Monday, December 23, 2019

Memorable Birthday Sans Really Trying (12/19/19)

December 19, a Wonderful Day 

Four score years in the annals of the history of a man's life is a feat or a faux pas (foh pah).

This is the story of a man who celebrated a natal day party without trying. 

He has never held a birthday anniversary party in his life but just like the shadow it just follows wherever and whenever his day of birth arrives. It sounds unusual and it is true because of the strategic date in the calendar in the zodiac sign of Saggitarius which falls in December when many occasions are observed. Is it then his fault when the circumstance is favorable to his court?

 It is especially on this month that the mystery of "the Bread of Life and the Chalice of Salvation" comes into full credence of its very essence and veracity in the tapestry of his spiritual life.

Such is the fate of this man, a treasure of dirt, so to speak. 

He was born barely after the Great Depression. He witnessed his native land under the era of colonialism struggling to be free. No appropriate word can fully describe the journey of this son of the Creator who nourished and shielded him from an onslaught of the vicissitude of time.

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