Thursday, November 24, 2022

A Thanksgiving


 From the Silent Generation
Surviving the Second World War
The Baby Boomers' innovation
And the strong Millenial doors ajar.

The ocean of mercy opened up
God's incarnation in Mary's womb
And the blessings would never stop
Through the years and glad we are not doomed.

Embedded in humanity's soul
Is Christ's personal relationship
Must be the essence of life's goal 
For all mankind: our fellowship.

Christmas: season of transformation
Christ's real presence is our concern
Great jubilation for the nation
On this, we must profoundly discern.

Deus fit homo ut homo fieret Deus
(God becomes human so humans must become God.)
Catholics and non-Christians called Him Jesus,
The Saviour and we are immensely glad.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Dedication

 The Children's  Memories

We remember you our dear mother
As a mother, you love your children
Unassuming but there is power
This is how it's going to begin.

In the Queen City, it started
Love grew, nourished until it blooms
This was not the plan but studied
And as Baby Boomers, it zooms.

Soon  the couple received a token
Four beautiful girls and two bright boys
Of the sun's smile and the joyous rain.
"Remember this is life", said the Voice.

The children's role model was their aunt:
A Florence Nightingale sans hubris;
"Strict discipline on what you must want
Will not lead you to your nemesis."

Dear mother is on a lovely bed;
We pay our last respect and goodbye
But there's a place where we must not  dread
Peace and joy that no one can deny.

Belen Fortich Caermare 
Husband: Luisito Rueles Caermare
Children: Geraldine, Riza, Christy, Francis,  Antoniette, Rexis.

The bereaved family of Belen Fortich Caermare would like to convey 
their heartfelt gratitude for those who in one way or another had eased 
their sorrows in time of her demise.

Thank you very much!
The Children

(N.B.) Evangeline Rueles Caermare Trabanca is the Aunt, deceased, an LDR nurse.

"Help someone in distress and you lighten your own burden; the very joy of alleviating
the sorrow of another is the lessening of one's own."  (Fulton Sheen.)