From St. Timothy Church's Bulletin
On Changing Your Prayer Life...
1. Change the channel. Signal the change in these 40 days by skipping TV on certain days.
2. Feed your soul. Many people today are overworked and under nurtured. Take certain days to do something fulfilling alone - visit a museum, read a "spiritual book, listen to some soothing music, or read motivational books.
3. Eat light. cut back on the size of your meals (not only on Fridays). Give the money saved on food to charities that feed hungry people. Perhaps take time to work at a soup kitchen or a place that cares for the hungry.
4. Be a Simon, the Cyrenean. As Simon helped to carry Christ's cross, so help a family member or a "neighbor" to carry a physical, emotional or spiritual difficulty.
5. Worship with friends and family. Invite someone to join you at Mass.Dicuss the thoughts you received in the readings and the homily.
6. Reach out to someone who is alienated from your group.
7. Pray for those who are being persecuted for their faith or race.
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