Monday, September 03, 2007

On Humility...
(By: Rev. Peter Fernandes, sfx)

Today, the virtue of humility is seen as weakness and failure, especially in our affluent society. A person is humble not because he is truly humble, but because he is unable to compete with the rest of humanity. This is how the modern society looks upon humility.We stand on the opposite side of God, with pride and arrogance.

The race to reach the top is so fierce, that it drains every ounce of our energy, and there is no peace and tranquility. Suicide is a growing phenomenon, especially among the younger generation.We can be on top, and yet, be humble, knowing that everything comes from God. The moment we focus on ourselves rather than God, we loss grip, and the downfall is inevitable.

The author of the book of Ecclessiasties tries to impart wisdom to his people. Do not follow the wind of vanity of vanities. Be gentle in carrying out your business and you will be better loved than a lavish giver. The greater you are, the more you should behave humbly, and then you will find favor with the Lord. For, great though the power of the Lord is, He accepts the homage of the humble.

Jesus is surrounded by prideful people; they love places of honor. There is no cure for the proud man's malady, since an evil growth has taken root in him. Jesus, through the parable brings home a powerful message to those who were filled with pride and self-importance. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted.

Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx ( From the Pastor's Desk, St. Timothy Church's Sunday Bulletin)

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