Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas,2007, Tuesday/Chicago
"A Beautiful Woman..."
Mothers are very special gifts from God to whole human race. God designed it carefully and meticulously, as to enhance and beautify his creation. Nothing can substitute the place of a mother. Her place is unique and belongs to her and her alone.
"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her worth is far above the rubies. Strength and honor are clothing. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness. She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed. Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing but the woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." (Proverbs 31)
The Son of God found a worthy place in the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary. There is no place more beautiful and graceful than the womb of a mother. Here is where life begins and here is where life is sustained with love and care. The Son of God dwelt in the womb of His mother in order to show all of humanity that it is a noble place, deserving of the highest honor.
Over the centuries, man has not always given to women, the rightful honor and respect, which she deserves. Countless atrocities done toward the women, by men, are deplorable. Many women have failed in a same measure; they have turned the womb into a tomb.
The heart of a mother is the ocean of love, generosity, understanding, forgiveness, patience, forbearance, sacrifice and unconditional giving. Her heart gives, and it gives without empting and still has more to give! No one can touch the bottom of her heart; it is deep.
As we thank and honor our mothers today, let us also pray that God will bring upon them showers of blessings everyday of their lives. May Mary, the mother of Jesus, be the model for all women and all mothers to emulate. I wish you all a "Happy Mother's Day".
(Note: Mother's Day is in May but is fitting to address this to all mothers on Christmas, the birth of our Saviour)
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
"A Beautiful Woman..."
Mothers are very special gifts from God to whole human race. God designed it carefully and meticulously, as to enhance and beautify his creation. Nothing can substitute the place of a mother. Her place is unique and belongs to her and her alone.
"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her worth is far above the rubies. Strength and honor are clothing. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness. She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed. Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing but the woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." (Proverbs 31)
The Son of God found a worthy place in the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary. There is no place more beautiful and graceful than the womb of a mother. Here is where life begins and here is where life is sustained with love and care. The Son of God dwelt in the womb of His mother in order to show all of humanity that it is a noble place, deserving of the highest honor.
Over the centuries, man has not always given to women, the rightful honor and respect, which she deserves. Countless atrocities done toward the women, by men, are deplorable. Many women have failed in a same measure; they have turned the womb into a tomb.
The heart of a mother is the ocean of love, generosity, understanding, forgiveness, patience, forbearance, sacrifice and unconditional giving. Her heart gives, and it gives without empting and still has more to give! No one can touch the bottom of her heart; it is deep.
As we thank and honor our mothers today, let us also pray that God will bring upon them showers of blessings everyday of their lives. May Mary, the mother of Jesus, be the model for all women and all mothers to emulate. I wish you all a "Happy Mother's Day".
(Note: Mother's Day is in May but is fitting to address this to all mothers on Christmas, the birth of our Saviour)
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
Emmanuel - God with us...
The mystery of Incarnation was manifested in child Jesus, who was born to a virgin daughter of Israel. At His birth, only a handful of people recognized Him. The shepherds came to witness the miracle of a new born child in a manger, and they recognized "Christ the Lord." The wise men from the east followed the star of a new born King, and found him in swaddling clothes, and worshiped Him. However, the point of concern is how this mystery would be unfolded to mankind.
Many more recognized the mystery of Incarnation through His public ministry. Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the Kingdom of God with authority and power. Awe and wonder filled the hearts of the people, when they witnessed the miracles of Jesus. They cried out, "Indeed, God has come to visit His people and set us free." The gracious words that flowed from His mouth, "Go in peace and sin no more", brought peace and solace and set their faith ablaze.
Upon crucifixion, He opens the mystery for all to recognize, and embraces the whole of humanity in His outstretched hands. So august was the moment, that even His persecutor perceived the mystery. The thief on the cross made a confession of faith, and walked right into the mystery, to its fullness. "Today, you will be with me in Paradise".
He gave us a command to unfold the mystery of Incarnation in our own lives of faith and service. "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst." Our participation and celebration of faith in the community of believers is pivotal to unfold the mystery of Incarnation. "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren you have done it unto me." If we recognize Jesus in the face of every person who walks on the face of the earth, we are far from embracing the mystery of Incarnation.
Emmanuel - God with us! Indeed, it calls for a joyful celebration. We exchange gifts and share our lives with others to make this celebration meaningful and fruitful. God, our loving Father gave us the greatest gift - His only son, at Christmas. May our sharing of gifts this Christmas bring the presence of God ever more powerfully to his people!
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
Emmanuel - God with us...
The mystery of Incarnation was manifested in child Jesus, who was born to a virgin daughter of Israel. At His birth, only a handful of people recognized Him. The shepherds came to witness the miracle of a new born child in a manger, and they recognized "Christ the Lord." The wise men from the east followed the star of a new born King, and found him in swaddling clothes, and worshiped Him. However, the point of concern is how this mystery would be unfolded to mankind.
Many more recognized the mystery of Incarnation through His public ministry. Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the Kingdom of God with authority and power. Awe and wonder filled the hearts of the people, when they witnessed the miracles of Jesus. They cried out, "Indeed, God has come to visit His people and set us free." The gracious words that flowed from His mouth, "Go in peace and sin no more", brought peace and solace and set their faith ablaze.
Upon crucifixion, He opens the mystery for all to recognize, and embraces the whole of humanity in His outstretched hands. So august was the moment, that even His persecutor perceived the mystery. The thief on the cross made a confession of faith, and walked right into the mystery, to its fullness. "Today, you will be with me in Paradise".
He gave us a command to unfold the mystery of Incarnation in our own lives of faith and service. "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst." Our participation and celebration of faith in the community of believers is pivotal to unfold the mystery of Incarnation. "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren you have done it unto me." If we recognize Jesus in the face of every person who walks on the face of the earth, we are far from embracing the mystery of Incarnation.
Emmanuel - God with us! Indeed, it calls for a joyful celebration. We exchange gifts and share our lives with others to make this celebration meaningful and fruitful. God, our loving Father gave us the greatest gift - His only son, at Christmas. May our sharing of gifts this Christmas bring the presence of God ever more powerfully to his people!
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Simbang Gabi @ St. Hilary
On a weekend, Simbang Gabi starts at 5 pm. This was at St. Hilary. Today, Sunday it will be at
Transfiguracion Church. The church was filled. Many attended with more than one half Filipinos. There were food and entertainment. Of course, Christmas songs were sung to have a feel of the holiday.
On a weekend, Simbang Gabi starts at 5 pm. This was at St. Hilary. Today, Sunday it will be at
Transfiguracion Church. The church was filled. Many attended with more than one half Filipinos. There were food and entertainment. Of course, Christmas songs were sung to have a feel of the holiday.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
An email was sent to me with a nugget of wisdom. and I do believe that there is God.
How to love people and use things not to love things and use people...
an angel wrote: Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave FOOTPRINTS in your heart...
True, indeed.
A wife and college graduating student said( to the smelly wretch): I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope.
the husband remarked: That is why God gave you to me, Honey to give me hope.
It is only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give. I believe in the pure light of God's sweet love.
How to love people and use things not to love things and use people...
an angel wrote: Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave FOOTPRINTS in your heart...
True, indeed.
A wife and college graduating student said( to the smelly wretch): I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope.
the husband remarked: That is why God gave you to me, Honey to give me hope.
It is only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give. I believe in the pure light of God's sweet love.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
This is the story of two men. One is very young. In fact, he is only in his mid 20's. The other was in the late '50s. I am not sure of how things happened but all I knew is that they have departed from this life. The curtain is closed. The act is out. The drama has ended.
Two things are to be considered according to the priest on his homily: memories and the mystery of Christ. To the young man, God has a special reason why his life was short-lived. What was left was his memories; how he played well his role in his favorite stage. Then the mystery that he is home with the Father. That his worries and concerns are totally expunged and no longer pestered him. He is now cuddled safely on the loving arms of a merciful Father. He is home at last.
The older one has done his role best. His charisma lingered; his music is sung. There is a vacuum on his parting and this is apparently noticed through his loving family and sincere friends. Such is the vagary of life!
And the play on the stage of life continues...
This is the story of two men. One is very young. In fact, he is only in his mid 20's. The other was in the late '50s. I am not sure of how things happened but all I knew is that they have departed from this life. The curtain is closed. The act is out. The drama has ended.
Two things are to be considered according to the priest on his homily: memories and the mystery of Christ. To the young man, God has a special reason why his life was short-lived. What was left was his memories; how he played well his role in his favorite stage. Then the mystery that he is home with the Father. That his worries and concerns are totally expunged and no longer pestered him. He is now cuddled safely on the loving arms of a merciful Father. He is home at last.
The older one has done his role best. His charisma lingered; his music is sung. There is a vacuum on his parting and this is apparently noticed through his loving family and sincere friends. Such is the vagary of life!
And the play on the stage of life continues...
the gift from God...
Attended a Eucharistic Celebration and Healing Service with Fr. Fernando Suarez, CC on Nov 12, 2007, at Immaculate Conception Church in Chicago 7211 W. Talcott( corner of Harlem & Talcott). Over a thousand people attended from all over Illinois and Las Vegas, Nevada. No one was left untouched. All experienced the healing effects: emotional, spiritual and physical. There were visible manifestations and they came back with words of thanksgiving as the humble Fr. Fernando said that God is the Healer; he is just the instrument.
This Chemical Engineer turned priest has the gift of healing since he was 16 years old. Now he healed the sick, spoke in seminars and retreats globally. The world is in dire need of healing.
The power of God shines through unquestionable faith, genuine love, and unending prayer. I was healed in my unbelief. In the Holy Mass, there is a healing experience. That is why the Holy Mass is vital in our earthly sojourn. As much as possible, never fail to attend the daily sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Let the Great One be your partner in any endeavors you are in. He will never let you down.
Lord of Mercy and Love never depart from me. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Attended a Eucharistic Celebration and Healing Service with Fr. Fernando Suarez, CC on Nov 12, 2007, at Immaculate Conception Church in Chicago 7211 W. Talcott( corner of Harlem & Talcott). Over a thousand people attended from all over Illinois and Las Vegas, Nevada. No one was left untouched. All experienced the healing effects: emotional, spiritual and physical. There were visible manifestations and they came back with words of thanksgiving as the humble Fr. Fernando said that God is the Healer; he is just the instrument.
This Chemical Engineer turned priest has the gift of healing since he was 16 years old. Now he healed the sick, spoke in seminars and retreats globally. The world is in dire need of healing.
The power of God shines through unquestionable faith, genuine love, and unending prayer. I was healed in my unbelief. In the Holy Mass, there is a healing experience. That is why the Holy Mass is vital in our earthly sojourn. As much as possible, never fail to attend the daily sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Let the Great One be your partner in any endeavors you are in. He will never let you down.
Lord of Mercy and Love never depart from me. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Man's Potential Code
Cracking your potenntial code...
Why are we here today? In a Toastmaster's Club, of all things. What glue us, goad us, gear us to this Club? Purpose-driven is our life. With no exceptions, we have all the reason, the purpose , the intent , the passion of our existence. Because of that reason we have the mission to seek the code to our We, our humanness, our potential code.
And I have the audacity to be vocal and visible, because this is the only way to uncrew the bolt that hide my very self in my own humble little room. We are all locked in our rooms. It is only by being true and honest to our selves that we will have the opportunity to crack the potential code, the possibility code.
I don't know how to speak. I have stage fright. O.K. So be it! Now let's be real. The concrete. Someone strikes you physically. You are hit in your face. Your reaction?... To strike back, first verbally words unrehearse cascade from your mouth unceasingly, then the hand movement.
Or somebody strike you with a verbal bat. And you strike back like an orator- maybe a Raul Manglapus or a John F. Kennedy or an Abraham Lincoln. My point is - all of us have the potential right now on this group, the possibility of a speaker. But you talk only on topics that you are familiar with, on something that you know. The famous novelist John Gresham writes about topics with legalities 'cuz he is a lawyer. His novels became movie greats.
How about us? You? Me? You know better your background, your passion, the world of your interest. Capitalize on that. How about your romantic past? Your success as a student, as a taxi driver, as a newspaperboy, as a vendor. Your trek from the barrio to the city, your flight from the province to the land of opportunity, to the states of dreams. These things are great topics as they profoundly unearth the greatest creation of the Creator- you, we.
In front of you, I have stage fright but I dare it as I am in front of you and you are listening to me. That makes me the controller and you are controlled by me. And why do you listen attentively to me ? It is because you want to be here in front, you want to talk , to tell your story. And the greatest of all stories is our own story. I tell you I spent lots of time watching people talk, read how people write, pored on volumes on what made people successful and I am still looking for the key to crack my potential. The Key my friends to the cracking of our potential is in Us.
My stage fright is faced squarely by attending clubs like this, by doing the real. I ventured to be a reader in the church. You don't have to think, you have just got to read and presto you are in front of diverse classes of people, in all walks of life. When I looked at them, I said to myself now my stage fright is conquered but deep within that butterfly wants to get out of its cocoon. The fear is there and that makes you very normal. But my friends, I studied. I read the Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers. I read it everyday. I look at the mirror, at myself . And it pays.
After the Saturday or the Sunday readings inspiration comes when there is a churchgoer (that I don't know) to congratulate me. What really motivates me is when I have done my best to be an instrument of Him; that His message is heard to guide the faithful to the road of righteousness. Then my daily prayer, meditation and practice are not in vain.
Yes, indeed Rome was not built in a day!
Why are we here today? In a Toastmaster's Club, of all things. What glue us, goad us, gear us to this Club? Purpose-driven is our life. With no exceptions, we have all the reason, the purpose , the intent , the passion of our existence. Because of that reason we have the mission to seek the code to our We, our humanness, our potential code.
And I have the audacity to be vocal and visible, because this is the only way to uncrew the bolt that hide my very self in my own humble little room. We are all locked in our rooms. It is only by being true and honest to our selves that we will have the opportunity to crack the potential code, the possibility code.
I don't know how to speak. I have stage fright. O.K. So be it! Now let's be real. The concrete. Someone strikes you physically. You are hit in your face. Your reaction?... To strike back, first verbally words unrehearse cascade from your mouth unceasingly, then the hand movement.
Or somebody strike you with a verbal bat. And you strike back like an orator- maybe a Raul Manglapus or a John F. Kennedy or an Abraham Lincoln. My point is - all of us have the potential right now on this group, the possibility of a speaker. But you talk only on topics that you are familiar with, on something that you know. The famous novelist John Gresham writes about topics with legalities 'cuz he is a lawyer. His novels became movie greats.
How about us? You? Me? You know better your background, your passion, the world of your interest. Capitalize on that. How about your romantic past? Your success as a student, as a taxi driver, as a newspaperboy, as a vendor. Your trek from the barrio to the city, your flight from the province to the land of opportunity, to the states of dreams. These things are great topics as they profoundly unearth the greatest creation of the Creator- you, we.
In front of you, I have stage fright but I dare it as I am in front of you and you are listening to me. That makes me the controller and you are controlled by me. And why do you listen attentively to me ? It is because you want to be here in front, you want to talk , to tell your story. And the greatest of all stories is our own story. I tell you I spent lots of time watching people talk, read how people write, pored on volumes on what made people successful and I am still looking for the key to crack my potential. The Key my friends to the cracking of our potential is in Us.
My stage fright is faced squarely by attending clubs like this, by doing the real. I ventured to be a reader in the church. You don't have to think, you have just got to read and presto you are in front of diverse classes of people, in all walks of life. When I looked at them, I said to myself now my stage fright is conquered but deep within that butterfly wants to get out of its cocoon. The fear is there and that makes you very normal. But my friends, I studied. I read the Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers. I read it everyday. I look at the mirror, at myself . And it pays.
After the Saturday or the Sunday readings inspiration comes when there is a churchgoer (that I don't know) to congratulate me. What really motivates me is when I have done my best to be an instrument of Him; that His message is heard to guide the faithful to the road of righteousness. Then my daily prayer, meditation and practice are not in vain.
Yes, indeed Rome was not built in a day!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Mission Sunday (Oct.21,2007)
The church, which Jesus established is a missionary church. The Catholic Church embraces the missionary charisma to its very core, to promote the Kingdom of God. The mission is from the Holy Trinity: "God, the Father sending His Son Jessus into the world to fulfill the mystery of redemption; Father and Son sending the Holy Spirit to sactify the church and give growth". The Catholic Church participates in the mission of the Blessed Trinity.
The term mission seems to have been applied only to those who are toiling in distant places tp preach the gospel. Indeed, they are actively fulfilling the mission, but the duty to preach the gospel is of every baptized person. By baptisim we become missionaries. Therefore, we should waver in out trust, but to try to fulfill it right where we are by our words and action. Our demeanor should speak loud and clear the message of the gospel to those around us.
We can be missionaries by our participation in the liturgical celebration here in our parish gathering every Sunday, as well as other important festivities we commemorate. The gathering of the believers builds the body of Christ and reflects the universal church. We can be missionaries by sharing our resources to enhance the activities of the local as well as universal church. Our daily prayers unite us to God and his people.
Today, as we participate in dharing our resources with the univeral church, it should strenthen our commitment to build the "Church of God" throughout the world, especially among those nations and people who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is imperative that we follow the command of the Lord: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".
It is a privileged to be part of God's plan to bring salvation to the nations. "Mission Sunday" reminds us of our vocation. Let us take this opportunity to strenthen our faith, our commitment and greater love for the missions.
Fr. Peter Fernandes,sfx (From the Pastor's Desk)
The church, which Jesus established is a missionary church. The Catholic Church embraces the missionary charisma to its very core, to promote the Kingdom of God. The mission is from the Holy Trinity: "God, the Father sending His Son Jessus into the world to fulfill the mystery of redemption; Father and Son sending the Holy Spirit to sactify the church and give growth". The Catholic Church participates in the mission of the Blessed Trinity.
The term mission seems to have been applied only to those who are toiling in distant places tp preach the gospel. Indeed, they are actively fulfilling the mission, but the duty to preach the gospel is of every baptized person. By baptisim we become missionaries. Therefore, we should waver in out trust, but to try to fulfill it right where we are by our words and action. Our demeanor should speak loud and clear the message of the gospel to those around us.
We can be missionaries by our participation in the liturgical celebration here in our parish gathering every Sunday, as well as other important festivities we commemorate. The gathering of the believers builds the body of Christ and reflects the universal church. We can be missionaries by sharing our resources to enhance the activities of the local as well as universal church. Our daily prayers unite us to God and his people.
Today, as we participate in dharing our resources with the univeral church, it should strenthen our commitment to build the "Church of God" throughout the world, especially among those nations and people who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is imperative that we follow the command of the Lord: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".
It is a privileged to be part of God's plan to bring salvation to the nations. "Mission Sunday" reminds us of our vocation. Let us take this opportunity to strenthen our faith, our commitment and greater love for the missions.
Fr. Peter Fernandes,sfx (From the Pastor's Desk)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Life is a gift of God...
"It is not choice, it is life." And this life is a gift of God, created in His image and likeness. Violence and disrespect of human life is nothing new to the modern era. It is as old as the first sin of Adam and Eve. However, the secular culture that we live in today has taken an ominous turn, and our future looks bleak.
Countless are the death of the unborn! This stigma on current society reverberates loud and clear of our sinfulness and selfishness. How can we take pride in the ingenuity of our civilization and the invention of modern marvels, when all of our advancement, which should have helped to promote life and wellbeing of humanity, does just the opposite. We have stooped so low!
Wars are fought among uncivilized. "Might is right" in the animal world. Tools were discovered by men to hunt animals, and to cut the woods, stones for better living. Today, the advancement of these tools bespeaks inhumanity. Tools of modern society are not to hunt animals but to kill humans, in great numbers. What a shame!
Millions go hungry around the world, and thousand die of starvation daily. Do we really believe that every life is a gift of God? If this is our claim, then it should tear our hearts apart, when we see injustice done to countless people. "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren you have done it unto me." Isn't this the voice of Jesus? How can we close our ears and say that we are his followers. You hypocrites!
How much thought do we give, when it comes to putting someone to death, because he or she is a burden for the society? Are we the author of life? We are not! Therefore, we should stand in awe before God, with much gratitude for life He has given us. We must learn to respect life from conception to natural death. "Life is a gift of God, what I make of this life is my gift to God."
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx ( From Pastor's Desk )
"It is not choice, it is life." And this life is a gift of God, created in His image and likeness. Violence and disrespect of human life is nothing new to the modern era. It is as old as the first sin of Adam and Eve. However, the secular culture that we live in today has taken an ominous turn, and our future looks bleak.
Countless are the death of the unborn! This stigma on current society reverberates loud and clear of our sinfulness and selfishness. How can we take pride in the ingenuity of our civilization and the invention of modern marvels, when all of our advancement, which should have helped to promote life and wellbeing of humanity, does just the opposite. We have stooped so low!
Wars are fought among uncivilized. "Might is right" in the animal world. Tools were discovered by men to hunt animals, and to cut the woods, stones for better living. Today, the advancement of these tools bespeaks inhumanity. Tools of modern society are not to hunt animals but to kill humans, in great numbers. What a shame!
Millions go hungry around the world, and thousand die of starvation daily. Do we really believe that every life is a gift of God? If this is our claim, then it should tear our hearts apart, when we see injustice done to countless people. "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren you have done it unto me." Isn't this the voice of Jesus? How can we close our ears and say that we are his followers. You hypocrites!
How much thought do we give, when it comes to putting someone to death, because he or she is a burden for the society? Are we the author of life? We are not! Therefore, we should stand in awe before God, with much gratitude for life He has given us. We must learn to respect life from conception to natural death. "Life is a gift of God, what I make of this life is my gift to God."
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx ( From Pastor's Desk )
Monday, October 15, 2007
Your faith has saved you...!
Faith is a gift from God, which He bestows freely upon those who open their life in humanity. Naaman, the leper would not have received healing, if he had continued to stand on the ground of pride and arrogance. The servant filled with faith requests his master Naaman, to follow the command of the prophet to immense himself in the river Jordan. However, it is not the water of Jordan, but his openness, to humble himself before God, that brought about the healing he desired.
Christian journey is a journey of faith. Faith is a leap in the dark with confidence that God will hold us in the palm of his hand. Young minds of today find it difficult to live in faith. They seek explanation for everything and anything, which is good, but whatever is outside the realm of reason and scientific knowledge is discarded. Stupidity! Jesus while thanking His Father, said:"I thank thee Father for keeping the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven from the wise and the learned, but revealing them to mere babes!"
A friend of mine recently told me what he said to his Hindu friend, which impressed me greatly! His Hindu friend alledged that in their religion everything has an explanation, which human mind can understand and grasp, but yours he said, does not. To which my catholic friend replied, "Exactly!" And, that is the difference between these two religions. Ours begin with faith, and then seeks explanation; yours begins with explanation and no faith.
We, the disciples of the Lord should always be humble, in order to grow in faith. We have to return back to God to give thanks, like the Samaritan, with loud voices for all the blessings He has showered upon us. The celebration of the Eucharist is the celebration of faith. We return to God in humility to express our gratitude. Jesus full of joy will say to us: "stand up and go on your way, your faith has saved you".
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. ( From the Pastor's Desk)
Faith is a gift from God, which He bestows freely upon those who open their life in humanity. Naaman, the leper would not have received healing, if he had continued to stand on the ground of pride and arrogance. The servant filled with faith requests his master Naaman, to follow the command of the prophet to immense himself in the river Jordan. However, it is not the water of Jordan, but his openness, to humble himself before God, that brought about the healing he desired.
Christian journey is a journey of faith. Faith is a leap in the dark with confidence that God will hold us in the palm of his hand. Young minds of today find it difficult to live in faith. They seek explanation for everything and anything, which is good, but whatever is outside the realm of reason and scientific knowledge is discarded. Stupidity! Jesus while thanking His Father, said:"I thank thee Father for keeping the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven from the wise and the learned, but revealing them to mere babes!"
A friend of mine recently told me what he said to his Hindu friend, which impressed me greatly! His Hindu friend alledged that in their religion everything has an explanation, which human mind can understand and grasp, but yours he said, does not. To which my catholic friend replied, "Exactly!" And, that is the difference between these two religions. Ours begin with faith, and then seeks explanation; yours begins with explanation and no faith.
We, the disciples of the Lord should always be humble, in order to grow in faith. We have to return back to God to give thanks, like the Samaritan, with loud voices for all the blessings He has showered upon us. The celebration of the Eucharist is the celebration of faith. We return to God in humility to express our gratitude. Jesus full of joy will say to us: "stand up and go on your way, your faith has saved you".
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. ( From the Pastor's Desk)
Riches blind people...
To amass wealth, people walk great distance. And, what a walk it is! Most of the time, they trample upon fellow human beings. Everyone is a child of God and a lawful heir to the wealth of this world. If this is the case, it is lawful for me to have more than I need, when millions of my brothers and sisters go hungry and thirsty everyday?
We walk the talk, but are unable to walk the walk. Several days ago, a friend of mine surprised me. He seems to deny the existence of God, but favors humanitarian approach to address the crisis mankind faces. I said to him, "excellent!" So you accept that all of humanity is equal and should be treated equally." He replied, "I have worked hard to be a doctor. Therefore, I should have especial statues in the society, better treatment and greater wealth. However, I will share a little of my income with less fortunate people." How can we live as one human family?
Education should help us to become better individuals, not to exploit others. The irony is that education is used as a weapon, rather than to build healthy human community; education is employed to form classes that sets ppeople apart, instead of bringing us together. Has education opened our eyes, or made us blind.
Earthly riches are not ours, but are placed at our disposal to form a loving community, and for a healthy living. If riches were ours, then we should be able to carry them with us from this life to the next. The rich man in Hades was torment, while Lazarus was enjoying the bliss. Where are his riches? He begs with Abraham and Lazarus. Where are his riches, and power? What is the widom of possessing an abundance of material goods and money?
The rich man in the gospel lived a very lavish life. The wealth blinded him to the extend that he could not even see the poor Lazarus lying at his gate. Our true wealth is God's life, which Jesus offered from the cross, and the Holy Spirit carried it in out hearts. Let us be more proud of God's gift of salvation, than of any earthly awards.
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx ( Pastor's Desk )
To amass wealth, people walk great distance. And, what a walk it is! Most of the time, they trample upon fellow human beings. Everyone is a child of God and a lawful heir to the wealth of this world. If this is the case, it is lawful for me to have more than I need, when millions of my brothers and sisters go hungry and thirsty everyday?
We walk the talk, but are unable to walk the walk. Several days ago, a friend of mine surprised me. He seems to deny the existence of God, but favors humanitarian approach to address the crisis mankind faces. I said to him, "excellent!" So you accept that all of humanity is equal and should be treated equally." He replied, "I have worked hard to be a doctor. Therefore, I should have especial statues in the society, better treatment and greater wealth. However, I will share a little of my income with less fortunate people." How can we live as one human family?
Education should help us to become better individuals, not to exploit others. The irony is that education is used as a weapon, rather than to build healthy human community; education is employed to form classes that sets ppeople apart, instead of bringing us together. Has education opened our eyes, or made us blind.
Earthly riches are not ours, but are placed at our disposal to form a loving community, and for a healthy living. If riches were ours, then we should be able to carry them with us from this life to the next. The rich man in Hades was torment, while Lazarus was enjoying the bliss. Where are his riches? He begs with Abraham and Lazarus. Where are his riches, and power? What is the widom of possessing an abundance of material goods and money?
The rich man in the gospel lived a very lavish life. The wealth blinded him to the extend that he could not even see the poor Lazarus lying at his gate. Our true wealth is God's life, which Jesus offered from the cross, and the Holy Spirit carried it in out hearts. Let us be more proud of God's gift of salvation, than of any earthly awards.
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx ( Pastor's Desk )
Thursday, October 04, 2007

On Music...
"Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inner places of the soul." Plato.
We met this lovable person called Frank Chiswell ,(a senior citizen and sax player), who in our first meeting threw us a question on who wrote the Star Spangled Banner. Little did we know that he is a musician. He is a saxophone player. He said , "take away music and I am dead. " And little did he know that music, I mean really music not noise is a part of my life.
When I was new to this world, I learned to love music through Mother Nature - the melody from the bamboos, love notes of the mayas (rice birds), refrains of the brook, nocturnal scintillating tunes of the crickets, the songs of the wind. I hear music when I throw peebles in the river of my childhood that draws circles of ripples. There are notes etch in the sky as the clouds move rhythmically and finally comforts the thirsty earth.
Music is everywhere. You've got to listen to it. In this world of diverse music from different culture, you just have to change the way you listen to them. What is noise to others, make that music to your ears. And when we sing, the angels listen...
"Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inner places of the soul." Plato.
We met this lovable person called Frank Chiswell ,(a senior citizen and sax player), who in our first meeting threw us a question on who wrote the Star Spangled Banner. Little did we know that he is a musician. He is a saxophone player. He said , "take away music and I am dead. " And little did he know that music, I mean really music not noise is a part of my life.
When I was new to this world, I learned to love music through Mother Nature - the melody from the bamboos, love notes of the mayas (rice birds), refrains of the brook, nocturnal scintillating tunes of the crickets, the songs of the wind. I hear music when I throw peebles in the river of my childhood that draws circles of ripples. There are notes etch in the sky as the clouds move rhythmically and finally comforts the thirsty earth.
Music is everywhere. You've got to listen to it. In this world of diverse music from different culture, you just have to change the way you listen to them. What is noise to others, make that music to your ears. And when we sing, the angels listen...
On Values...
The greatest handicap - fear.
Most disagreeable person - the complainer
The best day - today.
Worst bankruptcy-loss of enthusiasm
The easiest thing to do - find fault
Best teacher - one who makes you want to learn
Most useless asset - pride
Greatest need - common sense
The greatest mistake - giving up
Meanest feeling - regret at another's success
The greatest stumbling block -egotism
Best gift - forgiveness
The greatest comfort - work well done
Greatest knowledge - God
Greatest thing in the world - love
From Jim Pierce's "Big Golden Trumpet" published by Charles Hansen Music...
(Courtesy of Frank Chiswell, the sax player patient of my wife, Eve and a friend)
The greatest handicap - fear.
Most disagreeable person - the complainer
The best day - today.
Worst bankruptcy-loss of enthusiasm
The easiest thing to do - find fault
Best teacher - one who makes you want to learn
Most useless asset - pride
Greatest need - common sense
The greatest mistake - giving up
Meanest feeling - regret at another's success
The greatest stumbling block -egotism
Best gift - forgiveness
The greatest comfort - work well done
Greatest knowledge - God
Greatest thing in the world - love
From Jim Pierce's "Big Golden Trumpet" published by Charles Hansen Music...
(Courtesy of Frank Chiswell, the sax player patient of my wife, Eve and a friend)
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
On Stewardship....
By Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx
It is vital to have good stewards for the well-being of the household and the community at large. They execute an important responsibility for the smooth running of society or a firm. If they fail to carry out their duty in a worthy manner, the ripple effects are seen everywhere. This is ordinary knowledge, which we experience day in and day out.
When God created the world, He made men the stewards of his creation. How have we executed this role throughout history? Times past and present speak volumes of our success and failure. There are several edifying figures in our history, who worked tirelessly for the wellbeing of the society and to enhance nature. Today, there are many people who follow in the footsteps of those noble souls to be good stewards.
Our greatest tragedy is the failure of the majority of the people to implement responsibly the task of being the good stewards. The disparity between the rich and the poor is glaring; the same with the nations. No one should go hungry, yet millions die of starvation every year, because we failed in out duty to share the resources equally.
Global warming is being triggered by human greed and selfishness, which threatens our very existence. God trusted the humans, and made us the stewards of His creation. Now, how should we present the accounts of our actions? Should we place before Him all our nuclear weapons, saying: "This is our gift to you!" We produced this masterpiece by letting millions go hungry. These weapons could be used to clear the rest without mercy. What a tragedy!
Should God continue to trust humankind, and entrust His creation in our defiled hands? Jesus came into the world to set men right once again with God, our Creator. He spoke of love of God and love of neighbor, with all our strength, heart, mind and soul. Instead of listening to God's beloved Son and amending our ways, we crucified Him. Could we say that we are good stewards?
Let us repent with sincere sorrow, and take the responsibility seriously to enhance the creation of God as good stewards, and share the resources with the whole of humanity.
By Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx
It is vital to have good stewards for the well-being of the household and the community at large. They execute an important responsibility for the smooth running of society or a firm. If they fail to carry out their duty in a worthy manner, the ripple effects are seen everywhere. This is ordinary knowledge, which we experience day in and day out.
When God created the world, He made men the stewards of his creation. How have we executed this role throughout history? Times past and present speak volumes of our success and failure. There are several edifying figures in our history, who worked tirelessly for the wellbeing of the society and to enhance nature. Today, there are many people who follow in the footsteps of those noble souls to be good stewards.
Our greatest tragedy is the failure of the majority of the people to implement responsibly the task of being the good stewards. The disparity between the rich and the poor is glaring; the same with the nations. No one should go hungry, yet millions die of starvation every year, because we failed in out duty to share the resources equally.
Global warming is being triggered by human greed and selfishness, which threatens our very existence. God trusted the humans, and made us the stewards of His creation. Now, how should we present the accounts of our actions? Should we place before Him all our nuclear weapons, saying: "This is our gift to you!" We produced this masterpiece by letting millions go hungry. These weapons could be used to clear the rest without mercy. What a tragedy!
Should God continue to trust humankind, and entrust His creation in our defiled hands? Jesus came into the world to set men right once again with God, our Creator. He spoke of love of God and love of neighbor, with all our strength, heart, mind and soul. Instead of listening to God's beloved Son and amending our ways, we crucified Him. Could we say that we are good stewards?
Let us repent with sincere sorrow, and take the responsibility seriously to enhance the creation of God as good stewards, and share the resources with the whole of humanity.
Monday, September 03, 2007
On Humility...
(By: Rev. Peter Fernandes, sfx)
Today, the virtue of humility is seen as weakness and failure, especially in our affluent society. A person is humble not because he is truly humble, but because he is unable to compete with the rest of humanity. This is how the modern society looks upon humility.We stand on the opposite side of God, with pride and arrogance.
The race to reach the top is so fierce, that it drains every ounce of our energy, and there is no peace and tranquility. Suicide is a growing phenomenon, especially among the younger generation.We can be on top, and yet, be humble, knowing that everything comes from God. The moment we focus on ourselves rather than God, we loss grip, and the downfall is inevitable.
The author of the book of Ecclessiasties tries to impart wisdom to his people. Do not follow the wind of vanity of vanities. Be gentle in carrying out your business and you will be better loved than a lavish giver. The greater you are, the more you should behave humbly, and then you will find favor with the Lord. For, great though the power of the Lord is, He accepts the homage of the humble.
Jesus is surrounded by prideful people; they love places of honor. There is no cure for the proud man's malady, since an evil growth has taken root in him. Jesus, through the parable brings home a powerful message to those who were filled with pride and self-importance. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted.
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx ( From the Pastor's Desk, St. Timothy Church's Sunday Bulletin)
(By: Rev. Peter Fernandes, sfx)
Today, the virtue of humility is seen as weakness and failure, especially in our affluent society. A person is humble not because he is truly humble, but because he is unable to compete with the rest of humanity. This is how the modern society looks upon humility.We stand on the opposite side of God, with pride and arrogance.
The race to reach the top is so fierce, that it drains every ounce of our energy, and there is no peace and tranquility. Suicide is a growing phenomenon, especially among the younger generation.We can be on top, and yet, be humble, knowing that everything comes from God. The moment we focus on ourselves rather than God, we loss grip, and the downfall is inevitable.
The author of the book of Ecclessiasties tries to impart wisdom to his people. Do not follow the wind of vanity of vanities. Be gentle in carrying out your business and you will be better loved than a lavish giver. The greater you are, the more you should behave humbly, and then you will find favor with the Lord. For, great though the power of the Lord is, He accepts the homage of the humble.
Jesus is surrounded by prideful people; they love places of honor. There is no cure for the proud man's malady, since an evil growth has taken root in him. Jesus, through the parable brings home a powerful message to those who were filled with pride and self-importance. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted.
Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx ( From the Pastor's Desk, St. Timothy Church's Sunday Bulletin)
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Miracle Prayer
Lord Jesus, I come before you just as I am. I am sorry for my sins. I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In your Name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give you my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite you into my life, Jesus. I accept you as my Lord, God and Savior. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit.
Come Lord Jesus, cover me with your precious blood, and fill me with your Holy spirit. I love You Lord Jesus. I praise Jesus, I thank you Jesus, I shall follow you all the days of my life. Amen Mary my Mother ,Queen of Peace, all Angels and Saints, please help me. Amen
Lord Jesus, I come before you just as I am. I am sorry for my sins. I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In your Name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give you my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite you into my life, Jesus. I accept you as my Lord, God and Savior. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit.
Come Lord Jesus, cover me with your precious blood, and fill me with your Holy spirit. I love You Lord Jesus. I praise Jesus, I thank you Jesus, I shall follow you all the days of my life. Amen Mary my Mother ,Queen of Peace, all Angels and Saints, please help me. Amen
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
On Reading, Cracking the Millionaire Code by Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen
A beggar had been sitting by the side of the road for over 30 years. One day a stranger walked by, "Spare some change?" mumbled the beggar, mechanically holding out his old baseball cap. "I have nothing to give you," said the stranger. Then he asked:"What's that you are sitting on?" "Nothing," replied the beggar. "Just an old box. I have been sitting on it for as long as I can remember." "Ever looked inside?" asked the stranger."No," said the beggar. "What's the point? There's nothing in there." "Have a look inside," insisted the stranger. The beggar managed to pry open the lid. With astonishment, disbelief, and elation, he saw that the box was filled with gold. - Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now.
There is that " box of gold" in all of us. We are "sitting on" it. But we have to stand up, use our hands to "pry open the lid." Is it not that faith without work is dead. We have to look for that gold of opportunity unceasingly even if it takes a lifetime.
How? By applying Life Management. According to Nido Qubein (visionay leader & great philanthropist, benefactor and humanitarian) Life management focuses on the activities that you are passionate about. We have time for whatever we are passionate about. I have a 'to-do'
list, but more importantly, I have a 'to-stop'list. I don't read newspaper in the morning; I read self-help, inspirational, and spiritual literature that uplifts me. I take vacations as an investment in memories with my children."
A beggar had been sitting by the side of the road for over 30 years. One day a stranger walked by, "Spare some change?" mumbled the beggar, mechanically holding out his old baseball cap. "I have nothing to give you," said the stranger. Then he asked:"What's that you are sitting on?" "Nothing," replied the beggar. "Just an old box. I have been sitting on it for as long as I can remember." "Ever looked inside?" asked the stranger."No," said the beggar. "What's the point? There's nothing in there." "Have a look inside," insisted the stranger. The beggar managed to pry open the lid. With astonishment, disbelief, and elation, he saw that the box was filled with gold. - Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now.
There is that " box of gold" in all of us. We are "sitting on" it. But we have to stand up, use our hands to "pry open the lid." Is it not that faith without work is dead. We have to look for that gold of opportunity unceasingly even if it takes a lifetime.
How? By applying Life Management. According to Nido Qubein (visionay leader & great philanthropist, benefactor and humanitarian) Life management focuses on the activities that you are passionate about. We have time for whatever we are passionate about. I have a 'to-do'
list, but more importantly, I have a 'to-stop'list. I don't read newspaper in the morning; I read self-help, inspirational, and spiritual literature that uplifts me. I take vacations as an investment in memories with my children."
what it takes...
"it takes a minute to find special persons, an hour to appreciate special persons, a day to love them, an entire life to forget them."
"... life is too short my friend; look for that special someone and you'll find that person."
Days sans Jesus are:
"it takes a minute to find special persons, an hour to appreciate special persons, a day to love them, an entire life to forget them."
"... life is too short my friend; look for that special someone and you'll find that person."
Days sans Jesus are:
Monday, August 20, 2007
- It pays to go out to breathe some fresh air. Last Saturday we attended the Santo Nino de Agosto Fiesta. Twenty- one (21) Santo Nino Groups from all over Illinois including one from Wisconsin attended. The celebration with the procession around the block from St. Genevieve Church proved that there is that elusive beauty of unity in a world of diversity. It also showcased the vestige of Spanish religious influence in the Philippines. This is now manifested in the Santo Nino image found in almost every Filipino domiciles all over the world. And even on their vehicles.
- Sunday at Lone Tree Banquet Hall, we found ourselves submerged in the fun and frolics of the young, the music in the christening celebration. I met somebody that brought back wonderful memories of my schooldays.
- It really is healthy to be out of your shell regularly. It is a good living.
Country Life

I love the country with its charm
The varied green vegetables
Cattle grazing away from harm
And food always at your tables.
You can walk and you can smile
Or even cry and loudly shout
The echo could be heard a mile;
A Bamboo with a lovely sprout.
The breath of tropical dawn;
Admire the happy giggling trees
Slumber in the nature's lawn
And dream of the birds and the bees.
and dream of birds and bees.
Saturday, August 18, 2007

If this is the real thing, of course, the landscape and seascape change. "When you change the way you look at things; things change.
Looking at this picture for a second, you'll see that there is a great Unseen Painter which we call the Source of Abundance, of Beauty, of Love, of Truth.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Ray's the man...
There's a ray of intention in our life. A ray of hope. Of comfort.
He has the audacity to greet a newcomer. This person called Ray. It was at the Butera Store on Division that we exchanged infos on our who,why, what, when and where. That he was connected with Chase and Manhattan Bank. Then we crossed paths on some occasions.
On "The Pathway to Rome", we met, we talked and we dined.
Lately, we met at Rago's on Western Avenue. In a nutshell, we have things in common - frequenting and surfing the internet.
There's a ray of intention in our life. A ray of hope. Of comfort.
He has the audacity to greet a newcomer. This person called Ray. It was at the Butera Store on Division that we exchanged infos on our who,why, what, when and where. That he was connected with Chase and Manhattan Bank. Then we crossed paths on some occasions.
On "The Pathway to Rome", we met, we talked and we dined.
Lately, we met at Rago's on Western Avenue. In a nutshell, we have things in common - frequenting and surfing the internet.
Monday, August 13, 2007
On Retirement...
A priest's homily on the
sojourn from material to
the spiritual was extra-ordinarily unique in the sense that it was the first time I heard it but it was something to deal with. It is retirement at its best 'cuz worry is out of the question. No bills, no more planning of the next day, nada, zip...." as in my Father's place there are many mansions that are prepared for everyone and you have all that you need...
A priest's homily on the
sojourn from material to
the spiritual was extra-ordinarily unique in the sense that it was the first time I heard it but it was something to deal with. It is retirement at its best 'cuz worry is out of the question. No bills, no more planning of the next day, nada, zip...." as in my Father's place there are many mansions that are prepared for everyone and you have all that you need...

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Your Mind and what you think of the world.... (Upon reading The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer )
Your attitude then is paramount. 2 conditions of viewing the world - the positive and the negative. It's + or -. What is inside of you, your thinking will be manifested by the outside. If you want to be connected to the Origin, you have to purify your thinking by taking out the carbon dioxide of hatred and letting in the oxygen of love, kindness and beauty. With these you are in harmony with the Origin/the Creator which is the perfectness of you- the reason why you are on this earth at this point in time. The Creator of the Origin has the intention of your purpose....
7 Faces of Intention: 1) Creativity 2) Kindness 3) Love 4)Beauty 5)Expansion 6)Unlimited Abundance 7)Receptivity.
Love life. Love the beauty of the world with its ugliness. Be grateful that you are reading this; that you have a place in this earth; that you are with a purpose. Ergo, keep in tune to the music that this world gives. Listen to it with sincerity, with passion, with life.
Your attitude then is paramount. 2 conditions of viewing the world - the positive and the negative. It's + or -. What is inside of you, your thinking will be manifested by the outside. If you want to be connected to the Origin, you have to purify your thinking by taking out the carbon dioxide of hatred and letting in the oxygen of love, kindness and beauty. With these you are in harmony with the Origin/the Creator which is the perfectness of you- the reason why you are on this earth at this point in time. The Creator of the Origin has the intention of your purpose....
7 Faces of Intention: 1) Creativity 2) Kindness 3) Love 4)Beauty 5)Expansion 6)Unlimited Abundance 7)Receptivity.
Love life. Love the beauty of the world with its ugliness. Be grateful that you are reading this; that you have a place in this earth; that you are with a purpose. Ergo, keep in tune to the music that this world gives. Listen to it with sincerity, with passion, with life.
St Timothy Summer Dinner Dance (July 29, 2007)
Was a success. Lots of donated foods, drinks, dancing feet and wonderful music. And the music reverberated thru the church's basement. There were 3 live singers - 2 ladies and a gentleman plus another 2 on the background with their guitars. It was a motley crowd.
St. Timothy was alive with its new pastor, Fr. Peter Fernandes. Of course, there was tanduri chicken , kabobs, pita bread, pancit, chicken tenders, egg rolls, cakes, muffins, salad and fruits.
Visitors loved the live band. A couple almost stayed to the end just to listen to the sparkling voice of Ellen Balmadrid . 'Twas a night well spent.
Was a success. Lots of donated foods, drinks, dancing feet and wonderful music. And the music reverberated thru the church's basement. There were 3 live singers - 2 ladies and a gentleman plus another 2 on the background with their guitars. It was a motley crowd.
St. Timothy was alive with its new pastor, Fr. Peter Fernandes. Of course, there was tanduri chicken , kabobs, pita bread, pancit, chicken tenders, egg rolls, cakes, muffins, salad and fruits.
Visitors loved the live band. A couple almost stayed to the end just to listen to the sparkling voice of Ellen Balmadrid . 'Twas a night well spent.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Looking beyond our horizon we recall the glimmer of the past. Once again, the past becomes a pulsating present. Fr. Danny appears in the scene. And talks become gospel truth. Meanwhile, Fr. Pecto with bated breath hurriedly explains the beauty of saying the right thing and not to falter. However, Fr. Carlos' waiting may manifest the reply of tomorrow as Fr. Joseph's patience remain unquestionable. Maybe, the pastor can shed the light. Pastor Nonoy, that is.
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Friends and Memories. // Our greatest assets are our friends. True friends. Real friends. Sincere friends. And they fill the pages in the book of memories. They are diamonds. They last. They are forever... Really! Is friendship a lost cause? Surf www.roomwithapew.blogspot.com
Monday, June 18, 2007
On Father's Day

A father of two (on the left)and a father of the many (on the right) holding the image of the Holy Infant Jesus (Santo Nino) made in Cebu City, Philippines. This Holy Infant Image is a gift for Father Max of Uganda as a token of friendship.
"The family stands on two pillars of which each pillar is vital and essential for the family's growth and stability These two pillars are " Father and Mother". Today - we honor the father for the role in the life of the family.
St. Joseph played a significant and exemplary role in the life of the Holy Family. In his concern to provide for the family, he undertook the trade of a carpenter. When the family was in danger, he guided them to a safe place. When the time came for his family to deliver her firstborn in a foreign land, he turned to beg, without thought or care, for shelter. And, in his personal anguish, when the child was lost in Jerusalem, he neither blamed the mother, nor anybody else, but anxiously searched to find him.
Without the father, the family becomes vulnerable and faces a formidable challenge to cope up with the world. The weak and the fatherless find the world hostile toward them, for the father is the strength to his children and motivating force to overcome difficulties in their lives. Sadly, it is all too often, that only after the father is gone, he is appreciated for the love he gave to his family. Therefore, we have more reason to celebrate Father's day with sincere gratitude to them, for the dedication and many sacrifices.
The first Father's Day was observed on June 19,1910, in Spokane, Washington. At about the same time in various towns and cities across America, other people were beginning to celebrate a "Father's Day". In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father's Day. Finally, in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's day.
Father's Day has become a day to not only honor the father but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Father's day.
Today, let us pray that fathers will always execute their duties to their families with love and fidelity; that all the fathers will look at St Joseph, emulate his life and an exemplary figure to all people, especially to their own children. (Fr. Peter Fernandes,sfx)
June 17,2007 Father's Day.
On this day a reminder on the role of being a man, male figure, father,stepfather, grandfather,
uncle, or a father of the church. Historical dates:
June 19, 1910-ist Father's Day observed in Spokane, Wash. 1924, an idea of national Father's day gained support from Pres. Calvin Coolidge. 1966, Pres. Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation making 3rd sunday of June as Father's Day.
"Honor thy father..."
Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Carnival Liberty ( Panama built) on her maiden voyage cruising the tranquil Mediterranean Sea on regal splendor that started at the port of Civitavecchia, Italy to dock at 7 ports of: (1) Naples, Italy (2)Dubrovnik, Croatia (3) Venice, Italy (4) Messina, Sicily (5) Barcelona, Spain (6) Cannes, France (7) Livorno, Italy.
Monday, May 28, 2007

May 28, 2007: Memorial Day
In time's memory lanes, we remember familiar faces that etch wonderful moments in our lives. These golden moments that awaken our somnolence stare straight to our very core and unfold like a gorgeous panorama.
Yesterday's Dipolognon fiesta celebration attended by a record-breaking crowd from Zamboanga del Norte and beyond at Proesel Park, Lincolnwood, Illinois, USA invigorated me as I met www.Dipolognon 's owner and publisher, Eddie Artajo among others. He was also one of the pioneer officers of ZAMNAI. Details of the celebration are found online on www.dipolognon.com and comment on the resurrected www.ambibo.com.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
May 19, 2007 , Despedida Party in Chicago
Go placidly amid the noise & haste, & remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly & clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud & aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater & lesser persons than yourself.
ENJOY YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
EXERCISE CAUTION in your business affairs for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideas; and everywhere LIFE IS FULL OF HEROISM.
BE YOURSELF. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity & disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue & loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, BE AT PEACE WITH GOD, whatever you conceive HIM to be, and whatever your labors & aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. STRIVE TO BE HAPPY!
(Note: This poem is always in Fr. Thony's wallet and has guided him to be admirable, humble and grateful servant of God. His profound obsession is to do something noteworthy maybe write
a book on the goodness of this Life. No wonder he graduated with all A's on his masteral degree which is unprecedented in the school's recorded history.
To Fr. Manny Duterte's Zamboanga del Norte Group he fondly dedicate the above poem. And of Corinthians 13...If I love I conquer everything. )
Monday, May 14, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Mass of Thanksgiving
10th Anniversary of Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. as Archbishop of Chicago
May 12, 2007 at Holy Name Cathedral, Archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois
Fr. Peter Fernandes asked me to carry our banner as a representative from St. Timothy parish on the Banner Processional. Beautiful banners of different sizes representing the parishes of the Archdiocese were carried and displayed. The Cathedral was filled up to the brim as faithfuls and devotees from parishes came to witness and took part in the celebration. There were bishops , priests, nuns and lay ministers.
The Mass was a combination of English and Latin. Cardinal George's homily touched on Love and Fear. Jesus talks of Love. "Those who love me will keep my word. " Love is free driven not by fear but by desire and needs focus...And we are afraid of losing love. While fear is associated with loving one another. With love there is a fear of betrayal, of being faithful. Keep love forever; experience it to conquer fear. The Cardinal touched on Mothers' Day and Mothers. That love of mother is constant and it carries commands, reminders. But really it is a sign of Love.
Christ loves us even to the extent of his death but He is always with us in the Eucharist. God is Love! Christ is the center of love. Find the courage to love. And he extols The Blessed Virgin Mary being the Queen of the church. " That was a very good homily.
10th Anniversary of Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. as Archbishop of Chicago
May 12, 2007 at Holy Name Cathedral, Archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois
Fr. Peter Fernandes asked me to carry our banner as a representative from St. Timothy parish on the Banner Processional. Beautiful banners of different sizes representing the parishes of the Archdiocese were carried and displayed. The Cathedral was filled up to the brim as faithfuls and devotees from parishes came to witness and took part in the celebration. There were bishops , priests, nuns and lay ministers.
The Mass was a combination of English and Latin. Cardinal George's homily touched on Love and Fear. Jesus talks of Love. "Those who love me will keep my word. " Love is free driven not by fear but by desire and needs focus...And we are afraid of losing love. While fear is associated with loving one another. With love there is a fear of betrayal, of being faithful. Keep love forever; experience it to conquer fear. The Cardinal touched on Mothers' Day and Mothers. That love of mother is constant and it carries commands, reminders. But really it is a sign of Love.
Christ loves us even to the extent of his death but He is always with us in the Eucharist. God is Love! Christ is the center of love. Find the courage to love. And he extols The Blessed Virgin Mary being the Queen of the church. " That was a very good homily.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Wisdom to Live by ( Taken from my red Daily Reminder, 1980)
* Prayer is dialogue with God.
* The best form of spiritual exercise is kneeling.
* Why do we look down on any one, when only God is in the position to do it.
* Telescope heaven through your tears.
* Home is made and where the heart is.
* Give more of self to get more of life.
* The heart sees, what's invisible to the eye
*Everything has its beauty: you have to appreciate it.
* Give more of self to get more of life.
* What we daily do or act or think spells CHARACTER.
* Taking revenge, you become the enemy; in passing over it, you are superior.
* Prayer is dialogue with God.
* The best form of spiritual exercise is kneeling.
* Why do we look down on any one, when only God is in the position to do it.
* Telescope heaven through your tears.
* Home is made and where the heart is.
* Give more of self to get more of life.
* The heart sees, what's invisible to the eye
*Everything has its beauty: you have to appreciate it.
* Give more of self to get more of life.
* What we daily do or act or think spells CHARACTER.
* Taking revenge, you become the enemy; in passing over it, you are superior.
Recipe For A Happy New Year
(Found this on my Green Standard Diary)
Take 12 months. Clean them thoroughly of all BITTERNESS, HATE, and JEALOUSY. Make them just as fresh and clean as possible. Now cut each month into 28, 30 or 31 different parts, but don't make up the whole batch at once. Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day one part of FAITH, one part of PATIENCE, one part of COURAGE, and one part of sincere WORK. Add to each day one part of HOPE, FAITHFULNESS, GENEROSITY, and KINDNESS. Blend with one part of PRAYER, one part of MEDITATION and one good DEED. Season the whole with a dash of good SPIRITS, a sprinkle of FUN, a pinch of PLAY, and a cupful of good HUMOR.
Pour all of this into a vessel of LOVE. Cook thoroughly over radiant JOY. Garnish with a SMILE, and serve with QUIETNESS, UNSELFISHNESS, AND CHEERFULNESS.
You're bound to have a HAPPY NEW YEAR. And do this recipe every New Year! Promise?
(Found this on my Green Standard Diary)
Take 12 months. Clean them thoroughly of all BITTERNESS, HATE, and JEALOUSY. Make them just as fresh and clean as possible. Now cut each month into 28, 30 or 31 different parts, but don't make up the whole batch at once. Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day one part of FAITH, one part of PATIENCE, one part of COURAGE, and one part of sincere WORK. Add to each day one part of HOPE, FAITHFULNESS, GENEROSITY, and KINDNESS. Blend with one part of PRAYER, one part of MEDITATION and one good DEED. Season the whole with a dash of good SPIRITS, a sprinkle of FUN, a pinch of PLAY, and a cupful of good HUMOR.
Pour all of this into a vessel of LOVE. Cook thoroughly over radiant JOY. Garnish with a SMILE, and serve with QUIETNESS, UNSELFISHNESS, AND CHEERFULNESS.
You're bound to have a HAPPY NEW YEAR. And do this recipe every New Year! Promise?
Sunday, May 06, 2007
On Relationships (05/06/07)
"It's good to be known as individuals, but great to be known by relationships," wrote Fr. Darow, pastor of St. Hilary Church.
I found this amusing looking back on my unpretentious journey on the rough and smooth streets of the land called Life. All along the way I encountered people of different sizes, shapes, beliefs, habits, attitudes , nationalities and personalities. They all are human, loving, understanding and have unique philosophies in their own perspectives. They have fears. They want to live. They seek adventures.
It was a long journey. Enrolled in 7 schools. Took 6 courses. Finally settled to one with a major which to me is vague. I made it. And I am still a student in the University of Life.
With the above background, I was enthused with the euphoria on the relationships with the world riddled with uncertainties and concerns.
The commencement of the relationships with the Church was a fluke of circumstance . It was the invitation to enter the Seminary; then to the outside of its walls that triggered the close relationship to the Creator. I realized that this valley of laughter and tears is still a beautiful place to live. I saw it in the Botanic Garden. The blooming tulips of myriad varied colors. The silver swans gliding comfortably in the man-made lake. The Japanese garden with its dwarfed trees. The Japanese revered age. Reason why decorative plants and trees are cut or pruned regularly .
Meanwhile, this Sunday's first reading from the Acts narrated the successful first missionary journey of Paul, Barnabas and the members of the church of Antioch reaching a noted conclusion that - God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. Historically, Judaism prided itself as being God's chosen people. And the idea of God offering salvation to the Gentiles ( to us) was still a controversial idea for many Jews.
I felt some sort of satisfaction as I opted the route leading to the Church. I developed friendly relationships with a priest, a bishop and a nun superintendent of RVM schools (who is a doctorate degree holder). With them in close door conversations I discovered that they all possessed humility, down-to-earthness, fondness for things beautiful, gratefulness, the profound love of the Creator and the creatures.
And in the church, I give credence to this relationship to the Almighty and to one another through the Lord -be-with-you's, cheek-kisses to loved ones and shaking of hands, even the Communion. I am still wrestling with the audacity to take this relationship from the "inside" of the church to the "outside" of the street. Not suffice just to believe. I have to live with it. And this faith-relationship must be manifested. That is taking it from the "inside" of the heart and soul to the "outside" of the words and actions.
The relationships did not only extend to a priest, a bishop and a nun superintendent but also on crossing the borders of memberships to devotional groups, the Toastmasters club, the Christophers and the Knights of Columbus . And all these have slowly molded me to a closer relationship to the Supreme Lord and Almighty Savior.
Truly, "it's good to be known as individuals, but great to be known by our relationships."
"It's good to be known as individuals, but great to be known by relationships," wrote Fr. Darow, pastor of St. Hilary Church.
I found this amusing looking back on my unpretentious journey on the rough and smooth streets of the land called Life. All along the way I encountered people of different sizes, shapes, beliefs, habits, attitudes , nationalities and personalities. They all are human, loving, understanding and have unique philosophies in their own perspectives. They have fears. They want to live. They seek adventures.
It was a long journey. Enrolled in 7 schools. Took 6 courses. Finally settled to one with a major which to me is vague. I made it. And I am still a student in the University of Life.
With the above background, I was enthused with the euphoria on the relationships with the world riddled with uncertainties and concerns.
The commencement of the relationships with the Church was a fluke of circumstance . It was the invitation to enter the Seminary; then to the outside of its walls that triggered the close relationship to the Creator. I realized that this valley of laughter and tears is still a beautiful place to live. I saw it in the Botanic Garden. The blooming tulips of myriad varied colors. The silver swans gliding comfortably in the man-made lake. The Japanese garden with its dwarfed trees. The Japanese revered age. Reason why decorative plants and trees are cut or pruned regularly .
Meanwhile, this Sunday's first reading from the Acts narrated the successful first missionary journey of Paul, Barnabas and the members of the church of Antioch reaching a noted conclusion that - God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. Historically, Judaism prided itself as being God's chosen people. And the idea of God offering salvation to the Gentiles ( to us) was still a controversial idea for many Jews.
I felt some sort of satisfaction as I opted the route leading to the Church. I developed friendly relationships with a priest, a bishop and a nun superintendent of RVM schools (who is a doctorate degree holder). With them in close door conversations I discovered that they all possessed humility, down-to-earthness, fondness for things beautiful, gratefulness, the profound love of the Creator and the creatures.
And in the church, I give credence to this relationship to the Almighty and to one another through the Lord -be-with-you's, cheek-kisses to loved ones and shaking of hands, even the Communion. I am still wrestling with the audacity to take this relationship from the "inside" of the church to the "outside" of the street. Not suffice just to believe. I have to live with it. And this faith-relationship must be manifested. That is taking it from the "inside" of the heart and soul to the "outside" of the words and actions.
The relationships did not only extend to a priest, a bishop and a nun superintendent but also on crossing the borders of memberships to devotional groups, the Toastmasters club, the Christophers and the Knights of Columbus . And all these have slowly molded me to a closer relationship to the Supreme Lord and Almighty Savior.
Truly, "it's good to be known as individuals, but great to be known by our relationships."
Saturday, May 05, 2007
May 05/07, Saturday
'Twas an activity filled day. Drove Sister Ma. Rachel , RVM superintendent (Northern Mindanao) to Midway Airport (on the southwest side of Chicago, Illinois ) for San Fran then to the Philippines.
After the hugs and goodbyes, she left. Her departure was at 10 am. At least, she left a heart in Chicago.
Dropped Rico, her hermano by 59th st. train station. Viring, my sister and I proceeded to 3826 Wesley st. at village of Cicero via Pershing Road for a home care-giving job. Then I was by myself on the '2000 firethorn red SUV Chevy Blazer. I hit 1-55 (Ronald Regan Expressway) and exited to Cass Ave at Darien, Illinois . I met my wife, Eve at Our Lady of Peace Church where a close nurse friend of hers was given a funeral mass. Found old friends and recapped past memories. Back home by 3:30 pm. Tired but rejuvenated fanned by the breeze of comforting chit-chats on bygone moments.
A beginning and an ending. The cycle of existence. Knowledge of life. Survival. Accumulation of wealth, of money, of wisdom . And fading away into oblivion with a hopeful note of life eternal.
"We only meet on moments like this," quipped a friend. Indeed, he hit the nail by the head as in this fast-paced land of "milk and honey" time is precious.
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine ...
you are precious in My eyes, and honored, and I love you." - Isaiah 43:1,4.
As an enthusiast and member of The Christophers, I found this Three Ideals worth printing:
1. EVERYONE HAS A GOD-GIVEN MISSION. You have a job to do in this world that only you can do. A healthy sense of self is directly related to knowing your mission in life.
11. ONE PERSON CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Your efforts might seem insignificant to you but they may be all that is needed to overcome great evil. Take courage and follow your heart.
111. POSITIVE, CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION WORKS MIRACLES. Complaining can be a waste of precious time and energy. Be positive. "Its better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." - Father John Catoir, Director of the Christophers.
'Twas an activity filled day. Drove Sister Ma. Rachel , RVM superintendent (Northern Mindanao) to Midway Airport (on the southwest side of Chicago, Illinois ) for San Fran then to the Philippines.
After the hugs and goodbyes, she left. Her departure was at 10 am. At least, she left a heart in Chicago.
Dropped Rico, her hermano by 59th st. train station. Viring, my sister and I proceeded to 3826 Wesley st. at village of Cicero via Pershing Road for a home care-giving job. Then I was by myself on the '2000 firethorn red SUV Chevy Blazer. I hit 1-55 (Ronald Regan Expressway) and exited to Cass Ave at Darien, Illinois . I met my wife, Eve at Our Lady of Peace Church where a close nurse friend of hers was given a funeral mass. Found old friends and recapped past memories. Back home by 3:30 pm. Tired but rejuvenated fanned by the breeze of comforting chit-chats on bygone moments.
A beginning and an ending. The cycle of existence. Knowledge of life. Survival. Accumulation of wealth, of money, of wisdom . And fading away into oblivion with a hopeful note of life eternal.
"We only meet on moments like this," quipped a friend. Indeed, he hit the nail by the head as in this fast-paced land of "milk and honey" time is precious.
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine ...
you are precious in My eyes, and honored, and I love you." - Isaiah 43:1,4.
As an enthusiast and member of The Christophers, I found this Three Ideals worth printing:
1. EVERYONE HAS A GOD-GIVEN MISSION. You have a job to do in this world that only you can do. A healthy sense of self is directly related to knowing your mission in life.
11. ONE PERSON CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Your efforts might seem insignificant to you but they may be all that is needed to overcome great evil. Take courage and follow your heart.
111. POSITIVE, CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION WORKS MIRACLES. Complaining can be a waste of precious time and energy. Be positive. "Its better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." - Father John Catoir, Director of the Christophers.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Ordinary, simple gestures could offer amazing results. And this little acts create large ripples.
Ponder on these:
" Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." ---Leo Buscaglia.
"Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows." - Robert Green Ingersoll
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves." - James M. Barrie.
"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness or abilities that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now.Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn.
Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate." - Albert Schweitzer.
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates Love." - Tao Te Ching.
Ponder on these:
" Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." ---Leo Buscaglia.
"Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows." - Robert Green Ingersoll
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves." - James M. Barrie.
"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness or abilities that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now.Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn.
Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate." - Albert Schweitzer.
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates Love." - Tao Te Ching.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Father-Son-Holy Spirit: 3 Divine Persons in 1 God
Beyond human comprehension. An amazing mystery.
God, The Father: Omnipresent (present everywhere) Omnipotent (unlimited & powerful) Omniscient (knowing everything) ,
The creation. Goodness in everything.
Adam & Eve
The garden of Eden.
The Great Fall.
The Satanic victory.
Unlimited Love. Boundless Mercy
The New Eve & New Adam
God, the Son : Redeemer of the World
Virgin Mary.
The Fiat.
Jesus Christ. Endless Love.
The sorrowful passion
Golgotha. Source of Life. Immeasurable mercy.
Death and Resurrection.
The Eucharist.
The Second Coming.
The Union with the Holy, Mighty and Immortal God in Eternity.
Always pray and never be separated from Him as we journey through Life.
Beyond human comprehension. An amazing mystery.
God, The Father: Omnipresent (present everywhere) Omnipotent (unlimited & powerful) Omniscient (knowing everything) ,
The creation. Goodness in everything.
Adam & Eve
The garden of Eden.
The Great Fall.
The Satanic victory.
Unlimited Love. Boundless Mercy
The New Eve & New Adam
God, the Son : Redeemer of the World
Virgin Mary.
The Fiat.
Jesus Christ. Endless Love.
The sorrowful passion
Golgotha. Source of Life. Immeasurable mercy.
Death and Resurrection.
The Eucharist.
The Second Coming.
The Union with the Holy, Mighty and Immortal God in Eternity.
Always pray and never be separated from Him as we journey through Life.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Letters of Bishop Zafra
Letters From Bishop Felix S Zafra ( First Bishop of Zamboanga del Norte Diocese )
The Apostolate for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Ubujan District, Tagbilaran City, Philippines 6300
To you, dear in Christ : Greg and Eve
Happy Easter! How are you and the boys? Peace be with you and joy in the RISEN CHRIST!
In response to God's immense love and Divine Mercy (Jn: 3:16) and to His just complaint, "Could you not watch an hour with Me?" (Mt. 26:40). We are humbly and earnestly inviting you to join in the Apostolate for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.
The Good Lord grants us 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week "gratis et amore" (free and with love).
Please be generous. Visit Him in the BLESSED SACRAMENT. In your absence a votive light to flicker in the Adoration Chapel will be a pleasing sight and a welcome testimony of your love.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Sincerely in JMJT,
Felix S. Zafra
Bishop Emeritus, APEA
Oct 5, 2000
Dear Eve and Greg,
Really I cannot find adequate words. How I wish I could write in letters of gold. These lines are but a feeble expressions of my most heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation of kind accommodation and generous services to this least of Christ's servants. In my inadequacy, I humbly ask St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the powerful intercession of our Lady of the Holy Rosary to let a shower of blessings from God , our loving Father.
May you grow in love for each other and the boys grow to mature as men inspite of the trials in life. Keeping you all in my grateful prayers with every good wish and blessings
Sincerely in JMJT,
+ Bp. Zafra
Oct 13, 2000
Dear Eve and Greg,
Deo Gratias! I arrived home safe and sound. The memories of a wonderful family in Chicago lingers. The sacrifices of their time, car, services and the warm comfort of their home are greatly appreciated.
In my inadequacy to thank you enough, I humbly offer my poor prayers to the Good Lord for His choice and abundant blessing of peace and prosperity upon all the members of the dear family.
From now to December, God willing I'll make efforts to visit Decoy and Peta who has been instrumental in bringing about goodness to the Caermare-Trabanca family.
Wishing you all the best
God's love, Jesus' hug and bless you all,
+ Msgr. Zafra P.S. May I have the address of your sister in Japan?
Bp. Emeritus of Tagbilaran Thanks, Bp. Zafra
Jan. 14, 1999
Dear Eve and Greg,
Warm cordial greetings from the Philippines. Thanks be to God, I arrived safe and sound in early morning of Jan. 12, 1996.
Thank you very much for facilitating the visits to various places and for the generous donations I received from our friends.
I was stranded in Cincinnati due to heavy snow and freezing rains. I had the first experience of being in wheel chair from terminal to terminal.
Keeping you in my grateful prayers and wishing you all the best in 1999.
Sincerely in JMJT,
+ Bishop Zafra
Aug. 3, 1998
Dear Eve and Greg,
Due to the precarious health of my dear sister (Nang Naning) I have to postpone my trip to USA. I hope I can make it between Sept. 15 and October 15.
How are you and your young men? How are you enjoying your summer vacation? I hope you are all in good health.
Would you know of Spanish-speaking people who can make use of Holy Hour in Spanish? May I have the address of the new priest Perfecto Vasquez?
Keeping you in my prayers with every good wish and blessing.
Sincerely in JMJT,
+Bp. Zafra
The Apostolate for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Ubujan District, Tagbilaran City, Philippines 6300
To you, dear in Christ : Greg and Eve
Happy Easter! How are you and the boys? Peace be with you and joy in the RISEN CHRIST!
In response to God's immense love and Divine Mercy (Jn: 3:16) and to His just complaint, "Could you not watch an hour with Me?" (Mt. 26:40). We are humbly and earnestly inviting you to join in the Apostolate for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.
The Good Lord grants us 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week "gratis et amore" (free and with love).
Please be generous. Visit Him in the BLESSED SACRAMENT. In your absence a votive light to flicker in the Adoration Chapel will be a pleasing sight and a welcome testimony of your love.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Sincerely in JMJT,
Felix S. Zafra
Bishop Emeritus, APEA
Oct 5, 2000
Dear Eve and Greg,
Really I cannot find adequate words. How I wish I could write in letters of gold. These lines are but a feeble expressions of my most heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation of kind accommodation and generous services to this least of Christ's servants. In my inadequacy, I humbly ask St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the powerful intercession of our Lady of the Holy Rosary to let a shower of blessings from God , our loving Father.
May you grow in love for each other and the boys grow to mature as men inspite of the trials in life. Keeping you all in my grateful prayers with every good wish and blessings
Sincerely in JMJT,
+ Bp. Zafra
Oct 13, 2000
Dear Eve and Greg,
Deo Gratias! I arrived home safe and sound. The memories of a wonderful family in Chicago lingers. The sacrifices of their time, car, services and the warm comfort of their home are greatly appreciated.
In my inadequacy to thank you enough, I humbly offer my poor prayers to the Good Lord for His choice and abundant blessing of peace and prosperity upon all the members of the dear family.
From now to December, God willing I'll make efforts to visit Decoy and Peta who has been instrumental in bringing about goodness to the Caermare-Trabanca family.
Wishing you all the best
God's love, Jesus' hug and bless you all,
+ Msgr. Zafra P.S. May I have the address of your sister in Japan?
Bp. Emeritus of Tagbilaran Thanks, Bp. Zafra
Jan. 14, 1999
Dear Eve and Greg,
Warm cordial greetings from the Philippines. Thanks be to God, I arrived safe and sound in early morning of Jan. 12, 1996.
Thank you very much for facilitating the visits to various places and for the generous donations I received from our friends.
I was stranded in Cincinnati due to heavy snow and freezing rains. I had the first experience of being in wheel chair from terminal to terminal.
Keeping you in my grateful prayers and wishing you all the best in 1999.
Sincerely in JMJT,
+ Bishop Zafra
Aug. 3, 1998
Dear Eve and Greg,
Due to the precarious health of my dear sister (Nang Naning) I have to postpone my trip to USA. I hope I can make it between Sept. 15 and October 15.
How are you and your young men? How are you enjoying your summer vacation? I hope you are all in good health.
Would you know of Spanish-speaking people who can make use of Holy Hour in Spanish? May I have the address of the new priest Perfecto Vasquez?
Keeping you in my prayers with every good wish and blessing.
Sincerely in JMJT,
+Bp. Zafra
Letter From Fr. Max
04/06/07 2:23:07 pm Central Standard Time
Hi Greg, Hi Eve,
It is nice to hear from you, and thank you very much for the prayers and Easter greetings. I pray that the Risen Lord stays with you each and every day of your life. You are always in my prayers. Please pass on my greetings to all my friends, especially those struggling with illness.
God's blessings, now and always.
04/06/07 2:23:07 pm Central Standard Time
Hi Greg, Hi Eve,
It is nice to hear from you, and thank you very much for the prayers and Easter greetings. I pray that the Risen Lord stays with you each and every day of your life. You are always in my prayers. Please pass on my greetings to all my friends, especially those struggling with illness.
God's blessings, now and always.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The Memorare and Anima Christi
Prayers To Live By
The Memorare
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To you I come; before you, I stand sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate! Despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me Amen.
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me; Water from the side of Christ, wash me; O good Jesus, hear me; Within your wounds hide me ; Separated from you, let me never be; From the evil one protect me; And close to you bid me; That with your saints, I may be, praising you forever and ever. Amen.
The Memorare
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To you I come; before you, I stand sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate! Despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me Amen.
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me; Water from the side of Christ, wash me; O good Jesus, hear me; Within your wounds hide me ; Separated from you, let me never be; From the evil one protect me; And close to you bid me; That with your saints, I may be, praising you forever and ever. Amen.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
In the Patient's Eyes (02/25/07)
In the Patient's Eyes
As he welcomed the Word made Flesh
And led it into his sin-stained
Body of his being made fresh;
When mire and mud of sin were drained.
As the soft breath of dawn proclaimed
The life of day came to be seen;
The song with its lyric acclaimed
And permeated over the glen.
The psalm of love. Tale of a journey
The song of life. An elegy.
A gospel of reality.
The gentle tears from the patient's eye
Galvanized my ministry. And I
Was bathed in my humanity.
"Tempus fugit. Memento mori."
(Note) The Ministry of Care
When in the patient's eyes tears flowed
I saw a star of hope and more
In the sky, while the waves bellowed
Below dashing to the waiting shore.
Self surrendered to the Power
Of the unseen Motivator
With its bracing April shower
As witnessed by this narrator.
I saw a star of hope and more
In the sky, while the waves bellowed
Below dashing to the waiting shore.
Self surrendered to the Power
Of the unseen Motivator
With its bracing April shower
As witnessed by this narrator.
As he welcomed the Word made Flesh
And led it into his sin-stained
Body of his being made fresh;
When mire and mud of sin were drained.
As the soft breath of dawn proclaimed
The life of day came to be seen;
The song with its lyric acclaimed
And permeated over the glen.
The psalm of love. Tale of a journey
The song of life. An elegy.
A gospel of reality.
The gentle tears from the patient's eye
Galvanized my ministry. And I
Was bathed in my humanity.
"Tempus fugit. Memento mori."
(Note) The Ministry of Care
Two men and a woman. They were Ministers of Care of St. Timothy Church, (which was recently merged with Holy Child Jesus parish) who were scheduled on a Sunday for the Catholic patients of the Swedish Covenant Hospital at the corner of California and Foster Avenues in Chicago, Illinois to give Holy Communion. I was one of the men. This poem was inspired by my encounter with a patient who shed tears of joy upon receiving the Holy Communion. This particular patient spoke a few English words but has the genius of Catholicism stamped in his system. This memorable experience flashbacked my seminary days - that a tear literally speaks the profound stirrings of a human soul in the quest for happiness and salvation. (Greg In Trabanca)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
02/21/07 Ash Wednesday
Memento Morti - Remember death.
From dust thou art to dust thou shalt return! With this reminder, let us remember our point of destination which is vital in our earthly journey. And today, we ask our Creator to grant eternal rest to a dear friend who left this world to return to where he came from.
Use of Ashes
The use of ashes is believed to have its start in the 16th century by Pope Gregory, the Great.It was a sign of humility and mortality as well as for sorrow and repentance as told in the old Testament. A practice of the church by the 10th century was the receiving of ashes on the head as a reminder of mortality and sign of sorrow for sin. Ashes are from the burnt palm. In the Catholic church, the ashes are put on the forehead in the sign of the cross as a reminder of the anointing with oil in baptism. In other places, ashes are scattered on the top of the head.
All Catholics must observe abstinence and fasting.
Memento Morti - Remember death.
From dust thou art to dust thou shalt return! With this reminder, let us remember our point of destination which is vital in our earthly journey. And today, we ask our Creator to grant eternal rest to a dear friend who left this world to return to where he came from.
Use of Ashes
The use of ashes is believed to have its start in the 16th century by Pope Gregory, the Great.It was a sign of humility and mortality as well as for sorrow and repentance as told in the old Testament. A practice of the church by the 10th century was the receiving of ashes on the head as a reminder of mortality and sign of sorrow for sin. Ashes are from the burnt palm. In the Catholic church, the ashes are put on the forehead in the sign of the cross as a reminder of the anointing with oil in baptism. In other places, ashes are scattered on the top of the head.
All Catholics must observe abstinence and fasting.
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Emergence of a Company
Sat. Feb.20/07
Mass & Blessing of RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS, INC. 1-847-961-3100 Phone
999 E. Touhy Ave., Suite 170-C Des Plaines, IL 60018 1-847-961-3101 Fax No.
RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS is a realty and mortgage company with a unique business technique. It has the combination of networking and multi-level marketing plans coupled with financial education, treating those who join not as agents but as businessmen/women making them parts of the company.
There was Mass , Blessing, ribbon cutting, dinner and company business presentation . More than hundred people attended. The owner/founder and big bosses of the parent company RC LEGACY OF CALIFORNIA, INC came. It was a great success and many signed to join.
Sat. Feb.20/07
Mass & Blessing of RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS, INC. 1-847-961-3100 Phone
999 E. Touhy Ave., Suite 170-C Des Plaines, IL 60018 1-847-961-3101 Fax No.
RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS is a realty and mortgage company with a unique business technique. It has the combination of networking and multi-level marketing plans coupled with financial education, treating those who join not as agents but as businessmen/women making them parts of the company.
There was Mass , Blessing, ribbon cutting, dinner and company business presentation . More than hundred people attended. The owner/founder and big bosses of the parent company RC LEGACY OF CALIFORNIA, INC came. It was a great success and many signed to join.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Symptoms of Inner Peace
(Taken from the church's sunday bulletin)
" Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed to inner peace and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. this could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the world."
Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:
* A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.
* An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
* A loss of interest in judging other people.
* A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.
* A loss of interest in conflict.
* A loss of the ability to worry. (This is very serious symptom.)
* Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
* Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.
* Frequent attacks of smiling.
* An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.
* An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Value of the Holy Mass
Tremendous Value of the Holy Mass
At the hour of death, the Holy Mass you have heard devoutly will be your greatest consolation.
God forgives you all the venial sins which you are determined to avoid. He forgives you all the unknown sins which you never confessed. the power of Satan over you is diminished.
Every Mass will go with you to Judgment and will plead for pardon for you.
By every Mass, you can diminish the temporal punishment due to your sins, more or less, according to your favor.
By devoutly assisting at the Holy Mass you render the greatest homage possible to the Sacred Humanity of our Lord.
Through the Holy Sacrifice, Our Lord Jesus Christ supplies for many of your negligences and omissions.
By piously hearing the Holy Mass you afford the Souls in Purgatory the greatest possible relief.
One Holy Mass heard during your life will be more beneficial to you than many heard for you after your death.
Through the Holy Mass, you are preserved from many dangers and misfortunes which would otherwise have befallen you. You shorten your Purgatory by every Mass.
During the Holy Mass, you kneel amid a multitude of holy Angels, who are present at the Adorable Sacrifice with reverential awe.
Through Holy Mass, you are blessed in your temporal goods and affairs.
When you hear Holy Mass devoutly, offering it to Almighty God in honor of any particular Saint or Angel, thanking God for the favors bestowed on him, etc.,etc., you afford the Saint or Angel a new degree of honor, joy, and happiness and draw his special love and protection on yourself.
Every time you assist at Holy Mass, besides other intentions, you should offer it in honor of the Saint of the day.
(These quotes are taken from the book THE HIDDEN TREASURE-HOLY MASS by St. Leonard. Imprimatur *Michael Augustine Archbishop of New York Jan. 2, 1890.)
Tremendous Value of the Holy Mass
At the hour of death, the Holy Mass you have heard devoutly will be your greatest consolation.
God forgives you all the venial sins which you are determined to avoid. He forgives you all the unknown sins which you never confessed. the power of Satan over you is diminished.
Every Mass will go with you to Judgment and will plead for pardon for you.
By every Mass, you can diminish the temporal punishment due to your sins, more or less, according to your favor.
By devoutly assisting at the Holy Mass you render the greatest homage possible to the Sacred Humanity of our Lord.
Through the Holy Sacrifice, Our Lord Jesus Christ supplies for many of your negligences and omissions.
By piously hearing the Holy Mass you afford the Souls in Purgatory the greatest possible relief.
One Holy Mass heard during your life will be more beneficial to you than many heard for you after your death.
Through the Holy Mass, you are preserved from many dangers and misfortunes which would otherwise have befallen you. You shorten your Purgatory by every Mass.
During the Holy Mass, you kneel amid a multitude of holy Angels, who are present at the Adorable Sacrifice with reverential awe.
Through Holy Mass, you are blessed in your temporal goods and affairs.
When you hear Holy Mass devoutly, offering it to Almighty God in honor of any particular Saint or Angel, thanking God for the favors bestowed on him, etc.,etc., you afford the Saint or Angel a new degree of honor, joy, and happiness and draw his special love and protection on yourself.
Every time you assist at Holy Mass, besides other intentions, you should offer it in honor of the Saint of the day.
(These quotes are taken from the book THE HIDDEN TREASURE-HOLY MASS by St. Leonard. Imprimatur *Michael Augustine Archbishop of New York Jan. 2, 1890.)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Birth is the beginning...
My wife works at the Hospital in LDR (Labor & Delivey room). She loves her job. She is the first to witness the commencement of life. No better career in the world can offer you comfort than to discover that the alpha of life is within your vision . And within reach is also the omega of existence . In the hospital, that is.
Time flies.
A score and ten years ago, I was in the Land of the Morning, of sunshine and rain , of laughing shores and singing rivers, of coconut palms and green hills. I used to go home late with friends enjoying the blessings and curses of youth. We don't have designated drivers as we walked with our young feet . We were guided by the brilliance of the stars, by the lessons from nature.The night is our friend.
We loved our world with its hopes, its dreams, its promises. We made our life enjoyable, fruitful and lovable. Without our knowledge we envisioned Life as a journey.
My wife works at the Hospital in LDR (Labor & Delivey room). She loves her job. She is the first to witness the commencement of life. No better career in the world can offer you comfort than to discover that the alpha of life is within your vision . And within reach is also the omega of existence . In the hospital, that is.
Time flies.
A score and ten years ago, I was in the Land of the Morning, of sunshine and rain , of laughing shores and singing rivers, of coconut palms and green hills. I used to go home late with friends enjoying the blessings and curses of youth. We don't have designated drivers as we walked with our young feet . We were guided by the brilliance of the stars, by the lessons from nature.The night is our friend.
We loved our world with its hopes, its dreams, its promises. We made our life enjoyable, fruitful and lovable. Without our knowledge we envisioned Life as a journey.
Mediterranean Voyage
The Journey of a Lifetime
It was a memorable Mediterranean voyage seeing the world with its awesome beauty in the historical perspective. It was a trip of tourists on a budget scenario.
We flew. We cruised. We indulged in temporary luxury: the unforgettable 7-port, 12-day European vacation on the bluish, placid Mediterranean Sea.
After working all your life, you need a respite; days of wallowing in fun and thinking of only good days, excellent food, and wonderful company in a meditative scenario under the smiling skies, lovely ocean caresses by the amiable breeze, and beautiful people of the Holy, Mighty, Immortal One.
My wife - Evangeline "Eve/Vangie" Rueles Caermare Trabanca, a cousin (Belen) Babylane Rueles) the Buens , Dr. Wilfredo "Willy" and Zenaida, "Zeny" Buen, and I were tourists-passengers who belonged to the FEU-Nursing Alumni Association Group under the auspices of Tess Manuel's Mundo Travel agency.
This was the maiden voyage of the Carnival Liberty and our first ocean travel across one of the Seven Seas. The cruise ship took us to the ports of (1.) Naples, Italy (2) Dubrovnik, Croatia (3) Venice, Italy (4) Messina, Sicily (5) Barcelona, Spain (6) Cannes, France and (7) Livorno, Italy.
Before we boarded the queenly look and European-inspired interior Carnival Liberty, we stayed in Rome for 2 nights. We visited the Sistine Chapel; marveled at Michelangelo's work of arts displayed on the ceiling. We walked the Spanish Steps; petrified at St. Peter's Square (Piazza San Pietro) where the greatest church in Christendom, St Peter Basilica stands. We viewed the Vatican - "the smallest state in the world at the center of the largest spiritual kingdom." However, we missed the Pope's audience but we threw 3 coins in Trevi Fountain and witnessed the glory of Rome in the Pantheon, which is the city's only architecturally intact monument from classical times
4th Port: Messina, Sicily. It is a city of great interest for its arts is surrounded by a region of immense beauty. It is known as the "Gateway to Sicily". It lies under the foothills of the Peloritani Mountains, facing the straight of Messina, which takes its name from the city and is the umbilical cord joining Sicily to the continent.
Messina, as we see today, is a fine modern city, restored to its former splendor by a grid of wide, well-lit avenues, lined by buildings which are strictly earthquake-resistance, in the context of an extremely symmetrical and linear city layout.
5th Port: Barcelona, Spain is a dynamic and innovative Spanish city that unites the traditions of 2,000 years of history and its characteristic propensity for expansion, commerce, and creativity. It prides on its architectural richness, culture, transfor- mations, organization, and modernity. Cathedral de la Sagrada Familia (Holy Family), its most distinctive landmark vividly depicted the modernist Antonio Gaudi's style. His designs combined stone, iron, and ceramics in a rather commanding and certainly irreverent fashion.
We saw: the Baptistry Chapel with its marble fonts, the chapel of St. Oleguer with its wrought-iron gate darkened by praying hands, and the smoke of devotional candles placed by the people in honor of the Christ of Lepanto which accompanied John of Austria at the Battle of Lepanto. We were guided: to the Ramblas, the soul of the city, "the most beautiful street in the world" according to the famous writer Somerset Maugham.
6th Port: Cannes, France is the venue of the Annual Film Festival and was our 6th port. Then we went to the principality of Monaco of which Monte Carlo is one of its districts and is made famous by the marriage of the pretty Hollywood actress Grace Kelley to Prince Ranier III of the Grimaldi Family that ruled the island. It was in a Monaco Club, that the hotel heiress Paris Hilton met her Greek billionaire shipping heir boyfriend, Paris Latsis ten years ago as a teenager.
In Monaco, we gambled. We lost. But we won that status symbol of being there in the pleasant place of the rich and famous. The guide said that "there is always a time and place for everything, for the principality of Monaco is a land where flowers of peace grow. It is a tiny land, described by French film director - playwright Marcel Pagnol, " where the arts can still live in the shade of the olive tree, close to the Latin Sea, where the authority of one only safeguards the liberty of all."
7th port: Livorno, a major Italian port city is an entry point to the beautiful city of Florence, the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, and Pisa - home of the renowned leaning Tower, one of the wonders of the ancient world.
After the last glimpse and pose for posterity, the fun ship Carnival Liberty docked at the port of Civitavecchia, Italy. Then off we went to Leonardo da Vinci's Airport. Arrivederci, Roma!
It was a memorable Mediterranean voyage seeing the world with its awesome beauty in the historical perspective. It was a trip of tourists on a budget scenario.
We flew. We cruised. We indulged in temporary luxury: the unforgettable 7-port, 12-day European vacation on the bluish, placid Mediterranean Sea.
After working all your life, you need a respite; days of wallowing in fun and thinking of only good days, excellent food, and wonderful company in a meditative scenario under the smiling skies, lovely ocean caresses by the amiable breeze, and beautiful people of the Holy, Mighty, Immortal One.
My wife - Evangeline "Eve/Vangie" Rueles Caermare Trabanca, a cousin (Belen) Babylane Rueles) the Buens , Dr. Wilfredo "Willy" and Zenaida, "Zeny" Buen, and I were tourists-passengers who belonged to the FEU-Nursing Alumni Association Group under the auspices of Tess Manuel's Mundo Travel agency.
This was the maiden voyage of the Carnival Liberty and our first ocean travel across one of the Seven Seas. The cruise ship took us to the ports of (1.) Naples, Italy (2) Dubrovnik, Croatia (3) Venice, Italy (4) Messina, Sicily (5) Barcelona, Spain (6) Cannes, France and (7) Livorno, Italy.
Before we boarded the queenly look and European-inspired interior Carnival Liberty, we stayed in Rome for 2 nights. We visited the Sistine Chapel; marveled at Michelangelo's work of arts displayed on the ceiling. We walked the Spanish Steps; petrified at St. Peter's Square (Piazza San Pietro) where the greatest church in Christendom, St Peter Basilica stands. We viewed the Vatican - "the smallest state in the world at the center of the largest spiritual kingdom." However, we missed the Pope's audience but we threw 3 coins in Trevi Fountain and witnessed the glory of Rome in the Pantheon, which is the city's only architecturally intact monument from classical times
While at the Vatican, we experienced that peace in our soul; that there was a Force more powerful than this man-made world. " In the midst of the urban tumult, the Vatican is an island of peace and tranquility- a regal miniature," wrote G.K. Chesterton, an English Catholic writer.
1st Port: Naples, Italy. A writer once said, " if you see Naples, you are ready to die." Naples, the third most populated city in Italy with a population of over one million sets on the northern edge of one of the most beautiful bays. It is a bustling city alive with colorful street life, numerous narrow and winding alleyways, quaint shops, and restaurants. Neapolitan cuisine is known worldwide for its savory pasta and pizza, its tasty fish and seafood dishes, its superb cheeses including the famous mozzarella cheese. Looming on a distance shaped like a lady basking in the August sun is the Isle of Capri, the playground of the rich and famous.
2nd Port: Dubrovnik, Croatia. It is naturally framed by a mountainous backdrop prides on its wealth of cultural and historical monuments. It is the homeland of the cravats or neckties.
3rd Port: Venice, Italy. Floating in the Adriatic Sea, Venice consists of panoramic islands connected by many canals. Truman Capote (1924-1984) said, "Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs at one go." Like venom, Venice poisoned us breathless with its charming sting. Its waterways dotted by gondolas brought homeland reminiscence of outrigger boats and sailboats. Coming from Mindanao, the southern island of the Philippines, we are reminded of Tawi-Tawi ( of the Sulu Archipelago) where the stilt villages of Sitangkai are known as Venice of the Far East.
1st Port: Naples, Italy. A writer once said, " if you see Naples, you are ready to die." Naples, the third most populated city in Italy with a population of over one million sets on the northern edge of one of the most beautiful bays. It is a bustling city alive with colorful street life, numerous narrow and winding alleyways, quaint shops, and restaurants. Neapolitan cuisine is known worldwide for its savory pasta and pizza, its tasty fish and seafood dishes, its superb cheeses including the famous mozzarella cheese. Looming on a distance shaped like a lady basking in the August sun is the Isle of Capri, the playground of the rich and famous.
2nd Port: Dubrovnik, Croatia. It is naturally framed by a mountainous backdrop prides on its wealth of cultural and historical monuments. It is the homeland of the cravats or neckties.
3rd Port: Venice, Italy. Floating in the Adriatic Sea, Venice consists of panoramic islands connected by many canals. Truman Capote (1924-1984) said, "Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs at one go." Like venom, Venice poisoned us breathless with its charming sting. Its waterways dotted by gondolas brought homeland reminiscence of outrigger boats and sailboats. Coming from Mindanao, the southern island of the Philippines, we are reminded of Tawi-Tawi ( of the Sulu Archipelago) where the stilt villages of Sitangkai are known as Venice of the Far East.
4th Port: Messina, Sicily. It is a city of great interest for its arts is surrounded by a region of immense beauty. It is known as the "Gateway to Sicily". It lies under the foothills of the Peloritani Mountains, facing the straight of Messina, which takes its name from the city and is the umbilical cord joining Sicily to the continent.
Messina, as we see today, is a fine modern city, restored to its former splendor by a grid of wide, well-lit avenues, lined by buildings which are strictly earthquake-resistance, in the context of an extremely symmetrical and linear city layout.
5th Port: Barcelona, Spain is a dynamic and innovative Spanish city that unites the traditions of 2,000 years of history and its characteristic propensity for expansion, commerce, and creativity. It prides on its architectural richness, culture, transfor- mations, organization, and modernity. Cathedral de la Sagrada Familia (Holy Family), its most distinctive landmark vividly depicted the modernist Antonio Gaudi's style. His designs combined stone, iron, and ceramics in a rather commanding and certainly irreverent fashion.
We saw: the Baptistry Chapel with its marble fonts, the chapel of St. Oleguer with its wrought-iron gate darkened by praying hands, and the smoke of devotional candles placed by the people in honor of the Christ of Lepanto which accompanied John of Austria at the Battle of Lepanto. We were guided: to the Ramblas, the soul of the city, "the most beautiful street in the world" according to the famous writer Somerset Maugham.
6th Port: Cannes, France is the venue of the Annual Film Festival and was our 6th port. Then we went to the principality of Monaco of which Monte Carlo is one of its districts and is made famous by the marriage of the pretty Hollywood actress Grace Kelley to Prince Ranier III of the Grimaldi Family that ruled the island. It was in a Monaco Club, that the hotel heiress Paris Hilton met her Greek billionaire shipping heir boyfriend, Paris Latsis ten years ago as a teenager.
In Monaco, we gambled. We lost. But we won that status symbol of being there in the pleasant place of the rich and famous. The guide said that "there is always a time and place for everything, for the principality of Monaco is a land where flowers of peace grow. It is a tiny land, described by French film director - playwright Marcel Pagnol, " where the arts can still live in the shade of the olive tree, close to the Latin Sea, where the authority of one only safeguards the liberty of all."
7th port: Livorno, a major Italian port city is an entry point to the beautiful city of Florence, the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, and Pisa - home of the renowned leaning Tower, one of the wonders of the ancient world.
After the last glimpse and pose for posterity, the fun ship Carnival Liberty docked at the port of Civitavecchia, Italy. Then off we went to Leonardo da Vinci's Airport. Arrivederci, Roma!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Sunday. Feb. 4, 2007.
What is the greatest source of hope in your life?
Let us pray...
Merciful Lord, you are our hope, our strength. In the cold winter of our life, we ask thy loving heart to be with us through our discouragement, our unbelief. Because in you alone we find complete assurance. Amen.
Despite the manifestation of success, I felt the sensation of a failure. There is that gnawing feeling of insecurity because I was not born like one of them. Then discouragement enveloped my whole being. I felt trapped with no way out. In short, doubt has taken control of me.
I turned to devotional prayer, to Holy Mass , to motivational books, the Bible, to meditation & being alone thinking of nothing but God and his amazing goodness, to being alone in a harbor or shore watching the waves, or by the the window gazing at the beauty of God's painting on the park.
It's a long, winding, rough , dirt road to discovery. And to say the least, I found it in the sanctum of my being. In the beauty of my attitude.
What is the greatest source of hope in your life?
Let us pray...
Merciful Lord, you are our hope, our strength. In the cold winter of our life, we ask thy loving heart to be with us through our discouragement, our unbelief. Because in you alone we find complete assurance. Amen.
Despite the manifestation of success, I felt the sensation of a failure. There is that gnawing feeling of insecurity because I was not born like one of them. Then discouragement enveloped my whole being. I felt trapped with no way out. In short, doubt has taken control of me.
I turned to devotional prayer, to Holy Mass , to motivational books, the Bible, to meditation & being alone thinking of nothing but God and his amazing goodness, to being alone in a harbor or shore watching the waves, or by the the window gazing at the beauty of God's painting on the park.
It's a long, winding, rough , dirt road to discovery. And to say the least, I found it in the sanctum of my being. In the beauty of my attitude.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Lost but not forgotten
Friday. Feb. 2, 2007
Lost but not forgotten...
Somebody has got to do something. It could be small thing. Big thing. Few thing. Many things. Or anything.
A particular person left something. And one of her great many things is a legacy to the world in turmoil. She left this quote:
"No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind of action leads to another. A good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves." - Amelia Earhart.
Amelia Earhart was the first woman to courageously fly solo across the Atlantic on July 1, 1937.
However, on July 2nd her plane mysteriously disappeared. And she just fade out of the skies and never heard from her again.
She disappeared. Lost. But has found a place in the heart of humanity.
I have learned in the Catechism class that there are 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit. They are 1. charity 2. joy 3. peace 4. patience 5. Kindness 6. goodness 7. generosity 8. gentleness 9. faithfulness 10. modesty 11. self-control 12. chastity.
How about sharing these fruits, especially the act of kindness? Tell friends you met to plant trees that bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit so that we can eat the fruit of kindness every day. Remember Johnny, the Appleseed?
Spread the good news! The 7 continents would be filled up with 12 kinds of beautiful trees; trees whose leaves absorb the carbon dioxide of selfishness, anger, war, violence, terrorism, blind obedience, hatred, pride, envy, lust, and sloth.
And by eating the fruits of these trees we will have wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
Lost but not forgotten...
Somebody has got to do something. It could be small thing. Big thing. Few thing. Many things. Or anything.
A particular person left something. And one of her great many things is a legacy to the world in turmoil. She left this quote:
"No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind of action leads to another. A good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves." - Amelia Earhart.
Amelia Earhart was the first woman to courageously fly solo across the Atlantic on July 1, 1937.
However, on July 2nd her plane mysteriously disappeared. And she just fade out of the skies and never heard from her again.
She disappeared. Lost. But has found a place in the heart of humanity.
I have learned in the Catechism class that there are 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit. They are 1. charity 2. joy 3. peace 4. patience 5. Kindness 6. goodness 7. generosity 8. gentleness 9. faithfulness 10. modesty 11. self-control 12. chastity.
How about sharing these fruits, especially the act of kindness? Tell friends you met to plant trees that bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit so that we can eat the fruit of kindness every day. Remember Johnny, the Appleseed?
Spread the good news! The 7 continents would be filled up with 12 kinds of beautiful trees; trees whose leaves absorb the carbon dioxide of selfishness, anger, war, violence, terrorism, blind obedience, hatred, pride, envy, lust, and sloth.
And by eating the fruits of these trees we will have wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Monday, Jan 29/07
Just Dream...
Somebody said: " There is no scarcity of opportunity to live your dreams; there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happens."
We dream only to be washed out by the waves of uncertainty. Others dream of riding the waves rolling to the shore of achievement.Reason- These wave riders are happy goal setters. They are fearless and unstoppable.
If you can't ride the waves or walk on water try to dream big dreams. Let this dream motivate you to reach the unreachable, scale the unscalable and if you fall short at least you have achieve something.
And this is a start to the road of achievement. Stay focus. Empower yourself. Win good friends along the way. Believe in your inner capacity of turning that bad-looking emotion to a gorgeous solution.
Just dream. And chase that dare to try as life is the only one you got. Before you'll wake up you are full of life to go on living another day...
Just Dream...
Somebody said: " There is no scarcity of opportunity to live your dreams; there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happens."
We dream only to be washed out by the waves of uncertainty. Others dream of riding the waves rolling to the shore of achievement.Reason- These wave riders are happy goal setters. They are fearless and unstoppable.
If you can't ride the waves or walk on water try to dream big dreams. Let this dream motivate you to reach the unreachable, scale the unscalable and if you fall short at least you have achieve something.
And this is a start to the road of achievement. Stay focus. Empower yourself. Win good friends along the way. Believe in your inner capacity of turning that bad-looking emotion to a gorgeous solution.
Just dream. And chase that dare to try as life is the only one you got. Before you'll wake up you are full of life to go on living another day...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Sunday, Jan. 28/2007
Why I write...
I write. When tomorrow arrives
I then read what I have written
And all the memory survives
And never to be forgotten.
I gathered these memories
In the library of my being
That someday in joy and worries
They will be the songs that I'll sing.
What was narrated became a memory to live by. I did that in my younger days before the birth of word processor and the computer.
Now I found out that those forgotten memories provided richness to my insignificant life.
Footprints erased by time lives in memories.
I gathered the sources of these memories through keen observation and great interest on anything desiring human attention. I always have to have a ballpen and a diary-like material that fits the pocket. I have to read widely , constant visits to the internet's domain of dots (.com, .org, .gov, .edu, .net) and listened intently to any person's talk.
Then I write. Of memories. Remember we got nothing in this planet but moments embossed in our memories. Make sure to enjoy every iota of them - your MOMENTS in TIME.
Why I write...
I write. When tomorrow arrives
I then read what I have written
And all the memory survives
And never to be forgotten.
I gathered these memories
In the library of my being
That someday in joy and worries
They will be the songs that I'll sing.
What was narrated became a memory to live by. I did that in my younger days before the birth of word processor and the computer.
Now I found out that those forgotten memories provided richness to my insignificant life.
Footprints erased by time lives in memories.
I gathered the sources of these memories through keen observation and great interest on anything desiring human attention. I always have to have a ballpen and a diary-like material that fits the pocket. I have to read widely , constant visits to the internet's domain of dots (.com, .org, .gov, .edu, .net) and listened intently to any person's talk.
Then I write. Of memories. Remember we got nothing in this planet but moments embossed in our memories. Make sure to enjoy every iota of them - your MOMENTS in TIME.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Saturday 1/27/07
A buffet dinner of different entrees prepared by parishioners who came from different countries namely: Germany, Italy, Ireland, India-Pakistan, Philippines, Mexico,and Central America. The basement of the church was full. The parishioners mostly of golden years together with their children and friends and guests enjoyed the evening. Camaraderie and fellowship glued once again making the parish vibrant and spiritually awake.
This is an annual affair that provides additional revenue besides strengthening the the parish activity.
A buffet dinner of different entrees prepared by parishioners who came from different countries namely: Germany, Italy, Ireland, India-Pakistan, Philippines, Mexico,and Central America. The basement of the church was full. The parishioners mostly of golden years together with their children and friends and guests enjoyed the evening. Camaraderie and fellowship glued once again making the parish vibrant and spiritually awake.
This is an annual affair that provides additional revenue besides strengthening the the parish activity.
Friday 1/26/07
Best things Happen When Less Expected!
Unexpectedly, I attended the RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS,INC kick-off presentation located at 999 E. Touhy Ave, Suite 170 in Desplaines, Illinois. This will be followed by another one on Saturday at 4:00 pm. Many guests are expected to come.
This is a new twist in the Real Estate and Mortgage business where an individual is given his/her God-given personality molding him/her to become an educated businessman/woman and not as a mere agent. As such he/she is a part and owner of the company which will be handed down to the heirs; the reason why it is called RC LEGACY. The parent company is RC LEGACY OF CALIFORNIA, INC. The brain behind this is the owner and realtor Florante Cimafranca of southern California. (R C is the initial of his son named Rante Cimafranca.)Rante's name is honorable and a success in the Real Estate world.His success in southern California tells the story.
RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS, INC came into reality after 13 months of preparations by the Magnificent Four: Sam Rabor, Gerry Galano, Rocky Mella and Bing Prades. The venue selected was strategically accessible to transportation. The Office is spacious with a conference room and a training room as the company's mission is geared towards financial education. That the individual is paramount therefore he/she must be properly trained and educated in an atmosphere of teamwork: helping each other, giving unselfish devotion, unquestionable integrity and care because when the indvidual succeeds the company grows. It is a 2-way business endeavor and a legacy to reckon with.
If you want to be a part of the company and is ready to learn come and visit RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS, INC and you'll be treated not as stranger but as a person with : vision, courage, leadership, creativity, ability to stand criticsm and the ability to delay gratification.
"Live for today and plan for tomorrow for we do not grow by knowing all the answers but rather by living with the questions."
The question is: Would you like to train and conduct seminars?
Best things Happen When Less Expected!
Unexpectedly, I attended the RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS,INC kick-off presentation located at 999 E. Touhy Ave, Suite 170 in Desplaines, Illinois. This will be followed by another one on Saturday at 4:00 pm. Many guests are expected to come.
This is a new twist in the Real Estate and Mortgage business where an individual is given his/her God-given personality molding him/her to become an educated businessman/woman and not as a mere agent. As such he/she is a part and owner of the company which will be handed down to the heirs; the reason why it is called RC LEGACY. The parent company is RC LEGACY OF CALIFORNIA, INC. The brain behind this is the owner and realtor Florante Cimafranca of southern California. (R C is the initial of his son named Rante Cimafranca.)Rante's name is honorable and a success in the Real Estate world.His success in southern California tells the story.
RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS, INC came into reality after 13 months of preparations by the Magnificent Four: Sam Rabor, Gerry Galano, Rocky Mella and Bing Prades. The venue selected was strategically accessible to transportation. The Office is spacious with a conference room and a training room as the company's mission is geared towards financial education. That the individual is paramount therefore he/she must be properly trained and educated in an atmosphere of teamwork: helping each other, giving unselfish devotion, unquestionable integrity and care because when the indvidual succeeds the company grows. It is a 2-way business endeavor and a legacy to reckon with.
If you want to be a part of the company and is ready to learn come and visit RC LEGACY OF ILLINOIS, INC and you'll be treated not as stranger but as a person with : vision, courage, leadership, creativity, ability to stand criticsm and the ability to delay gratification.
"Live for today and plan for tomorrow for we do not grow by knowing all the answers but rather by living with the questions."
The question is: Would you like to train and conduct seminars?
Monday, January 22, 2007
Jan. 21/07
3rd Sunday in Ordinary time.
I was the lector on this Sunday. The first reading was taken from the Book of Nehemiah. I proclaimed it slowly with eye contacts among the congregation so they will mentally picture the fairly complicated and liturgical scene in the narrative being read.
It was about "Ezra the priest who brought the law before the assembly. ( Torah is a Hebrew word meaning "law" or "instruction". In Judaism, the word refers to the 5 books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Sometimes called the "books of the Law", or just"the Law".Also commonly called "the 5 books of Moses" due to Jewish and Christian tradition that Moses was their inspired author... If "the book of the Law of Moses" Ezra reads before the people is a version of the Torah, and if our text contains th accurate historical recollection that Ezra had one, then it is quite likely that the Babylonian exile, despite its many hardships, was a fertile period in the composition and editing of scripture. " ( Workbook for lectors and gospel readers, Year C. 2007 James L. Weaver.)
Today we must rejoice and not be saddened for the Lord is our strength. Today is holy to our Lord.
The 2nd reading was from the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians.
It was about the body though one has many parts and all the parts of the body though many are one body, so also is Christ. That is one spirit we were all baptized into one body- whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons- we were all given to drink of one Spirit.
The one body of people called Filipinos is from the Philippines. Although this one group of people (85% Catholics) came from many islands (7,100 islands ) with many dialects (87 local dialects) yet this one Group are united by the devotion, sharing and love of God. Whether they be in the far Far East, Middle East, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Americas, Canada or in the cold, cold region of the earth, Filipinos manifest their great love, profound praise, undying devotion and sans fear evangelization of the religion they are proud of- the Catholic Religion. They show their devotion to the Santo Nino, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and The Saints.
They love their God having a solid foundation that the "existence of God is naturally known, and things naturally are known are self-evident: for the knowledge of them is not attained by inquiry and study". And "since, the desire of man tend naturally to God as to his last end. ..." for as the light of the sun is the principle of all visual perception, so the divine light is the principle of all intellectual cognition." (Of God and His Creatures, Jacques Maritain Center:GC 1.10)
3rd Sunday in Ordinary time.
I was the lector on this Sunday. The first reading was taken from the Book of Nehemiah. I proclaimed it slowly with eye contacts among the congregation so they will mentally picture the fairly complicated and liturgical scene in the narrative being read.
It was about "Ezra the priest who brought the law before the assembly. ( Torah is a Hebrew word meaning "law" or "instruction". In Judaism, the word refers to the 5 books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Sometimes called the "books of the Law", or just"the Law".Also commonly called "the 5 books of Moses" due to Jewish and Christian tradition that Moses was their inspired author... If "the book of the Law of Moses" Ezra reads before the people is a version of the Torah, and if our text contains th accurate historical recollection that Ezra had one, then it is quite likely that the Babylonian exile, despite its many hardships, was a fertile period in the composition and editing of scripture. " ( Workbook for lectors and gospel readers, Year C. 2007 James L. Weaver.)
Today we must rejoice and not be saddened for the Lord is our strength. Today is holy to our Lord.
The 2nd reading was from the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians.
It was about the body though one has many parts and all the parts of the body though many are one body, so also is Christ. That is one spirit we were all baptized into one body- whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons- we were all given to drink of one Spirit.
The one body of people called Filipinos is from the Philippines. Although this one group of people (85% Catholics) came from many islands (7,100 islands ) with many dialects (87 local dialects) yet this one Group are united by the devotion, sharing and love of God. Whether they be in the far Far East, Middle East, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Americas, Canada or in the cold, cold region of the earth, Filipinos manifest their great love, profound praise, undying devotion and sans fear evangelization of the religion they are proud of- the Catholic Religion. They show their devotion to the Santo Nino, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and The Saints.
They love their God having a solid foundation that the "existence of God is naturally known, and things naturally are known are self-evident: for the knowledge of them is not attained by inquiry and study". And "since, the desire of man tend naturally to God as to his last end. ..." for as the light of the sun is the principle of all visual perception, so the divine light is the principle of all intellectual cognition." (Of God and His Creatures, Jacques Maritain Center:GC 1.10)
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