Sunday, December 27, 2020

Association History

CIRCA  1989.  Aware of the growing population of Filipinos in Illinois, a group from the province of Zamboanga del Norte which lies at the foot of the forested mountains on the northwestern tip of Mindanao Island, mulled out a plan to form an organization to unite all Zamboanga del Norteans in Illinois as nobody has the time to relate to them as individuals in the hurry and flurry of this newfound land.

On a family get-together and summer picnic at Schiller Park, Illinois in August of 1989 with Bishop Felix Zafra, Fr. King Fuerzas, and Fr. TQ Solis concelebrating the outdoor mass, the Association was created, And given the go signal to be the chairman and fill up the remaining slates was Ber "Nonoy" Refugio.

The first meeting was held at Ramie Calimotan's place. The following officers were chosen: Chairman - Ber "Nonoy" Refugio, 1st Vice-Chairman - Greg Trabanca, 2nd Vice-Chairman, Lydia Filipinas Rusiana, Secretary, - Soling Kwan Anderson, Asst. Secretary - Belinda Lunjas, Treasurer -  Girlie Arrieta,  Asst. Treasurer -  Esper Patangan,  Auditor - Ruding Bonjoc,  PRO -  Gilfred Cruz, Business Manager -  Eddie Artajo,  Asst. Business Manager -  Ramie Calimotan, Social Manager -  Nonoy Bajamunde, Asst. Social Manager - Fil Fertig,  Marshals: Art Fertig and Vincent Frias, Muse - Jiji Ames,  Entertainer - Evelyn Bonjoc.  The Board of Advisers were: Pastor Bajamunde, Dr.Juan Lasa, Dr. Leo Pepa, and Fr. Eutiquio Solis, Jr.

On December 6, 1989, all roads lead to the Rizal Center, 1332 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60613.  The officers were inducted into office by Atty. Alfonso Bascos ( former FACC President). 

Other venues for the meeting were over Esper Patangan's place, and the Rizal Center, The usual agenda was the Annual Summer Picnic and the Christmas Party.  Also, the perennial problems on the membership dues and how to collect them. Other than these, everything was in its proper course and route.

On December 23, 1990, the Honorable.  Dr. Jaime S. Bautista, the Philippine Consul General of Chicago gave the inspirational talk at the Second Christmas Party at the Rizal Center.  Dr. Leonardo Malalis introduced Consul General Bautista while Fr. Manuel Recera offered the invocation.  The theme - Progress Through Unity was effectively emphasized in the state of the association address of the incumbent president Nonoy Refugio.  Alfonso Culanculan made the closing remarks this time but on the first Christmas Party and Induction of Officers, the 
Dipolog City former Mayor Pastor Bajamunde dished out memorable closing remarks that epitomized his outstanding political days.  Greg Trabanca emceed these two significant occasions.

In the second year of the Association's existence, a newsletter was born.  It was published through the energetic and enthusiastic Secretary-turn Editor Soling Kwan Anderson with the guidance and advice of Greg Trabanca.  The newsletter was Christened ZEPHYR which means any soft, gentle wind or mild
breeze.  It was a name taken out of Zamboanga's azure skies and Illinois's soft gentle snow flurries.  And this was to be the vehicle of expression and conveyor of information for the Zamboanga del Norte Filipino - Americans. It was short-lived.

Our second annual Family Summer Picnic was celebrated on Schiller Park with lechon and homemade cooked menus.  The outdoor mass was solemnized by Fr. Leoncio Santiago in the morning and by Fr. TQ Solis in the afternoon. It was an enjoyable day, a respite from the hectic working chores.

The third summer picnic was held in the same place, Schiller Park. The holy sacrifice of the Mass was solemnized by Frs. Manuel Recera and Ricardo Recera. They are brothers. There were two succulent lechons and lots of restaurants and homemade foods. It was a notable and frolicsome summer picnic.

On June 28, 1992, the Zamboanga del Norte Association of Illinois held its election of officers at Schiller Forest Preserve Park, Schiller Park, Illinois.  Elected and subsequently proclaimed by the Philippine  Consul Diosdado Orocio, Jr. were: Greg Trabanca - President,  Eddie Artajo - 1st Vice-President,  Lydia 
Filipinas Rusiana - 2nd Vice-President, Soling Kwan Anderson - Secretary, Girlie Arrieta - Treasurer,  Esper Patangan - Asst. Treasurer,  Rolliette Equia Aves - Auditor,  Ruding Bonjoc - Asst. Auditor,  Evelyn Reyes - PRO,  Angie Baytion - Assist PRO, Gilfred Cruz; Suerte Sienes, Social Manager; Ramie Calimotan, asst. Business Manager. and Remchile Sienes and Vincent Frias, marshals.  These officers will serve for two years after their induction.

The induction of the newly elected officers and Christmas-Family dinner was held at the Regency Inn, 5319 W. Diversey, on December 19, 1992. The affairs also coincide with the launching of the association's first fundraising venture dubbed Project TABANG OR HELP; to benefit the Zamboanga del Norte Emergency Hospital, Dipolog City, Philippines. Worthy of mention was the $170.00 donation to the tornado victims of Upper Disakan, Manukan, Zamboanga del Norte, and Siparok, Jose Dalman, Zamboanga del Norte.

The Association is now on its fifth term. The horizon is rosy. The officers are fraught with enthusiasm, new ideas, and noble projects. And the members are ever willing to help, to cooperate, to work.
(Greg Intas Caponong Trabanca)

Thursday, December 24, 2020

CIRCA  1989.  Aware of the growing population of Filipinos in Illinois, a group from the province of Zamboanga del Norte which lies at the foot of the forested mountains on the northwestern tip of Mindanao Island, mulled out a plan to form an organization to unite all Zamboanga del Norteans in Illinois as nobody
has the time to relate to them as individuals in the hurry and flurry of this newfound land.  In a family get-together and summer picnic at Schiller Park, Illinois on August of 1989 with Bishop Felix Zafra, Fr. King Fuerzas, and Fr. TQ Solis concelebrating the outdoor mass, the Association was created,  And given the go signal the chairmanship and fill up the remaining slates was Ber "Nonoy" Refugio.

The first meeting was held at Ramie Calimotan's place. The following were chosen: 1st Vice-Chairman - Greg Trabanca,  2nd Vice-Chairman - Lydia Filipinas Rusiana, Secretary- Soling Kwan Anderson, Asst. Secretary- Belinda Lunjas, Treasurer- Girlie Arrieta, Asst. Treasurer - Esper Patangan, Auditor - Ruding
Bonjoc, PRO - Gilfred Cruz, Business Manager - Eddie Artajo, Asst. Business Manager - Ramie Calimotan, Social Manager - Nonoy Bajamunde, Asst. Social Manager - Fil Fertig, Marshals -  Art Fertig and Vincent Frias, Muse - Jiji Ames, Entertainer - Evelyn Bonjoc.  The Board of Advisers were: Pastor Bajamunde, Dr.
Juan Lasa, Dr. Leo Pepa,  and Fr. Eutiquio Solis, Jr.

On December 6, 1989, all roads lead to Rizal Center, 1332 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60613.  The officers were inducted into office by Atty. Alfonso Bascos (former FACC President).

Other venues of the meeting were at the Esper Patangan's place and the Rizal Center. The usual agenda was the annual summer picnic and the Christmas party.  Also, the perennial problems on the membership dues and how to collect them.  However, everything was in its proper course and route. 

On December 23, 1990, the honorable Dr. Jaime S. Bautista, Philippine Consul General of Chicago gave the inspirational talk on the Second Christmas Party at the Rizal Center.  Dr. Leonardo Malalis introduced the honorable Consul General Bautista while Fr. Manuel Recera offered the invocation.  The theme -  Progress Through Unity was effectively emphasized in the state of the association address of the incumbent president,  Nonoy Refugio.  Alfonso Culanculan made the closing remarks this time but on the first Christmas Party and induction of officers, the Dipolog City former Mayor Pastor Bajamunde dished out the memorable closing remarks that epitomized his outstanding political days.  Greg Trabanca emceed these two historic occasions.

In the second year of the Association's existence, a newsletter was born.  It was printed through the energetic and enthusiastic secretary turned editor Soling Kwan Anderson with the guidance and advice of Greg Trabanca.  The newsletter was christened ZEPHYR which means any soft, gentle wind or mild breeze.  It was a name taken out of Zamboang's azure skies and Illinois's soft gentle snow flurries.  And this was to be the vehicle of expression and conveyor of information for the Zamboanga del Norte Filipino-Americans. It was short-lived.

Our second annual Family Summer picnic was celebrated on Schiller Park with the luscious Filipino favorite lechon and of course, the tasty homemade cooked menus.  The outdoor mass was officiated by Fr. Leoncio Santiago in the morning and by Fr. TQ Solis in the afternoon. The third summer picnic was held in the same place. This time the mass was solemnized by the two brother priests - Frs. Manuel and Ricardo Recera. Meanwhile, two succulent lechons ( the Filipino favorite) and lots of restaurants and homemade foods graced the picnic tables.

On June 28, 1992, the Zamboanga del Norte Association of Illinois held its second election of officers at Schiller Forrest Preserve Park, Schiller Park, Illinois.  Elected and subsequently proclaimed by Philippine Consul Diosdado Orocio, Jr.  were:  Greg Trabanca, President,  Eddie Artajo, 1st Vice-President,  Lydia
Rusiana, 2nd Vice-President, Soling Kwan Anderson, Secretary, Girlie Arrieta, Treasurer; Esper Patangan, Asst. Treasurer; Rolliette Equia Aves, Auditor; Ruding Bonjoc, Asst. Auditor; Evelyn Reyes, PRO; Angie Baytion, Asst. PRO; Gilfred Cruz; Suerte Sienes, Social Manager; Ramie Calimotan, Asst. Business Manager and Remchile  Sienes, Vincent Frias, marshals.  These officers will serve a two-year term.

The induction of the second newly elected officers and Christmas-Family dinner was held at the Regency Inn, 5319 W. Diversey, December 19, 1992. The affairs also coincide with the launching of the association's first fundraising venture dubbed Project; TABANG or HELP to benefit the Zamboanga del Norte Emergency Hospital, Dipolog  City, Philippines. Worthy of mention was the $170.00 donation to the tornado victims of Upper Disakan, Manukan, Zamboanga del Norte, and Siparok, Jose Dalman, Zamboanga del Norte.

The Association is now on the fifth term. The horizon is rosy. The officers are fraught with enthusiasm, new ideas, and noble projects. And the members are ever willing to help, to cooperate, to work. (Greg In. Trabanca)

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Treasure

 About Christmas

It matters not the day of his birth
What matters is his arrival
To a sinful world with much mirth
From a Father's sole approval.

On this earth, our souls truly mattered
That He came to die and to save
And His seven last words shattered
The humanity that He could save.

A humble birth in the stable
Convinced the Magi to follow the star
This Bread of Life of the people
But the Eucharist seems very far.

Let not despair overwhelm you
As He is always in our midst
Let not the pandemic scare you
Your unfailing faith is a gift.