Sunday, January 16, 2022


CIRCA  1989.  Aware of the growing population of Filipinos in Illinois, a group from the province of Zamboanga del Norte which lies at the foot of forested mountains on the northwestern tip of Mindanao Island, mulled out a plan to form an organization to unite all Zamboanga del Norteans in Illinois as nobody has the time to relate to them as individuals in the hurry and flurry of this newfound land. 

In a family get-together and summer picnic at Schiller Park, Illinois in August of 1989 with Bishop Felix Zafra, Fr. King Fuerzas, and Fr. TQ Solis concelebrating the outdoor mass, the Association was created, And given the go signal to chairman and fill up the remaining slates was Beressimo "Ber/Nonoy" Refugio.
The first meeting was held at Ramie Calimotan's place. The following were chosen: Chairman/President Berisimo "Nonoy" Refugio,  1st vice-chairman, Greg Trabanca, 2nd vice-chairman, Lydia Filipinas Rusiana, Secretary, Soling Kwan Anderson, Asst. Secretary, Belinda Lunjas, Treasurer, Girlie Arrieta, Asst. Treasurer, Esper Patangan, Auditor, Ruding Bonjoc, PRO, Gilfred Cruz, Business Manager, Eddie Artajo, Asst. Business Manager, Ramie Calimotan, Social Manager, Nonoy Bajamunde, Asst. Social Manager, Fil Fertig, Marshals, Art Fertig and Vincent Frias, Muse Jiji Ames, Entertainer, Evelyn Bonjoc.  The Board of Advisers were: Pastor Bajamunde, Dr.Juan Lasa, Dr. Leo Pepa, and Fr. Eutiquio Solis, Jr.

On December 6, 1989, all roads lead to Dr. Jose Rizal Center, 1332 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60613.  The elected officers were inducted into office by Atty. Alfonso Bascos (Former FACC President).

The other venues for the meeting were - Esper Patangan's place and Dr. Jose Rizal Center, The usual agenda was the annual summer picnic and Christmas party.  Also, the perennial problem, the membership dues, and how to collect them.  However, everything was in its proper course and route.

On December 23, 1990, Hon. Dr. Jaime S. Bautista, Philippine Consul General of Chicago gave an inspirational talk at the Second Christmas Party at the Rizal Center.  Dr. Leonardo Malalis introduced Consul General Bautista while Fr. Manuel Recera offered the invocation.  The theme - Progress Through
Unity was effectively emphasized in the State of the Association address of Nonoy Refugio.  Alfonso Culanculan made the closing remarks this time. Still, on the first Christmas Party and induction of officers, Dipolog City's former Mayor Pastor Bajamunde dished out a memorable closing remark that epitomized his outstanding political days.  Greg Trabanca emceed these two memorable occasions.

A newsletter was born in the second year of the Association's existence. It was printed through the energetic and enthusiastic Secretary turn editor Soling Kwan Anderson with the guidance and advice of Greg Trabanca. The newsletter was christened ZEPHYR which means any soft, gentle wind or mild breeze.  It was a name taken from Zamboanga's azure sky and Illinois's soft gentle snow flurries.  This will be the vehicle of expression and conveyor of information for the Zamboanga del Norte Filipino Americans here in Illinois.

Our second annual Family summer picnic was celebrated on Schiller Park with Lechon and homemade cooked menus.  The outdoor mass was officiated by Fr. Leoncio Santiago in the morning and by Fr. TQ Solis in the afternoon. The third summer picnic was held in the same place, by Fr. Manuel Recera and Fr. Ricardo Recera. There were two succulent lechons and lots of restaurants and homemade foods.

On June 28, 1992, the Zamboanga del Norte Association of Illinois held its first election of officers at Schiller Forrest Preserve Park, Schiller Park, Illinois.  Elected and subsequently proclaimed by Philippine Consul Diosdado Orocio, Jr. were: Greg Trabanca, president:  Eddie Artajo, 1st vice-president:  Lydia
Rusiana, 2nd vice-president; Soling Kwan Anderson, Secretary; Girlie Arrieta, treasurer; Esper Patangan, Asst. treasurer; Rolliette Equia Aves, auditor; Ruding Bonjoc, asst. auditor; Evelyn Reyes, PRO; Angie Baytion, Asst. PRO; Gilfred Cruz; Suerte Sienes, social manager; Ramie Calimotan, Asst. Business Manager and Remchile Sienes, Vincent Frias, Marshals.  These officers will serve for two years after their induction.

The induction of the newly elected officers and Christmas-Family dinner was held at the Regency Inn, 5319 W. Diversey, on December 19, 1992. The affairs also coincide with the launching of the association's first fundraising venture dubbed Project, Tabang, or Help to benefit the Zamboanga del Norte Emergency Hospital, Dipolog City, Philippines. Worthy of mention was the $170.00 donation to the tornado victims of Upper Disakan, Manukan, Zamboanga del Norte, and Siparok, Jose Dalman, Zamboanga del Norte.

The Association is now on its fifth term. The horizon is rosy. The officers are fraught with enthusiasm, new ideas, and noble projects. And the members are ever willing to help, to cooperate, to work.

Friday, January 14, 2022


 The Fisherman

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body, and mind will vanish like evil at the dawn of the day." - (Thomas Jefferson)

The power and wiliness of evil that tend to darken the world, particularly the Philippines need a talisman. And, by the grace, mercy, and blessing of God, the country found one, a fisherman. He is an inspiration to the Filipinos who are in a country of 7,100 islands, 80.58 % Catholics, 10.8 % Protestant, and 5.57% Muslim according to the 2010 Census. This fisherman has a talisman and is leading his people to the placid waters of peace, and prosperity

However, the kingdom of darkness of Satan with his multitude of followers ceaselessly lays siege to the devoted fishers, industrious farmers, and humble folks in the corner and crevice of the rich, fertile, resource-fraught islands of the Republic of the Philippines.

This fisherman, talisman, and leader plied across the straits to the islands, observed the waters, and found the fountain of hope, a panacea to the ills that beset his peoples' livelihood. It dawned on his perception of the empirical and ontological reality that the people own the primeval water, the ancestral land, and the spacious sky.

"Vox populi, vox Dei", the voice of the people is the voice of God. The Malacanan Palace at San Miguel, Manila, the official residence of the president of the Philippines could only be occupied by an official duly elected by the people. That freedom is "the government of the people, by the people, and for the people." What is happening after the granting of Independence- the government became " off" the people, "bought" by the people, "fought" by the people.) 

Education opens the door to knowledge. The genesis of governance appears clean and promising but later on, power and greed wriggled their ugly tentacles. Corruption entered the backdoor, while honesty dwindled, and the strong arms of the moneyed and the mighty flexed their muscles to grab a bag of power. and influence. And in these serious instances, a burst of anger is the only resource left.

Rebellion is a welcome tool. It has acquired the ability to take what it can get not by friendly persuasion but by a drastic measure. It has a tenacious grip on the accumulation of wealth and the increase of power. It has focused the blame on the government by creating trouble and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake alleging that the Palace is remiss on its demands like land reform, a deaf ear to the indigenous' cry for their social and economic status, and the unequal distribution of government projects. 

Enter a rebel with a cause. In the 1930s there was agrarian unrest, a political figure, Luis M. Taruc  (1942- 1950) emerged who led a communist-inspired guerilla movement together with the Central Luzon farmers called Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon (Hukbalahap)  acronym, The Huks. The spark of the movement ignited the Filipino mind at the rice granary of the country - Central Luzon but later the ember faded. The Huk rebellion ended during the  Ramon Magsaysay administration after 4 months of negotiations represented by Manuel Manahan and Benigno Aquino, Jr.  

Mindanao became an island of opportunity. It was now: go South as a battle cry.  (Remember the Pilgrim Fathers in World History.) The adventurers, the ambitious, the dreamers embarked on a ship, others on big sailboats carrying with them luggage of dream and hope for a better sunrise: Destination - Mindanao.

Sure enough, the timing was precisely right. They were overwhelmed with expectations.  On a bright sunny day, they saw the untouched sea of limitless grasses and bushes dancing with the wind, the kilometers of the primeval forest darkened with lumber slumbered with the lullaby of birds and bees. The scenario was of abundance but behind it loomed hard work, perseverance, and the conundrum of the odds of circumstances.

The pioneering spirit in Mindanao held on to the Pilgrim Fathers' progress until the onslaught on the citadel of their living occurred inspired by the acquired idea of a UP vintage of Jose Ma Sison aka Joma. who founded the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), then the National Peoples Army ( NPA) under the aegis of the reestablished CPP with a significant base of young urban youth and in the small area of the countryside that spread even as Martial Law was declared by Marcos in 1972. Nonetheless, by the capture of Sison in 1977, the seed of the revolutionary movement and armed struggle had been sown in every major region from North to South. Despite the heyday day of the Marcos regime Martial Law, the Philippine revolutionary movement burgeoned greatly in the late 1970s. Sison's writings and books served to awaken and arm a whole generation of radical activists and revolutionary cadres. CPP, NPA, and NDF aim the overthrow the government through armed struggle. Peace talk is only a propaganda machine, an alliance of building operations and maneuvering against the government. But the ultimate aim is death and destruction by way of radical terrorism which is their main form of advocacy for change. However, President Duterte is serious about finding peace.

 Lately, Sison has lost his grip. Bad news for these radical activists and revolutionary cadres like waves are rushing to the shore of the Palace, so to speak, for a change.

Now this fisherman, talisman, and leader continue on scouring the deep waters of the archipelago and sees the reflection that there's a gold mine in the sky. Then twilight approaches as he watches the world roll by still thinking of that long-lost gold mine in the sky. And there is a whisper with a tinge of ontology, not far away, not far away and it will be soon some sweet day.

This leader has not only love but loyalty to his Creator, country, and people. God bless the Philippines!


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Dream (1/12/22)

Where goest thou? 

Vividly portrayed on this dream
That I was poised to go somewhere
To a river or to a stream
Absolutely it's the river

Where the water flows merrily
Zigzagging to the lovely sea 
Where  the sun smile, the birds are happy 
Life is what it could really be.

How will we survive this New Year?
With all the problems; have you a plan
A new one to make things better?
It's now for action, no magic wand.

Stretch your arms the left and the right
It is the shadow of a cross
Telling us that the future is bright
To our hope and dream, we are the boss.

It's the right time for awakening
It's the ideal time to break through
The negative to that of doing
A different one and thorough.

Then unleash the complete potential
Veering towards the path of progress
With the blessings of the celestial
Opening the world of success.

Monday, January 03, 2022

Holy or Perfect!

Love and Loyalty

"Not all of us can do great things, 
but we can do small things with great love".
"Do something beautiful for God"
(Mother Teresa)

In times like this, I may not despair 
But hold on to the submission
Of His holy will and tender care.
Love and loyalty: our life's mission.

Please Lord your servant is asking
Of love and loyalty to take.
Does faith need to be in the mapping:
And forgiveness for Jesus Christ's sake?

I don't design a master plan
But leave to my Divine Architect
All things in life are in His hand
We are holy but He is perfect.

Lawyers are our great defender
And soldiers protect us from strife
To the doctors. we surrender
But God has everlasting life.

(N.B.) This poem is for all lovers of life especially so on this day of Heart. With grateful appreciation to the Sunday Zoom Bible Study guru, Rev. Leoncio Santiago. And to the Group. And to all and sundry- Happy Valentine's Day!
(Leviticus 19:2) (1 Peter 15-16) (Leviticus 19:18) (1 Peter  1:13) (1 Peter 1:17)
(1 Peter 1: 22) (2 Timothy 4:5 ) Seniors' Devotional Bible, NIV.