Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The secrets of the kingdom of heaven...

Jesus thanked his Father for revealing the secrets of the kingdom of heaven to little ones. Why are the treasures of the kingdom of God kept hidden from the wise and the learned?This is a critical question. We needd to decipher the wisdom of God revealed through the prophets and finally through his beloved son, Jesus.

Adam and Eve, the beloved creatures of God lived in Paradise filled with grace and love. However, temptation for false knowledge filled them with pride, which led them away from their Creator. Consequently, they lost Paradise, and were driven to a desolate land. Is knowledge bad? No, but learning and knowledge must be perfected and turned into wisdom, for if not, it is false knowledge. Wisdom always unfolds the nature of God - who is all love and compassion; yet beyond our comprehension.

Israel was the least among the nations. Nevertheless, God preferred Israel over other nations to reveal his nature to them. Mundane wisdom would suggest just the opposite; it should be the most powerful and advanced nation to exercise its hegemony over other states. But God's wisdom surpasses all human knowledge and understanding. Ultimate wisdom and truth is revealed to simple and humble people.

Jesus is the wisdom of God - The way, the truth and the life." In an unprecedented manner, the Son of God became man, and dwelled among us. Almighty and all powerful God came to visit his people in the most humble way we can ever imagine. This act of God baffled the wise and the learned, for the secrets of the kingdom of heaven are kept hidden from such people.

The ultimate disclosure of God's wisdom and the secrets of the kingdom of heaven were revealed on the cross. The people of this world could not and cannot understand, for they considered, "cursed be the man who hangs on the tree." Even those to whom God first revealed these secrets, looked at the cross as a stumbling block, and the wise and learned considered it as folly, but for humble, faith-filled people, it was the power and wisdom of God.

When Jesus saw the faith among the poor, the humble and the simple villagers, He gave thanks to his Father, for keeping the secrets of the kingdom of heaven hidden from the wise and the learned., but revealing them to mere babes. For they are the ones who have no pride. They have the humility and simplicity of heart, because they trust not in understanding, knowledge and wealth but in God Almighty.
- Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx (St. Timothy Church Bulletin)

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