Friday, September 20, 2024

My Note 1

 The Word ( John 1)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,  and the Word was God.

My Notes

 The Discovery

This journey leads me to the path of
Contemplation: Man's highest expression
On secular and spiritual life proof
Of his humble, sincere,  intention

With God, there's peace and happiness
I found Him, and I saw my true self
The richness of Life's awareness
Which is truly His wonderful gift.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Power of Public Speaking

 The Secret of How to Speak

1. Keep it simple

2. Get organized

3. Keep it short

4.  Take charge. Smile. Eye contact (Left- Center- Right)

5.  Don't read, Talk. ( On How You Feel)

6. Be Real. (Share Your Experience) 

7. Be a Wide Reader.

8. Be a Good Listener. (Listen to the Child, the Young, the Senior.)

9. Be on Good Terms with Others.

10. Be Borderless.

11. Take Good Care of Your Health. That is your only Gem and Diamond.

12. You are Your Only Best Friend. (Listen to Him. Be True, Be sincere. He is your
      Best Physician. Love God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen)  

Fr. Leoncio Santiago's Birthday Celebration

The 12th of September 2024
I came. I saw. I was greatly inspired.
The smiling attendees look good in white.
The guest with their black garb was admired;
Gives beauty to the world for more joy and light.

Fr. Santiago, a Secular priest:
He was honored by a Devotional Group.
It was really a wonderful feast:
Malaybalay's black-white collar troupe. 

"How Beautiful is the Morning" song echoed
Permeating the air with "I Believe"
Then, We are the World,  just overflowed
The all-white, dressed-up audience was relieved.

The inspired celebrant sang gracefully
To the great Platters' tune of " Twilight Time"
The hall's atmosphere glided peacefully
Engulfing peace, mercy, and love sublime.

It was a Birthday to remember
With the soothing violin rendition
Of "Amazing Grace" to stay forever:
A legacy for the generation.   

(N.B.) Fr. Leoncio Santiago, a secular priest, is a renovator

By: Greg Intas Caponong Alcala Trabanca