Chicago Tribune's Front Headline (12/28/08) :
The past days Chicago and its surrounding burbs were covered with snow to the point that they became like a white mountain of hard rocks. Now the snow thawed due to the advent of the pouring rain. And now officially 2008 is the wettest year in Chicago history.
Meanwhile, around the world - the Israeli airstrikes that killed hundreds sent Hamas to vow for retaliation.
On the homefront. We were privileged to have visitors from Canada who were from our hometown. Over pan pizza, we dined, talked, reminisced, joked, and laughed.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A Voice in the Wilderness...
Why is this voice crying out in the wilderness? What kind of voice is this that we should give heed? To whom is this voice addressed and why? The leaders of the people were perplexed; hence, they sent emissaries to unwrap the mystery of the voice crying in the wilderness.
John withdrew himself to the wilderness, where he encountered God, who called him to be a voice of conscience to the people, and herald the coming of the Lord. The wilderness is very symbolic place, since there is very little to sustain life and give protection from the wild animals; one must place his life in God's hand. john learned to be humble and depended on God, who sustained him and made him a peophet to be His voice calling out for repentance.
People coming to listen to John realized how futile their life had been - all desolate and arid land. Their examination of conscience led them through the wilderness of their own life. Subsequently, they sought the baptism of repentance in order to allow God to enter into their lives and turn them into a garden of everlasting joy. Those who remained in the conformity of cities and towns missed the opportunity to walk through the wilderness in humility, and find God- the Source of joy and happiness.
The encounter with God is an awe-filled experience, which leads to humility and total surrender. John could have embraced pomp and popularity by claiming that he was the Christ, but he refrained from such ambitions.I am not Christ, not Elijah, or a prophet, but simply a voice crying in the wilderness , he insisted. "I baptize you with water; but there stands among you, unknown to you, the one who is coming after me and I am not fit to undo his sandal-strap."
John, in his journey through the wilderness, totally placed his life in the hands of God, and became a voice of good tydings. The season of advent is an opportunity for us to embark on a similar journey through our own wilderness and seek God's forgiveness and in humility be a voice of cheer this Christmas. Let us not emissaries to find the voice crying in the wilderness, but touch the feet of the Immanuel (God with us) and be a voice yourself, of good tidings .
- by Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. Gospel - John 1: 6-8, 19-28)
(Sunday, Dec 14, 2008. I was the lector. Reading 1- Isaiah 61: 1-2a, 10-11 & reading 11 - Thessalonians 5:16-24.)
Dec. 28, 2008 Feast of the Holy Family
A good family, better world! Indeed, it is absolutely true that a good family helps to establsih a better society and a peaceful world. Family is the cradle that nourishes life to grow and blossom in the world.It is in the family that we first learn to love, to pray, to forgive and to show concern for others. If we dissect the wor Family we get F ather, A nd, M other, I i, L ove,Y ou. That is, Father And Mother I Love You. What a beautiful definition to contemplate and cherish throughout our life!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph formed a "Holy Family" of Nazareth, which became an icon for all to emulate. The family of Nazareth was centered to God. Therefore, fulfilling the will of God was their utmost priority and concern. Mary bowed her head and said: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word." Joseph welcomed Mary into his home at the words of the Angels, and protected the Mother and the Child from an evil King. Jesus loved his parents and helped them to do "His Father's will" at all times. Family is the creation of God, and sanctified through the sacrament of marriage.
Today, more than ever before, the family unit is facing an enormous challenge to protect it from annihilation, since it faces attach on every front. Marriage is not given proper respect and valued as a sacrament.It is an in thing for couples to live together and have children even before they contemplate getting married. In out time, great percentages of children are born outside wedlock; domestic violence and wife-battery is growing, and the devorce rate is overwhelming. The so called "messiah of our time" seems to have found a solution to restore respect for the family by making same-sex marriage legal. Where are we headed and what is our future?
The world crises are a symptom of a greater malady. The world leaders are just applying ointment to heal the symptoms, not realizing the sickness, which will not be healed with such attitude. All their social, economic and political policies will be ineffective, if they ignore the basic unit of society, "The Family." Jesus, the Son of God came to visit his people to bring joy, peace and healing.
The Holy Family of Nazareth showed us the way, as to how we should build a good and healthy family by doing the will of God at all times, even at the cost of death.
Good family, better world! Every child yearns to dwell in a good and loving family. Why are we afraid to create a healthy atmosphere for our children in our homes?Remember, there cannot be greater joy and happiness, than to return home where you are loved and welcomed. This bliss is contigious, but not tried very often by many. If many of us try, we can make this world a better place and a wonderful home for all of us in which to dwell. The Holy Family of Nazareth is a beacon of hope and a glorious light to dispel the darkness from our world. Let us welcome the Holy Family in our homes and in our hearts. - Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
Why is this voice crying out in the wilderness? What kind of voice is this that we should give heed? To whom is this voice addressed and why? The leaders of the people were perplexed; hence, they sent emissaries to unwrap the mystery of the voice crying in the wilderness.
John withdrew himself to the wilderness, where he encountered God, who called him to be a voice of conscience to the people, and herald the coming of the Lord. The wilderness is very symbolic place, since there is very little to sustain life and give protection from the wild animals; one must place his life in God's hand. john learned to be humble and depended on God, who sustained him and made him a peophet to be His voice calling out for repentance.
People coming to listen to John realized how futile their life had been - all desolate and arid land. Their examination of conscience led them through the wilderness of their own life. Subsequently, they sought the baptism of repentance in order to allow God to enter into their lives and turn them into a garden of everlasting joy. Those who remained in the conformity of cities and towns missed the opportunity to walk through the wilderness in humility, and find God- the Source of joy and happiness.
The encounter with God is an awe-filled experience, which leads to humility and total surrender. John could have embraced pomp and popularity by claiming that he was the Christ, but he refrained from such ambitions.I am not Christ, not Elijah, or a prophet, but simply a voice crying in the wilderness , he insisted. "I baptize you with water; but there stands among you, unknown to you, the one who is coming after me and I am not fit to undo his sandal-strap."
John, in his journey through the wilderness, totally placed his life in the hands of God, and became a voice of good tydings. The season of advent is an opportunity for us to embark on a similar journey through our own wilderness and seek God's forgiveness and in humility be a voice of cheer this Christmas. Let us not emissaries to find the voice crying in the wilderness, but touch the feet of the Immanuel (God with us) and be a voice yourself, of good tidings .
- by Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. Gospel - John 1: 6-8, 19-28)
(Sunday, Dec 14, 2008. I was the lector. Reading 1- Isaiah 61: 1-2a, 10-11 & reading 11 - Thessalonians 5:16-24.)
Dec. 28, 2008 Feast of the Holy Family
A good family, better world! Indeed, it is absolutely true that a good family helps to establsih a better society and a peaceful world. Family is the cradle that nourishes life to grow and blossom in the world.It is in the family that we first learn to love, to pray, to forgive and to show concern for others. If we dissect the wor Family we get F ather, A nd, M other, I i, L ove,Y ou. That is, Father And Mother I Love You. What a beautiful definition to contemplate and cherish throughout our life!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph formed a "Holy Family" of Nazareth, which became an icon for all to emulate. The family of Nazareth was centered to God. Therefore, fulfilling the will of God was their utmost priority and concern. Mary bowed her head and said: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word." Joseph welcomed Mary into his home at the words of the Angels, and protected the Mother and the Child from an evil King. Jesus loved his parents and helped them to do "His Father's will" at all times. Family is the creation of God, and sanctified through the sacrament of marriage.
Today, more than ever before, the family unit is facing an enormous challenge to protect it from annihilation, since it faces attach on every front. Marriage is not given proper respect and valued as a sacrament.It is an in thing for couples to live together and have children even before they contemplate getting married. In out time, great percentages of children are born outside wedlock; domestic violence and wife-battery is growing, and the devorce rate is overwhelming. The so called "messiah of our time" seems to have found a solution to restore respect for the family by making same-sex marriage legal. Where are we headed and what is our future?
The world crises are a symptom of a greater malady. The world leaders are just applying ointment to heal the symptoms, not realizing the sickness, which will not be healed with such attitude. All their social, economic and political policies will be ineffective, if they ignore the basic unit of society, "The Family." Jesus, the Son of God came to visit his people to bring joy, peace and healing.
The Holy Family of Nazareth showed us the way, as to how we should build a good and healthy family by doing the will of God at all times, even at the cost of death.
Good family, better world! Every child yearns to dwell in a good and loving family. Why are we afraid to create a healthy atmosphere for our children in our homes?Remember, there cannot be greater joy and happiness, than to return home where you are loved and welcomed. This bliss is contigious, but not tried very often by many. If many of us try, we can make this world a better place and a wonderful home for all of us in which to dwell. The Holy Family of Nazareth is a beacon of hope and a glorious light to dispel the darkness from our world. Let us welcome the Holy Family in our homes and in our hearts. - Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
Saying Yes to the Lord....
The adage " Some men are born great, others achieve greatness, while there are still others who have greatness thrust upon them " seems to be quite inadequate when one sees it in a spiritual perspective. The Scriptures would say that we are all born "in His image and likeness" (Gen. 1:26)
Are we not all born great?
The greatness to which we are born needs to be actualized-. And to actualize this greatness we need to surrender our lives unto the Lord. As we go along the journey of life we make numerous choices. We harbor our youthful dreams of doing big things and living in a style that reflects our success. sometimes we make choices that that favor the well-being of others over our own desires. We have said, "yes" when every selfish bone in our bodies was clamoring "No!, I want to do what I want to do!" Today's Scripture readings assure us that when we prefer God's will to our desires, it is indeed a wonderful life. ( Reading 1 - 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a,16; Reading 11- Romans 16:25-27) ( I was the lector on the 11:00 AM mass )
King David had dreams of grandiose building projects. He insisted that the Ark of the Covenant, symbol of God's presence among the Israelites, should be housed in a magnificent temple. And he pictured himself as the right person to get the building job done. However, as so often happens in our lives, God had other plans. He makes it clear to David that there is nothing that a human being could build for Him that would honor Him as much as obedience to the Divine Will. It will be God who will build a house for David, not the other way around. And that house will be a secure line of descendants from which the Messiah will come forth.
Mary was seemingly no different from the other local teenagers. When the angel Gabriel informed her that she would give birth to the Son of God who would receive "the throne of David his father," Mary was understandably perplexed. Her marriage to Joseph, her reputation, her very survival in her hometown, were on the line. However, Mary said "Yes" to the angel's completely improbable message. Whatever the cost to her, she would become the house of God's presence.
Like David, we might have to humbly admit that, that God has called someone else to build the temple and grab the headlines. Our task may be unheralded but it is as important in the eyes of God. And like the Virgin Mary, we give birth to God-with-us by recognizing that we are the temples God chooses to abide in. By saying "Yes" to the often tremendous risks and terrible tensions faith demands, we become birth canals for the Lord. -Fr. Peter Fernandez,sfx.
(Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. He is the author of A Soul In Flight-Path to Contemplation. It is spiritual poetry that reflects on a life lived in the joy, pain, and overall mystery of God's ever-loving presence.)
The adage " Some men are born great, others achieve greatness, while there are still others who have greatness thrust upon them " seems to be quite inadequate when one sees it in a spiritual perspective. The Scriptures would say that we are all born "in His image and likeness" (Gen. 1:26)
Are we not all born great?
The greatness to which we are born needs to be actualized-. And to actualize this greatness we need to surrender our lives unto the Lord. As we go along the journey of life we make numerous choices. We harbor our youthful dreams of doing big things and living in a style that reflects our success. sometimes we make choices that that favor the well-being of others over our own desires. We have said, "yes" when every selfish bone in our bodies was clamoring "No!, I want to do what I want to do!" Today's Scripture readings assure us that when we prefer God's will to our desires, it is indeed a wonderful life. ( Reading 1 - 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a,16; Reading 11- Romans 16:25-27) ( I was the lector on the 11:00 AM mass )
King David had dreams of grandiose building projects. He insisted that the Ark of the Covenant, symbol of God's presence among the Israelites, should be housed in a magnificent temple. And he pictured himself as the right person to get the building job done. However, as so often happens in our lives, God had other plans. He makes it clear to David that there is nothing that a human being could build for Him that would honor Him as much as obedience to the Divine Will. It will be God who will build a house for David, not the other way around. And that house will be a secure line of descendants from which the Messiah will come forth.
Mary was seemingly no different from the other local teenagers. When the angel Gabriel informed her that she would give birth to the Son of God who would receive "the throne of David his father," Mary was understandably perplexed. Her marriage to Joseph, her reputation, her very survival in her hometown, were on the line. However, Mary said "Yes" to the angel's completely improbable message. Whatever the cost to her, she would become the house of God's presence.
Like David, we might have to humbly admit that, that God has called someone else to build the temple and grab the headlines. Our task may be unheralded but it is as important in the eyes of God. And like the Virgin Mary, we give birth to God-with-us by recognizing that we are the temples God chooses to abide in. By saying "Yes" to the often tremendous risks and terrible tensions faith demands, we become birth canals for the Lord. -Fr. Peter Fernandez,sfx.
(Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. He is the author of A Soul In Flight-Path to Contemplation. It is spiritual poetry that reflects on a life lived in the joy, pain, and overall mystery of God's ever-loving presence.)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday, Dec 26, 2008
With my wife, Eve, we watched the DVD of Pope John Paul II - A Statesman of Faith, "As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the world in which we live." Pope John Paul II stood as the most popular pontiff in history, a spiritual compass to almost a billion Catholics worldwide, and a powerful symbol of peace to countless others. Considered an outsider choice for the papacy in 1978, Karol Josef Wojtyla led over 16.7 million people in worship, met nearly 700 heads of state, survived an assassination attempt, and helped facilitate the end of Communism in the Soviet Union.
He is the most traveled pope in the history of the Vatican. His carefree youth in Poland, his human rights activism, his late struggle with Parkinson's disease, his compassion, and his inspiration portray a deeply loved human figure among Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
We watched - The Story of the Twelve Apostles, a chronicle of Jesus' inner circle of followers whom He gave them the staggering assignment to change the world.
Jesus, a Jew, who was crucified by telling The Truth led an ordinary 12 men to spread the Gospel of Truth.
The Twelve average men (- fishermen, farmers, local magistrates ) dedicated their lives to a prophetic Jewish preacher in the backwaters of the Roman Empire who transformed them into revolutionaries and whose life and teachings as planned by God, eventually changed the world.
Peter denied Christ three times but later became a "Rock", James and John, the fiery-tempered "sons of thunder"; Matthew, the tax collector later murdered by cannibals; Simon the Zealot, the anti-Roman fanatic eventually "cut to pieces" preaching in Spain; and Judas Iscariot, whose betrayal would be paid for with silver and suicide.
This is also about the story of the Twelves's early fear and discouragement at the shock of the Crucifixion, to the final acceptance of the resurrection and their epic mission to spread the Gospel through the known world.
These Twelve died for the Gospel to life.
With my wife, Eve, we watched the DVD of Pope John Paul II - A Statesman of Faith, "As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the world in which we live." Pope John Paul II stood as the most popular pontiff in history, a spiritual compass to almost a billion Catholics worldwide, and a powerful symbol of peace to countless others. Considered an outsider choice for the papacy in 1978, Karol Josef Wojtyla led over 16.7 million people in worship, met nearly 700 heads of state, survived an assassination attempt, and helped facilitate the end of Communism in the Soviet Union.
He is the most traveled pope in the history of the Vatican. His carefree youth in Poland, his human rights activism, his late struggle with Parkinson's disease, his compassion, and his inspiration portray a deeply loved human figure among Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
We watched - The Story of the Twelve Apostles, a chronicle of Jesus' inner circle of followers whom He gave them the staggering assignment to change the world.
Jesus, a Jew, who was crucified by telling The Truth led an ordinary 12 men to spread the Gospel of Truth.
The Twelve average men (- fishermen, farmers, local magistrates ) dedicated their lives to a prophetic Jewish preacher in the backwaters of the Roman Empire who transformed them into revolutionaries and whose life and teachings as planned by God, eventually changed the world.
Peter denied Christ three times but later became a "Rock", James and John, the fiery-tempered "sons of thunder"; Matthew, the tax collector later murdered by cannibals; Simon the Zealot, the anti-Roman fanatic eventually "cut to pieces" preaching in Spain; and Judas Iscariot, whose betrayal would be paid for with silver and suicide.
This is also about the story of the Twelves's early fear and discouragement at the shock of the Crucifixion, to the final acceptance of the resurrection and their epic mission to spread the Gospel through the known world.
These Twelve died for the Gospel to life.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas 2008 (12/24/25,2008
It's the dawning of a new day. And the past reverberates but tells us that it is the presence of some. Today is the future of others.
My e-mails were numerous. Friends who hibernated for a long time have found a haven to get a rest and spend the while to a moment with friends to say hi and how are you. These are the people that I care about and be with. At this point what really matters is the relationship. It is not the money, the personal possessions accumulated through the years, the degrees added to your resume'. What matters in our journey are memories that we have with people we care about and love. The route that we have taken is essential as they lead us to our destination - the citadel of memories.
I love the way that I have traveled. It is colorful, smooth, rough, rugged, zigzag, and dangerous sometimes. As I look back, a grin in my face appears. the thought of that memories seems like a great escape. And I cherish those moments with people of different sizes, colors, creeds, and habits.
It's the dawning of a new day. And the past reverberates but tells us that it is the presence of some. Today is the future of others.
My e-mails were numerous. Friends who hibernated for a long time have found a haven to get a rest and spend the while to a moment with friends to say hi and how are you. These are the people that I care about and be with. At this point what really matters is the relationship. It is not the money, the personal possessions accumulated through the years, the degrees added to your resume'. What matters in our journey are memories that we have with people we care about and love. The route that we have taken is essential as they lead us to our destination - the citadel of memories.
I love the way that I have traveled. It is colorful, smooth, rough, rugged, zigzag, and dangerous sometimes. As I look back, a grin in my face appears. the thought of that memories seems like a great escape. And I cherish those moments with people of different sizes, colors, creeds, and habits.
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