Monday, October 15, 2007

Riches blind people...

To amass wealth, people walk great distance. And, what a walk it is! Most of the time, they trample upon fellow human beings. Everyone is a child of God and a lawful heir to the wealth of this world. If this is the case, it is lawful for me to have more than I need, when millions of my brothers and sisters go hungry and thirsty everyday?

We walk the talk, but are unable to walk the walk. Several days ago, a friend of mine surprised me. He seems to deny the existence of God, but favors humanitarian approach to address the crisis mankind faces. I said to him, "excellent!" So you accept that all of humanity is equal and should be treated equally." He replied, "I have worked hard to be a doctor. Therefore, I should have especial statues in the society, better treatment and greater wealth. However, I will share a little of my income with less fortunate people." How can we live as one human family?

Education should help us to become better individuals, not to exploit others. The irony is that education is used as a weapon, rather than to build healthy human community; education is employed to form classes that sets ppeople apart, instead of bringing us together. Has education opened our eyes, or made us blind.

Earthly riches are not ours, but are placed at our disposal to form a loving community, and for a healthy living. If riches were ours, then we should be able to carry them with us from this life to the next. The rich man in Hades was torment, while Lazarus was enjoying the bliss. Where are his riches? He begs with Abraham and Lazarus. Where are his riches, and power? What is the widom of possessing an abundance of material goods and money?

The rich man in the gospel lived a very lavish life. The wealth blinded him to the extend that he could not even see the poor Lazarus lying at his gate. Our true wealth is God's life, which Jesus offered from the cross, and the Holy Spirit carried it in out hearts. Let us be more proud of God's gift of salvation, than of any earthly awards.

Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx ( Pastor's Desk )

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