Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Peter and Paul...

Peter and Paul are the two pillars of the church that were established by Christ, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. The early church was blessed with these two charismatic leaders who made a great impact on their community of believers at that time and who continue to influence the faith of the church today. They truly inspired the nascent church to make the "leap of faith", and acknowledge Jesus as "the Christ of God."

Peter the fisherman, was one of the first disciples to be called by the Lord to follow him. Peter, being a married man and bread winner for his family, must have found the call to follow the Lord a veritable challenge. Although faced with such an obstacle, he left everything and answered the call. His family, too, must have been inspired by the Lord, for they were able to support and encourage Peter to walk with the Lord.

What a journey it was for Peter! He was privileged to be part of the inner circle that gave him the advantage to witness the profound moments of his life for the Lord. He was the first one to confess that Jesus is the Christ of God. He was outspoken, and became the self proclaimed leader of the group. Hence, Jesus did confer on him the shepherding role, and made him the rock on which His church would stand.

Paul, on the other hand, was not part of this group who witnessed the teaching, preaching, and healing ministry of Jesus. Yet, he takes a prominent place in the church. Despite his being a persecutor of the church, Paul became its greatest builder. His conversion, while on the way to Damascus, is the epitome' of God's mercy and forgiveness: "From a sinner to a saint." The encounter of Paul with the Risen Lord made him an apostle, whose mission was designed by Jesus himself: "An Apostle to the Gentiles."

Peter and Paul are symbolic pillars of the church.Peter is an icon of stability, and the hierarchy of the established church. Paul brings charisma and spirit to this recognized church to make it alive and active in its mission. Both are vital for the growth of the church to dispatch salvation to the ends of th earth. This structure is not man- made but was designed by God for the salvation of all. Today, we live in a sad world. Many have left the apostolic church for their own personal reasons; many others have tried to destroy the church of God; and many others hunger for its downfall.

Pope Benedict, in his recent encyclical, reiterates the will of God in establishing the church on the foundation of the apostolic faith, in order to bring His redemption to all His children. Without doubt, the Catholic Church is that "One True Apostolic Church" here on earth, for all to witness the love and mercy of God.
-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx (St. Timothy Church Bulletin)

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