Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Love is God's free gift

Aug. 17, 2011, Wednesday
1st Reading: Jdg 9:6-15 Gospel:Mt 20: 1-16

"So will it be: the last will be the first, the first will be last."

Jesus tells us that justice is granted to those that deserve it while love is given with unmerited generosity. In today's world, nothing is free. Things have prices. You can have them if you are willing to pay for the charges. You have to earn them.

God is a God of love. And essentially His ultimate value is love manifested in generosity. He is also a God with pure and overflowing generosity.

Despite our flaws and demerits, God loves us. He continues to bless us, to guide us, to help us. We don't realize that what we are enjoying are things that we really don't deserve. Let us then turn to God as He gives us things guaranteed free of charge and not to what we hear over the airwaves, read in the newspapers or the internet.

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