Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tribute to Msgr. Salvador Mora, a friend

Tribute to a Friend in Roman Collar

All of the things that you rained on me
Are manna for my soul in plight;
They are dewdrops in my pale dawn,
Beacon light in my gloomy night.

A rudderless boat on the sea;
Without direction but held on
To its destination with glee
You appeared- I was not alone.

From rugged Visayan terrain
To Zamboanga's shore, you came
To ease the penury and pain
In your humility to proclaim.

We sang the melody of love,
Of sharing and of forgiving
Of humanity's hearts that throb
With a rhythm of life worth living.

( The poem is a grateful dedication to Msgr. Salvador Mora. a diocesan priest;
an alumnus of San Jose' Seminary, Manila-, Philippines. With
his friendship. I drank the wisdom of loving God and neighbor
and beheld the beauty of humility. He instilled in me prudence on critical subjects but conversant on agreeable matters. He is a typical down-to-earth, non-ivory tower priest in his human secular capabiltiy.

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