Your faith has saved you...!
Faith is a gift from God, which He bestows freely upon those who open their life in humanity. Naaman, the leper would not have received healing, if he had continued to stand on the ground of pride and arrogance. The servant filled with faith requests his master Naaman, to follow the command of the prophet to immense himself in the river Jordan. However, it is not the water of Jordan, but his openness, to humble himself before God, that brought about the healing he desired.
Christian journey is a journey of faith. Faith is a leap in the dark with confidence that God will hold us in the palm of his hand. Young minds of today find it difficult to live in faith. They seek explanation for everything and anything, which is good, but whatever is outside the realm of reason and scientific knowledge is discarded. Stupidity! Jesus while thanking His Father, said:"I thank thee Father for keeping the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven from the wise and the learned, but revealing them to mere babes!"
A friend of mine recently told me what he said to his Hindu friend, which impressed me greatly! His Hindu friend alledged that in their religion everything has an explanation, which human mind can understand and grasp, but yours he said, does not. To which my catholic friend replied, "Exactly!" And, that is the difference between these two religions. Ours begin with faith, and then seeks explanation; yours begins with explanation and no faith.
We, the disciples of the Lord should always be humble, in order to grow in faith. We have to return back to God to give thanks, like the Samaritan, with loud voices for all the blessings He has showered upon us. The celebration of the Eucharist is the celebration of faith. We return to God in humility to express our gratitude. Jesus full of joy will say to us: "stand up and go on your way, your faith has saved you".
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. ( From the Pastor's Desk)
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