Friday, December 13, 2024


"In an increasingly conflict world, all we need is certainty." It is a fictional quote on a fictional show, but in many ways it is real.

My fellow Zanortehanon, good evening  I'm so happy and honored to be with you on this memorable moment as your keynote speaker and inducting officer of the newly elected DYC officials. My message tonight will be short and clear, so sit back and relax.

The intellectual and spiritual life of humans on earth is not a circle, round and complete, but a parabola that opens upward and runs into infinity. As you navigate along that endless path, you will come to realize that every task and achievement is coupled with a challenge and responsibility.

Tonight marks DYC's new beginning of a new challenge and responsibility as you embrace your 39th year of dedication to humanity For decades, you remained steadfast, a soothing figure through times of conflict and uncertainty. Your continued emphasis on patience, friendship, a strong community focus, and considering the needs of others are as important today as they were when your group was founded all those years ago.

Certainly, as you move along and continue to do your good work, you will face challenges, and will not be easy. But whatever those challenges may be, stand firm and remain united, for there are no challenges beyond your strength and beyond your capability. Each challenge can be handled with relative ease if you seek God's blessings and are not deterred by the setbacks that often fall in our life

Our life is a series of unfolding, and our struggle to be the best in every stage of life is a common element of the human condition. But moving through life fully in concert with others, requires friendships, commitment, and much energy. It demands self-love, unconditional acceptance, patience, and the ability to take risks. This assortment of characters is just the beginning. More is required, much more if you want a real experience of belonging to those around you. However, the real freedom to be who you are can only be found among a circle of friends who committed themselves to you, just as you committed yourselves to them.

You learn what you appreciate about people by listening to what concerns you. You are certain to learn more when you acknowledge that which displeases you in the experience that fascinates your attention. Think positively and learn to calm your mind. A calm mind creates many good ideas and relaxes a troubled heart. To me, these approaches are times and I commend them to everyone.

Within the window of space and time, there is no more satisfying feeling than doing and finishing a task set up by yourselves, work with patience and care so that your fellow citizens and others may enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all and your family a healthy and joyful Christmas and a peaceful New Year! 

Thank you and God bless everyone.

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

The Dollar Notebook

 The Month  of May 1973

This is the month of remembering
A scenario with life and love
A moment of passion burning
A letter we send through a dove.

The tidal wave of Zamboanga sea
Awaken us in our deep dream
Together the instinct is to flee
We swiftly sink down as a team.

And like seaweeds, our bodies
Float to the four edges of the earth
A roll of passionate eddies
And all the while someone has to search.

Then on the lovely frothy shore
We are holding a lovely red rose
Seems to be waiting forever more
Therefore it is, and how it goes.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Last Days of November

 The Budding Trees are Happy (Nov. 24,2024- Sunday PM)

Inspiring Sunday Afternoon
The world is alive and picking
The long loss of being alone. 
It's worthwhile to do the asking.

I look outside the Eastern window
I see the lawn, the grass, the bush 
Awake, fresh, and out of sorrow
So this is life and how it goes.

A priest said that life is worth living
"Think and Grow Rich" was written by
A man that life is more to thinking
It's vital and this is no lie.

Living a life is a miracle
"The Song of Bernadette" is a promise
When he safely reached his cherished goal
He did it without a compromise.

Friday, September 20, 2024

My Note 1

 The Word ( John 1)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,  and the Word was God.

My Notes

 The Discovery

This journey leads me to the path of
Contemplation: Man's highest expression
On secular and spiritual life proof
Of his humble, sincere,  intention

With God, there's peace and happiness
I found Him, and I saw my true self
The richness of Life's awareness
Which is truly His wonderful gift.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Power of Public Speaking

 The Secret of How to Speak

1. Keep it simple

2. Get organized

3. Keep it short

4.  Take charge. Smile. Eye contact (Left- Center- Right)

5.  Don't read, Talk. ( On How You Feel)

6. Be Real. (Share Your Experience) 

7. Be a Wide Reader.

8. Be a Good Listener. (Listen to the Child, the Young, the Senior.)

9. Be on Good Terms with Others.

10. Be Borderless.

11. Take Good Care of Your Health. That is your only Gem and Diamond.

12. You are Your Only Best Friend. (Listen to Him. Be True, Be sincere. He is your
      Best Physician. Love God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen)  

Fr. Leoncio Santiago's Birthday Celebration

The 12th of September 2024
I came. I saw. I was greatly inspired.
The smiling attendees look good in white.
The guest with their black garb was admired;
Gives beauty to the world for more joy and light.

Fr. Santiago, a Secular priest:
He was honored by a Devotional Group.
It was really a wonderful feast:
Malaybalay's black-white collar troupe. 

"How Beautiful is the Morning" song echoed
Permeating the air with "I Believe"
Then, We are the World,  just overflowed
The all-white, dressed-up audience was relieved.

The inspired celebrant sang gracefully
To the great Platters' tune of " Twilight Time"
The hall's atmosphere glided peacefully
Engulfing peace, mercy, and love sublime.

It was a Birthday to remember
With the soothing violin rendition
Of "Amazing Grace" to stay forever:
A legacy for the generation.   

(N.B.) Fr. Leoncio Santiago, a secular priest, is a renovator

By: Greg Intas Caponong Alcala Trabanca

Friday, August 23, 2024


" The Modern Time and the Living Past"

This is the best story of my life
The past, the present, and the future
The good, the bad, and without the strife
It happened, it will happen, and for sure.

I called this humbly my true story
What really transpired as the basis
Of my stark life: a reality
Giving my name poetic justice.

The vacation picnic was the start
When I saw a bird gayly flying
A bird of prey ready for the dart
To one's death's door - waiting and wishing.

My young mind was plagued with dire questions
About the diamond in the sky;
Or is it outside our positions?
And maybe dear God would say, just try.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Blessed Mother

The Mother of Culture

A new name for our Blessed Mother 
In the post-millennial era
As troubles can put us asunder
To our dear beautiful Terra.

Monday, July 29, 2024

A Tribute

To A Friend

"Tempus fugit memento mori"
Time flies remember your mortality
Don't forget to write your own story
Fraught with wisdom and sincerity.

Embarked on a noble profession
She offered direction and guidance
To young minds for a worthy mission
Based on honest and sincere parlance.

From the Queen City of the South - Cebu
To the Windy City- Chicago
She came to America sans woe
With a bag full of joy and on the go.

Norwegian American Hospital
Captured her brave and curious humble heart,
A place to work for a new arrival
An ideal place to really start.

She found refuge in the L.D.R.
To sacrifice, to love, and to serve
Newborn babies of whomever they are
Must enjoy the glow of life they deserve.

A passport was issued to a friend
For a resting place of eternal peace
A friend who has the knack to entertain
And lead the way for chaos to decrease.

Let us pay a lasting tribute to a friend- a mother, a teacher, and an entertainer-
Julia Cabada Lupasco.Our deep condolences to the bereaved family, children, and relatives.
My wife, Evangeline Caermare Trabanca, a Registered Nurse, also worked at the L.D.R.
She passed away years ago. May they rest in peace and let perpetual light shine upon them.

However, let's love God above all things, and our neighbors as ourselves. Let's pray, sacrifice,
and care for ourselves as we wouldn't know for whom the bell tolls.

L.D.R. stands for the Labor and Delivery Room or the Labor and Delivery Department where
babies are born and welcomed to the world after 9 months of mothers' tender care and protection.

The Samaritan

 On a Saturday

A Saturday that I can't forget
I was poised to get some grocery
Bananas, bread, milk, eggs, and a meat
At the cashier's place, I was wary.

My ATM card was negative
A man with sincerity offered
At this, there was no alternative
My prayer was eventually heard.

Beside me was a Samaritan
Seemingly rare in this world of ours
But still walk in this chaotic land
And they appear in one's precious hours.

In our moments there are helping hands
Ever willing service to succor
A steel strength that forms a solid bond
Of resilience, love, and great favor.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rediscover Self-2

 Point to Ponder

What is life after retirement?
This is an enduring question.
And we are in a predicament
The search is for a solution.

Must we wake up to see the sunrise?
And a cup of one's favorite drink
Then thank God as this is really wise,
A walk in the park: what do you think?

A fact on formal education
That offered you a decent living
Self-education brings a fortune
Ideas for giving and sharing.

Think of something for legacy sake
Start with a smartphone and computer
Then surprise the world like an earthquake
For social media truly matter.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rediscover Self-1

 The Background

I just came back to my birthplace as my mother passed away. I was alone with a small luggage. Cebu was my last international stopover. I came from Chicago's O'hare, U.S.A., then Incheon International Airport in Seoul, South Korea to Cebu International Airport, Philippines. 

I boarded a plane from Cebu, the Queen City of the South, for Dipolog City's Airport. On the plane, a guy with, a glittering diamond ring, on his left finger, a bracelet on his left hand, and, an expensive-looking watch on his right hand approached me with a friendly smile and asked me my name? I politely answered and he was happy yet surprised. I was looking for this guy and wanted to meet him personally. Still, he was out of circulation as I  heard and read things about him ( and it quickly etched in my mind maybe because of the Zamboanga del Norte Press and Radio Club membership, (was it essential or controversial?).

I was inspired to write this as at this point in life, who else could have the audacity to journal this as Fr. Leoncio Santiago said on the June 24 ( The nativity of St. John, the Baptist- San Juan sa Pilipinas) picnic at Labagh Woods, in preparation for the coming yearly celebration of the Sto. Ninio de Agosto of which he is the Spiritual Director. Fr. Santiago said, that our members of 15 Sto. Ninio groups were mostly seniors of the Baby Boomer Generation, who were winding down in our gaits, and motions but we must be thankful for the gift and His blessings. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

On Father''s Day

In Gratitude

Our Father You are the greatest   
In our faith, hope, and charity.
And there is no real  protest
Of your Word for posterity.

Your Word became flesh and is with us
To manifest your mighty power
You are the first and  never the last
We thirst and you gave us water.     

The grace is active and given freely;                        
You came back so we may believe.
We will be happy and without worry.
You give us food that we may live.

With blessings at our table daily:
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost;  
The Immaculate Heart of Mary 
Saves humanity and may not be lost.    

Hail to the brave fathers of the land
A story of love, and dire valor 
At sea, in the air, and on the sand 
Without a country, creed, or color.

To the dear fathers at work and at home
A gold medal for your industry
Whenever and wherever you may roam 
You are the hero of your country.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

A Dedication

 To a Dreamer

I believe that dream does not die
It  gives you an inspiration
To harness the desire that lie
Buried in deep fascination.

There is a gem in the deep ocean
A rose in the garden of love
A flower that gives a rare lotion
A perfume that comes from above.

Hold that dream a true devotion
To our peace and serenity
That it is our constitution
For our peace and tranquility.

We, you and  I are all brave dreamers
Hoping that grace, mercy, and true love
Blaze our journey as we are seekers
To find that promise from up above.

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Story of Life

A Lesson to Tell

 Life is an assisted living          
That starts with love. grace and mercy   
It has a unique beginning       
And written for posterity.

Remember the first touch of love   
As you wriggled out to be free       
Comes an embrace from up above
An echo permeates as if in glee.    

"Tempus Fugit". Time flies so fast      
Then comes the rediscovery             
That carefree boyhood does not last     
Caring for oneself is the way.   

Living a life is inspiring        
A motion in our everyday:          
Prayer, sacrifice, and giving       
Imprinted in our minds shall stay.

(N.B.) " Etenal God, in whom mercy is endless, and the treasury of compassion
inexhaustible, look kindly upon us, and increase Your mercy in us, that in a difficult
moment, we might not despair, and become despondent, but with great confidence,
submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen. (950)."




Friday, May 10, 2024

A Tribute to All the Mothers

 The Dearest Mothers        

To all mothers: we love you all
We appreciate your sacrifice       
You rise up even when you fall   
With sincerity sans malice.         

To all nurses of the L.D. R.        
Whose hands are clean and really do 
Service to whoever they are             
For dearest lives just come and go. 

To a mother a love to call              
Ave Maria, Notre Dame              
The world is hurt and without a wall
You shield us, You gave us fame.   

"Knowledge comes and wisdom lingers"    
Watch your steps as you journey on     
You have strong feet and firm fingers    
The precious moment comes pretty soon.