Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Feast of St. Luke, Evangelist (10/18/16)

Luke, The Evangelist

Today, one of the most important figures of the Primitive Church is remembered - Luke the Evangelist. The following facts tell us why:

1. Luke singlehandedly wrote a quarter of the New Testament. The first  is a gospel about the story of Jesus and the second, on the Acts of the Apostle which is about the Infant Church as a distinct phase of salvation history.
2. Luke on his gospel emphasizes on how Jesus is caring and tender toward the poor and the lowly, the outcast, the sinner and the afflicted, those who recognize their dependence on God. No evangelist is more concerned with the mercy and compassion of Jesus  with the role of the  Spirit in the life of Jesus and of the Christian disciples, with the importance of prayer, with Jesus' concern for women.
3. Luke was at times a close and faithful collaborator of Paul, who calls him "the beloved physician" (Col 4:14)
4. Luke was highly literate both in the Old Testament and in Hellenistic Greek writings. He wrote mostly for Gentile Christians and the whole Church at large. ( The Bible Diary 2016)

Thursday, October 06, 2016

The Beauty of Life


We always hear and read that Life is what we make it. That is the beauty of Life . You have the control on what you are going to do. You got the ball of decision in your hands.  Are you going to shoot that ball or pass it to the player that has the strategic position and the goal is a given?

The world is in chaos, in a mess because of selfishness and sharing is wanting. We are created to be loved and things are created to be used. But what is true is the contrary. People are being used and things are being loved. We become selfish. We love the things that money could buy. Competition is keen. Love of the Source of Life and its beauty is taken for granted. The race is on for fame, power and hubris.

Then, the blame ! We forget the Source of our very existence. We are no longer aware of the beauty of the night that turns into a blossoming dawn, of friends that turn into a family, of dreams that turn into reality

We should never blame anybody that crossed our path. We must know that the good ones showered us happiness to be grateful with, the bad ones offered us experiences to heed, the worst ones gave us lessons to bear, and the best ones gave us the memories to cherish and to share.

And memories are flowers that bloom in the garden of our today, permeating our hours with fragrance enveloping us with the joy of the beauty of living.