Life is a gift of God...
"It is not choice, it is life." And this life is a gift of God, created in His image and likeness. Violence and disrespect of human life is nothing new to the modern era. It is as old as the first sin of Adam and Eve. However, the secular culture that we live in today has taken an ominous turn, and our future looks bleak.
Countless are the death of the unborn! This stigma on current society reverberates loud and clear of our sinfulness and selfishness. How can we take pride in the ingenuity of our civilization and the invention of modern marvels, when all of our advancement, which should have helped to promote life and wellbeing of humanity, does just the opposite. We have stooped so low!
Wars are fought among uncivilized. "Might is right" in the animal world. Tools were discovered by men to hunt animals, and to cut the woods, stones for better living. Today, the advancement of these tools bespeaks inhumanity. Tools of modern society are not to hunt animals but to kill humans, in great numbers. What a shame!
Millions go hungry around the world, and thousand die of starvation daily. Do we really believe that every life is a gift of God? If this is our claim, then it should tear our hearts apart, when we see injustice done to countless people. "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren you have done it unto me." Isn't this the voice of Jesus? How can we close our ears and say that we are his followers. You hypocrites!
How much thought do we give, when it comes to putting someone to death, because he or she is a burden for the society? Are we the author of life? We are not! Therefore, we should stand in awe before God, with much gratitude for life He has given us. We must learn to respect life from conception to natural death. "Life is a gift of God, what I make of this life is my gift to God."
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx ( From Pastor's Desk )
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