Table.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, and members of the Body of Christ, we are called to transform society. Our mission is to imitate Jesus, who broke himself and spilled his blood to give us life. He invites us to do the same for our brothers and sisters around us. When we truly share our life with others, we help to complete the sacrifice of Jesus to heal the world and establish God's Kingdom here in our midst.

-Fr. Peter Fernandes,sfx, St. Timothy Church, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Salvation through the name of Jesus...

Living in a multi-ethnic community here on Devon Avenue, (north side of Chicago, Illinois)presents a challenge to our claim about Jesus. Is salvation only through the name of Jesus? Or is salvation also available through other sources? This dilemma continues to baffle humanity in its quest to find the truth about the mystery of our existence.

The rulers and elders of the people during the time of the apostles were confused. How is it that such power and wisdom is attached to these simple folks? St. Peter explains, it is by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the one you crucified, whom God raised from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest miracle, which defies human limitations and comprehensions. Never before, had such an event defined our existence, nor thereafter. therefore, St. Peter concludes, "For of all the names in the world given to men, this is the only one which we can saved."

Human history is filled with religious leaders and mythological figures claiming to be the savior of humankind, but no one could defy nature to claim supremacy over creation like that of Jesus. The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, surpasses all human wisdom and knowledge. Unlike other leaders, who only point to the truth, but have no truth, Jesus says of Himself, "I am the way, the truth and the life." These words of Jesus accompanied such power as never seen before, "What is easier to say, your sin are forgiven, or to say rise, take up your mat and walk."

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for his sheep. He desires that all hear his voice and come to his fold, for there can only one flock, and one shepherd. He does not force anyone, but offers his invitation in freedom and love. Unlike the rest of us, who are subject to the power of nature; no one has power over Jesus. He offers his life freely, and with that same freedom he brings it back to life to define our existence, in order to show us the ultimate truth, which will be our path to eternal life.

In the name of Jesus we have salvation. He is the Good Shephed and all of us who are baptized are his flock. He calls us by name and leads us to the eternal fountain. Let us not be baffled by claims from different religions, but be firm in our faith in Jesus, who is our Lord and Savior. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. Salvation is only in the name of Jesus.

-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. St. Timothy Church, Chicago, Illinois, USA

The Mouthpiece of God!

A call to proclaim the message of God is a privilege with responsibility. However, to fulfill such a mission is a challenge even unto death. Not many dare to hear the voice of God for the fear of losing one's life. It is an irony, God calls people not to take their lives, but to give life and give it in abundance.. The obstinate nature of humankind threatens the prophets of God and those who proclaim his message; it is because God's message often subverts worldly thinking.

Amos was a native of Judah.He was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamore trees. He was sent by God to speak in His Name to the people of Israel - the northern kingdom which had broken away from Judah. Amos is told very bluntly that he is not wanted and is to go back where he came from. Nevertheless, such threats do not deter the zeal of a prophet. Amos was fearless in the face of persecution to bring home the message of God to his people, who were misled by the religious and civil leaders. Such a stance defines the prophetic vocation.

Today, the Catholic Church is the mouthpiece of God to the whole of humanity. The secular culture of our time is misleading humanity to a destructive end. This culture is thriving with false teachings, and pseudo hopes, which many have gladly embraced. More than ever before, the Catholic Church is beckoned to play the prophetic role of instructing people about the gospel of Jesus Christ and His eternal Kingdom. The secular media accuses the church to stay away from public life. However, the Catholic Church cannot and will not bow to such pressure, because it is her nature to be a prophetic voice in the world.

Jesus sends the twelve into the world to proclaim the message of repentance and healing with authority. The same authority is conferred on all the baptized. We are sent into the world to be a leaven of love, peace, faith and hope. How do we live our vocation? When we are questioned and threatened, because we are disciples of Jesus, do we respond like the prophet Amos? Or, have we succumbed to the pressure of this secular culture, which is misleading humanity to a deadly end?

Let us remember, we are the mouthpiece of God, called to proclaim His message of forgiveness, with the hope of glorious reward in his kingdom. "Be not, be afraid", take courage, like the prophet Amos, to live as a friend of God, rather than to seek comfort here on earth, and stand on the opposite side of God.
July 19, /09


PRIESTHOOD is a gift of God to humanity. It is a divine call with responsibility to the Master and the people the priest is called to serve. In the Old Testament, the gift of the priesthood was restricted to just one tribe of Israel, the tribe of Levi. However, the more often than not the priest failed to lead the people into a deeper covenantal relationship with Yahweh, their God. They were responsible for desecrating the temple of God, by false practice and corruption. The prophets denounced priesthood for their false living, and misleading the people from the true worship of Yahweh, which eventually brought destruction of the community of God, and the kingdom of Israel. Nevertheless, for the chosen people, priesthood continued to be a vital segment of the community even at the time of Jesus, and ever after.

Conversely, priesthood in the New Testament is totally a new dimension and dynamic. The new community of God formed by his son, Jesus, finds a new meaning in priesthood. St. Peter in his letter explains this mystery, "Through his cross and resurrection he freed us from sin and death and called us to the glory that has made us a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart." In the words of Jesus to the Samaritan woman, "from now on, people will worship God in spirit and truth." This mystery unfolds in baptism, as we are given His spirit to live in truth.Therefore, every baptized person shares in the priesthood of Christ to offer prayers and supplications.

However, there is another dimension to priesthood, which is the ministerial priesthood. Some are chosen by God from among the common priesthood, to ordain ministers to administer sacraments to his people. Pope Benedict XVI invites, the entire Catholic Church to contemplate the mystery of Priesthood, and to pray earnestly for ordained ministers, during this year dedicated for priests. As we begin this process, we are invited to look at St John Vianney, the patron of priests, on his 150th death anniversary, which is August 4. His simplicity and humility, together with profound love and faith, helped him to overcome human weakness. He became an exemplary priest, and a good shepherd who brought healing and consolation to thousands of people through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The ordained ministers have a special share in the priesthood of Jesus, who totally emptied himself, and in obedience offered the sacrifice of his own self for our redemption, to His Father, our eternal God. Therefore, priesthood is the expression of one's encounter with the Risen Lord, who absolutely emptied Himself in order to enter into His Father's glory. Just like many of us, the apostles followed the Lord to gain power and position in Society, while at the same time, failing to understand the Lord's message and example. During the passion and death of Jesus, their failure magnified. They all abandoned Him, and were terrified of losing their lives. The turning point came when they encountered the Risen Lord, and remembered His command, "Do this in my memory." At last they became powerful witness of the Gospel, and with peace and joy, boldly laid down their lives for their Master. St. Paul's encounter with the Risen Lord on his way to Damascus is the epitome' of priesthood. And a total transformation, "From now on it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me."

The recent sex scandal of the priests rocked the church and almost brought it to its knees in the United States, and elsewhere in the world.We should have always been on our knees. What an irony! We are forced to kneel and learn the lesson with the wrong subject - the failure of priesthood. The failure of the few priests, sullied the priesthood in the eyes of the world, and opened a new venue for people to question the sacrament. Many lay people fell short of distinguishing the difference between the metaphysical nature of the Sacrament and the empirical reality. Sacrament is conferred on an individual. The individual person is not a sacrament. It is true, the failure of an individual priest can cast aspersion and cause scandal. Nonetheless, the nature of the sacrament remains intact because the sacraments are divine. The misfortune of the ordained ministers, more often than not, is that they forget the sacrament conferred on them is to imitate Christ.

-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

26th of July, 2009 Sunday.

After the Order of Melchizedek!

The misfortune of the ordained ministers, more often than not, is that they forget that the sacrament conferred on them is to imitate Christ. Instead they employ the sacrament to accomplish their agenda, and enter into their personal glory.

My life is not about me; it is about Jesus Christ. The vocation of priesthood is to emulate our Master Jesus, who had all the glory one could ever imagine, but relinquished it completely, for our sake to give life, and life in abundance. Priests are given sufficient grace to follow the Lord, but they become vulnerable when they try to gain earthly glory. St. Paul writing to the Corinthians reminds us that he was given a thorn in the flesh to keep from being too elated. He says, "I will all the more gladly boast of my weakness, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong."

In the midst of the sex scandal of the priests, and the growing fear of another serious scandal of priests embezzling parish funds, the call to holiness during this year of the priest is more earnest than ever before. The cardinal invites priests to engage in personal prayers to celebrate the sacraments more worthily and to make Eucharist the center of priestly spirituality. In the same token, the laity is called upon to pray for their priests. Priests are reminded to make sacrifices to grow in their personal holiness, and in a very special way to give part of their salary for charity and missionary work. The call for renewal is a challenge in this secular world, but priests must remember that "My life is not about me, it's about Jesus Christ." Jesus, being the Lord and Master, condescended to washing the feet of his disciple; we are called to do the same. Undoubtedly, priesthood models Christ.

This year is also a year to rejoice, and to give thanks to God the Father, for blessing humanity with so many good priests, who selflessly give their lives for the sake of the gospel and his Kingdom. The most significant aspect of the year that celebrates the Catholic priesthood is the fact that it is intertwined with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Priests bring Jesus Christ to the world. They wholeheartedly celebrate the Sacraments to nourish the lives of the pilgrim people of God. Priests transformed by the Eucharist sincerely reach out. When humanity suffers, priests suffer with them; when injustice prevails priests fight for justice, when the moral fabric of society is in danger priests are the voice of conscience, they feel the hungry, cloth the naked, and they visit the sick and those in prison. Truly, the priesthood is a gift from above, after the order of Melchizedek to be a mediator between God and his people. (To be continued )

-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx., St. Timothy Church.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11, 2009, Saturday.

Birth of Labasonian in Illinois

All routes of Labasonians in Illinois' this Saturday ended at the plush ranch home of Jun Ramirez in Roselle, Illinois. It was an informal, bring your very best, get-together.Jun & his wife Inday nee Villanueva,welcomed them while a retired colonel ( brother-in-law of Jun Ram ) was busy in the backyard roasting 4 large size chickens and the children were busy playing in the newly mowed big suburban lawn.

The balmy, summer suburban air ushered the group to the gazebo, an appropriate venue for the meeting chaired by Melody Wee Carreon. Thus the Labasonian in Illinois was born. And officers were elected. President- Melody W. Carreon, VP- Julius T. Quimbo,Sec- Tresha Nanette A. Chua,Treasurers- Marianita Lagud & Isabel Sabejon,Auditors- Mila L. Gonzal & Israel Orcullo, Muses- Virgie Ebarle, Jessica Brillantes, Marcy D. Maramo, PRO/Social Mgr - Emilio "Jun" Ramirez, Consultants/Advisers- Greg Trabanca, Eve Trabanca, Auring Villanueva, Margie Ramirez, Naty Bolanos, Nene Buctuan.
The following committees were formed: Sports- Kinley Teves, Music- Jun Ramirez & Kinley Teves, Food- Senda Barillo.

The newly formed Group agreed to have a uniform of white T-shirt with a Labasonian word in blue to be created by Jun Ramirez.

Labasonians will join the ZAMNAI HUDYAKA '2009 at Proesel Park, Lincolnwood, Illinois on Aug 1, 2009.

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10/2009, Friday

It had been quite a long time that I went blogging. Now, inspiration visits my humble self. I am back to the writing keyboard. This time it's about created and crafted by a son of my schoolmate, Nonoy Daguplo at Ferrer High (Now St. Mary College)in Labason,ZN. He is Gary Gabrielle Recentes Daguplo. I have noticed that names of young people in this lovely, fresh fish,sandy beach town called Labason are more than one ; unlike before that we have only one. And that's it.

Time flies.Technology comes. The world changes its paces. And it's called industrial revolution. The speed of communication is crazy. The universe sinks deeper and deeper into its mystery.

We are not crazy, the world is. And you'll find sane meaning in paradox. " A paradox is an idea that is contrary to popular opinion, something that seems to contradict common sense and yet is true." If you accept paradoxes, you are free from the craziness of this planet. For the rest of your life, follow the route that you believe is "right and good and true" because it make sense to you.

And it truly makes sense when Gary G Recentes Daguplo hatched an idea of uniting Labasonians globally.

"A story is told of a young Egyptian foreman who was supervising the laying of the foundation of one of the pharaoh's pyramids. The foreman was out in the hot sun, encouraging, watching and correcting the work. Whenever he found that the massive stones did not fit perfectly, he would have them realigned until they were just right.

Another foreman watched him, and finally came over to give him advice. " The foundation will all be under the ground. Nobody will see it." he said, shaking his head. "Don't worry about it. Nobody will know."

"I will know," the young foreman replied, continuing his work.

When you do what is right and good and true, you will know, and you will remember. That will give you all the personal meaning you need."

This monumental task that Gary did will be recognized but soon it will join with the dust in the cycles of time. What's salient is WHO YOU ARE AS A PERSON. What matters is HOW YOU LIVE. If you live GENUINELY AND GENEROUSLY, who cares what this crazy and chaotic world says or remembers.

Just doing good is okey. This little thing of Gary's website brings a smile, lift the spirit of the Labasonians as they go through their daily grind in the different parts of the globe. Visiting the site brings nostalgia; evokes fun memories that drive worries away, a therapeutic effect physically and spiritually.

The good you do today will be oblivion tomorrow.

Do what is good, any which way.