Saturday, July 26, 2008

The irony...

The opposite realities come together, and yet, find a meaningful encounter, which makes joyful "the irony".The Sunday has two names: Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday. This sounds bit strange; it sounds like saying that it is a Sunday to rejoice and a Sunday to mourn. Well, it is precisely that,which completes the meaning of the day's celebration.

The days which followed this event unfolded the sad side of the irony. The people who are shouting "Hosanna to the Lord" and spreading their garments on the wayside, will cry out even louder. "Crucify Him!" Human nature becomes crystal clear. Human beings always want to tread on the popular road. We, so easily let go of our values and discipline. Jesus, on the other hand, endures passion and death; he takes the difficult path for our sake.

When the earthly kings come to town, he comes with power and might. The Heavenly King, who is King of all kings comes as a servant. "Say to the daughter of Zion; look your King comes to you, he is humble, he rides on a donkey and on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden." What an irony!

"Cursed be the man who hangs on the tree." The death of Jesus on the cross transforms everything, and from now on, the cross becomes a life-giving tree. As St. Paul would say: "for Jews, the cross of Christ became a stumbling block, and for Greeks a folly, but for us believers the wisdom and power of God." What an irony!

We face ironies every day of our lives. Let us face them with courage and faith. Even though we might have to walk a difficult road, let us not falter, but be always on the side of God, rather than, to walk the popular road, which leads to doom.
-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday,July 22/08

How it feels to be 82

Monday , July 21 Frank Obina was tendered a Birthday Party at 6234 N. Washtenaw by his daughters Minda, Rosa and Chelang , son, David and wife Teddy with tasty lechon on lemon grass, Guam's favorite dishes of kilagwin chicken- half-broiled chicken chopped into small pieces with lemon and lime juice, salt and pepper to taste , kilagwin shrimp - the shelled shrimps sliced with lemon and lime juice, salt and pepper. There was the eggplant in coconut milk another Guam's specialty. Also the very tasty potato salad (rosette potato diced, eggs , sweet relish, pimiento in bottle, mayonaise)

Ist Stop
With Frank Obina, his wife, a son ,3 daughters, Buddy (Nissan driver) , my wife and I- we journeyed to glimpse Illinois' what's- near- to- Chicago's spots to see. We tramp ride- to view what's in the Botanic garden in Glencoe. The Garden amazed us with its nature's abundance of fauras and faunas. Varieties of flowers, trees, shrubs and herbs. Geese dots its ponds not to mention squirrels in glee hopping through the branches. The Japanese garden offered awe, serenity and tranquility.

2nd Stop
China town in the Southside on Cermak was the launch's break venue. Jolly Jee welcomed us with its sumptous menu of gustatory delight. Ordered were: soup, duck, beef, pork, seafood, eggroll, chilled avocado. Nine people were satisfied.

3rd Stop
Navy Pier enticed us to its Chicago River Architecture Cruise.( Price: $24.00 regular & $21.00 for Seniors). Brigitte, the teacher turned tour guide soaked our inquiring minds and amused us with her phrase of " in the world" on the salient informations about the history of the "windy city" that is Chicago's nickname due to its politicians referred to as "full of winds'; hence "windy"and its architectural designs manifested on its array of buildings - condos, offices, residentials, hotels. As the boat plowed and slithered across the Chicago river, the guide showed us the remnant from the shooting of the movie "The Dark Night" and the building that Spider man climbed.
Chicago derived its name from the native Indians who called the low-lying, prairie area as Chicagou, "smelly onion patch." The forest of skycrapers dotting the Chicago river had its primeval roots in the 1770s. Chicago's architectural history is shaped by 2 major events: balloon frame construction and the famous Chicago fire. The balloon frame construction started in the 1830s. This is a Chicago invention of building in sections that let homes be assembled" as quickly as you could inflate a balloon." This innovative concept was used later to build towns from Chicago across the nation to the West Coast."

4th Stop
Broadway and Argyle- the Vietname-Chinese business hub. Frank's friend Joe Co spoled us with the "so much food" at Furama , a Chinese restaurant.

Stories Revealed:
Joe Co & Frank Obina on the next blog.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

stay with me

don't vanish
not even for a minute

stay with me as the day, the week, the
month in a year.

not even for a minute
go not away.

stay with me
Thou Holy Spirit!

in the dawn of a planet's life
you break into my vision
like a dream of a rose-colored garden
your lips touch the lone heart
sending pulsating desire of pure
joy, of life, of wanting to soar
the infinite sky like an eagle's dare.

you are really like the sun vanishing
in the sea of dreams where the stuff of
memories surf in their loveliness.

a memory you are real. you touch my shoulders
you drive my enthusiasm.
you are mine.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Peter and Paul...

Peter and Paul are the two pillars of the church that were established by Christ, to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. The early church was blessed with these two charismatic leaders who made a great impact on their community of believers at that time and who continue to influence the faith of the church today. They truly inspired the nascent church to make the "leap of faith", and acknowledge Jesus as "the Christ of God."

Peter the fisherman, was one of the first disciples to be called by the Lord to follow him. Peter, being a married man and bread winner for his family, must have found the call to follow the Lord a veritable challenge. Although faced with such an obstacle, he left everything and answered the call. His family, too, must have been inspired by the Lord, for they were able to support and encourage Peter to walk with the Lord.

What a journey it was for Peter! He was privileged to be part of the inner circle that gave him the advantage to witness the profound moments of his life for the Lord. He was the first one to confess that Jesus is the Christ of God. He was outspoken, and became the self proclaimed leader of the group. Hence, Jesus did confer on him the shepherding role, and made him the rock on which His church would stand.

Paul, on the other hand, was not part of this group who witnessed the teaching, preaching, and healing ministry of Jesus. Yet, he takes a prominent place in the church. Despite his being a persecutor of the church, Paul became its greatest builder. His conversion, while on the way to Damascus, is the epitome' of God's mercy and forgiveness: "From a sinner to a saint." The encounter of Paul with the Risen Lord made him an apostle, whose mission was designed by Jesus himself: "An Apostle to the Gentiles."

Peter and Paul are symbolic pillars of the church.Peter is an icon of stability, and the hierarchy of the established church. Paul brings charisma and spirit to this recognized church to make it alive and active in its mission. Both are vital for the growth of the church to dispatch salvation to the ends of th earth. This structure is not man- made but was designed by God for the salvation of all. Today, we live in a sad world. Many have left the apostolic church for their own personal reasons; many others have tried to destroy the church of God; and many others hunger for its downfall.

Pope Benedict, in his recent encyclical, reiterates the will of God in establishing the church on the foundation of the apostolic faith, in order to bring His redemption to all His children. Without doubt, the Catholic Church is that "One True Apostolic Church" here on earth, for all to witness the love and mercy of God.
-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx (St. Timothy Church Bulletin)
The secrets of the kingdom of heaven...

Jesus thanked his Father for revealing the secrets of the kingdom of heaven to little ones. Why are the treasures of the kingdom of God kept hidden from the wise and the learned?This is a critical question. We needd to decipher the wisdom of God revealed through the prophets and finally through his beloved son, Jesus.

Adam and Eve, the beloved creatures of God lived in Paradise filled with grace and love. However, temptation for false knowledge filled them with pride, which led them away from their Creator. Consequently, they lost Paradise, and were driven to a desolate land. Is knowledge bad? No, but learning and knowledge must be perfected and turned into wisdom, for if not, it is false knowledge. Wisdom always unfolds the nature of God - who is all love and compassion; yet beyond our comprehension.

Israel was the least among the nations. Nevertheless, God preferred Israel over other nations to reveal his nature to them. Mundane wisdom would suggest just the opposite; it should be the most powerful and advanced nation to exercise its hegemony over other states. But God's wisdom surpasses all human knowledge and understanding. Ultimate wisdom and truth is revealed to simple and humble people.

Jesus is the wisdom of God - The way, the truth and the life." In an unprecedented manner, the Son of God became man, and dwelled among us. Almighty and all powerful God came to visit his people in the most humble way we can ever imagine. This act of God baffled the wise and the learned, for the secrets of the kingdom of heaven are kept hidden from such people.

The ultimate disclosure of God's wisdom and the secrets of the kingdom of heaven were revealed on the cross. The people of this world could not and cannot understand, for they considered, "cursed be the man who hangs on the tree." Even those to whom God first revealed these secrets, looked at the cross as a stumbling block, and the wise and learned considered it as folly, but for humble, faith-filled people, it was the power and wisdom of God.

When Jesus saw the faith among the poor, the humble and the simple villagers, He gave thanks to his Father, for keeping the secrets of the kingdom of heaven hidden from the wise and the learned., but revealing them to mere babes. For they are the ones who have no pride. They have the humility and simplicity of heart, because they trust not in understanding, knowledge and wealth but in God Almighty.
- Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx (St. Timothy Church Bulletin)
The Sower and the seeds...

Most living in the cities have lost touch with Mother Earth. The city children have very little knowledge about farming and raising livestocks. I was surprised with the kind of answers I received from the fifth grade students. The first question I asked was: " From where do we get milk?" Most of them answered from Fred Myers, Costco or some other grocery stores. I received the same answers when I asked about eggs and other farm products.

The earth is our mother which produces abundant crops to feed her children. However, her children have neglected their mother and taken her for granted. Today, we hear the buzz word "Global Warming" resounding all around us. Is mother earth reacting to us for our carelessness and disregard, or perhaps, calling for our attention? It seems that we have walked on the wrong path for a long time.

Jesus was so much in tune with nature, that he could appreciate it gracefully, and enhance its worth for our wellbeing. He compared the "Kingdom of God" to the natural world to give us a clear understanding about the eternal reality. He compared the Kingdom fo God to such thing as yeast, a pearl, a fish caught in the net, sheep and goats, the wheat and weeds and many others. Through the empirical world he wanted to lead us to the spiritual realm.

"The Sower went out to sow seeds." This scenario is still prevalent in the developing countries. However, in the developed countries everything is done by machine. Whether by hand or by machine, the seeds need to be sown in the grown for a new crop and for a fresh harvest. Only those seeds that fall on the good soil, produce an abundant yield.

The Word of God is the Seed for the eternal harvest. Jesus is the Word of God, which has been sown in our hearts to produce good fruits of faith, hope and love. But, we need to prepare the ground for the seed to take deep roots. This we can do by listening to the word of God; by celebrating the sacraments and performing works of charity. Let us not allow the seed to be taken away from us by the bird in the air, through false living, and wrong values. God continuously sows the seeds of salvation in the hearts of his children.
- Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx. (St. Timothy Church Bulletin)