Saying Yes to the Lord....
The adage " Some men are born great, others achieve greatness, while there are still others who have greatness thrust upon them " seems to be quite inadequate when one sees it in a spiritual perspective. The Scriptures would say that we are all born "in His image and likeness" (Gen. 1:26)
Are we not all born great?
The greatness to which we are born needs to be actualized-. And to actualize this greatness we need to surrender our lives unto the Lord. As we go along the journey of life we make numerous choices. We harbor our youthful dreams of doing big things and living in a style that reflects our success. sometimes we make choices that that favor the well-being of others over our own desires. We have said, "yes" when every selfish bone in our bodies was clamoring "No!, I want to do what I want to do!" Today's Scripture readings assure us that when we prefer God's will to our desires, it is indeed a wonderful life. ( Reading 1 - 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a,16; Reading 11- Romans 16:25-27) ( I was the lector on the 11:00 AM mass )
King David had dreams of grandiose building projects. He insisted that the Ark of the Covenant, symbol of God's presence among the Israelites, should be housed in a magnificent temple. And he pictured himself as the right person to get the building job done. However, as so often happens in our lives, God had other plans. He makes it clear to David that there is nothing that a human being could build for Him that would honor Him as much as obedience to the Divine Will. It will be God who will build a house for David, not the other way around. And that house will be a secure line of descendants from which the Messiah will come forth.
Mary was seemingly no different from the other local teenagers. When the angel Gabriel informed her that she would give birth to the Son of God who would receive "the throne of David his father," Mary was understandably perplexed. Her marriage to Joseph, her reputation, her very survival in her hometown, were on the line. However, Mary said "Yes" to the angel's completely improbable message. Whatever the cost to her, she would become the house of God's presence.
Like David, we might have to humbly admit that, that God has called someone else to build the temple and grab the headlines. Our task may be unheralded but it is as important in the eyes of God. And like the Virgin Mary, we give birth to God-with-us by recognizing that we are the temples God chooses to abide in. By saying "Yes" to the often tremendous risks and terrible tensions faith demands, we become birth canals for the Lord. -Fr. Peter Fernandez,sfx.
(Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. He is the author of A Soul In Flight-Path to Contemplation. It is spiritual poetry that reflects on a life lived in the joy, pain, and overall mystery of God's ever-loving presence.)
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