Tuesday, March 18, 2008

K of C Council No. 5025

The Tuesday night Mass at St Thecla's Falcon Hall was memorable. Especially with Fr. Robert Pajor's reflection on the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus . And the question, Why?

With that query comes to mind the story of Creation.

In His infinite wisdom has the intention to create a world from a Word. God. Angels. Rebellion. Eden. Man, Adam (from dust) & Woman (from the rib of a man) Eve, Mother of the Living. Serpent-Lucifer (most beautiful of all the angels & leader of the rebellion). Disobedience. Promise of Redemption. ( Mary. Jesus ).
Cain and Abel . Noah. Great Deluge. Noah's Ark. The Survivors.
King David. Judaism. The Star. Magnificat. Coming of the Messiah.

GOD, THE SON .The Three Kings. King Herod. Christianity. Pontius Pilate. Gogotha. The Seven Last Words.


Read Time magazine's March 24, 2008 issue on: 10 Ideas That Are Changing the World marked #10 Re-Judaizing Jesus. Scholars are now rereading the Gospels through the eyes of a Jew: Jesus. Read more about it on Time's magazine.

Orate Fratres! (Brethren pray)

Monday, March 17, 2008

From St. Timothy Church's Bulletin

On Changing Your Prayer Life...
1. Change the channel. Signal the change in these 40 days by skipping TV on certain days.
2. Feed your soul. Many people today are overworked and under nurtured. Take certain days to do something fulfilling alone - visit a museum, read a "spiritual book, listen to some soothing music, or read motivational books.
3. Eat light. cut back on the size of your meals (not only on Fridays). Give the money saved on food to charities that feed hungry people. Perhaps take time to work at a soup kitchen or a place that cares for the hungry.
4. Be a Simon, the Cyrenean. As Simon helped to carry Christ's cross, so help a family member or a "neighbor" to carry a physical, emotional or spiritual difficulty.
5. Worship with friends and family. Invite someone to join you at Mass.Dicuss the thoughts you received in the readings and the homily.
6. Reach out to someone who is alienated from your group.
7. Pray for those who are being persecuted for their faith or race.

Out of Circulation

Been out of circulation for some time. Still, I am with my purpose-enhanced life. To do my best, that is. Now, I am gearing for the 4th degree in the Knights of Columbus. I am looking inward if I'm worthy of chivalrous disposition through the power of my intention. On this Lenten season, I have to submerge my awful self to a baptism of retrospection, meditation, dedication, and contrition. And honestly, locate the hidden answer to Who I Am.
Dead Man Walking...
bumps are: "Dead Man Walking!" It seems unlike for a dead man to walk in time and space; however, metaphorical, it could be true. Death can be defined more than a few different ways, save for just physical death.

For example, a person who is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment is a person who lives, though faced with the death of freedom, death of companionship of family and friends, as well as society at large. He is alive but a dead man. Difficult to perceive, but it is the reality. Similarly, when you lose a family member, a friend, your job, or part of your body, you face death.

During our lifetime, before we die, it is better to die to our ego, pride, selfishness, hatred, and sinfulness. Look! Deadman walking, but full of grace and peace! Prophet Ezekiel, on behalf of God, announced to his people about the new life, "I shall put my spirit in you and you will live." God proclaims that He is going to open the tombs and raise you from your graves of sin, to lead you back to the promised land.

Jesus raised Lazarus from death, which was unheard of. Lazarus died of physical death and was laid in the tomb for four days. Nevertheless, Jesus brought him back to life from the nether world, to illustrate the power of God working in Him. All humanity was "dead men walking", before the coming of Jesus into our history. Now, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we receive the new life of Grace, as we live in God.

We are no longer "Dead Men Walking", but we live as children of God through His Son Jesus, in the Holy Spirit. During the season of Lent, we contemplate the mystery of God's powerful intervention to give mankind a new life. Let our meditation on the paschal mystery of Jesus fill us with grace and faith, and bring us joyfully into the season of Easter. ( Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx)