Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday, Jan. 28/2007

Why I write...

I write. When tomorrow arrives
I then read what I have written
And all the memory survives
And never to be forgotten.

I gathered these memories
In the library of my being
That someday in joy and worries
They will be the songs that I'll sing.

What was narrated became a memory to live by. I did that in my younger days before the birth of word processor and the computer.

Now I found out that those forgotten memories provided richness to my insignificant life.
Footprints erased by time lives in memories.

I gathered the sources of these memories through keen observation and great interest on anything desiring human attention. I always have to have a ballpen and a diary-like material that fits the pocket. I have to read widely , constant visits to the internet's domain of dots (.com, .org, .gov, .edu, .net) and listened intently to any person's talk.

Then I write. Of memories. Remember we got nothing in this planet but moments embossed in our memories. Make sure to enjoy every iota of them - your MOMENTS in TIME.

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