Tribute to a True Leader
Man with a vision. Man of Peace,
Of law and order; hates corruption.
Smasher of the communist.
Leadership is hard to impugn.
Smasher of the communist.
Leadership is hard to impugn.
He has the courage, the charisma;
His lips are mightier than his pen.
His sharp eyes saw the country's vista;
Not war but "peace and goodwill to men".
A question of a human right!
And was he stepping out of bound
If he paints the dark color bright
As rebellion is all around?
And was he stepping out of bound
If he paints the dark color bright
As rebellion is all around?
He surrounds himself with bright guys
So his mission is realized.
But not all things they say he buys
As some needed to be revised.
He loves his beloved islands
And the people he cherished much
Of diverse creed he understands
For unity, he has to watch.
He has to fulfill his promise
To terminate the drug problem
He must genuinely be wise,
And must be true to the emblem.
He activated what he learned.
From school, street, and meandering
Were vital and of great concerned
To his country and of his bearing.
And he saw the panorama
Of the islands in a shambles
Must act nimbly as in a drama
To stop in urgency: the troubles.
He then tried an experiment
And was amazed by what he did
Of a change in the government
That honest people have to lead.
We are employees, he did say
Must follow the law and order
And not to our dire dismay
But our best sans hubris to render.
This true leader has now to confess
Those promises were almost fulfilled.
Less corruption, more peace, and progress
Fewer drugs, more on his "build, build, build."
And as construction continuous
It went along without a sound.
To the media, it's not good news;
To dear country it is profound.
Now the people's eyes are open
Five decades are more than enough
Armed struggles are really insane
Fighting among fellowmen is tough.
Your cadre now descends to say:
The wind of change had torn open a rift
In the clouds and it's time to pray.
Back to the fold; to family.
Back to work for progress and peace.
For country and of unity;
For these uncertainties to cease.
Note: The Philippines - " Perla del Mar de Oriente; Nuestro Perdido Eden ( Jose' P. Rizal) " ( Pearl of the Orient Sea, our lost Eden) is now the Perla del Mar de Oriente; Nuestro Encontro Eden)- a found Eden due to its destined true leader, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, whom powerful and progressive countries loved but hated by some of his countrymen.
Addendum: 2020 is a good year as it's good for human eyes. And it's good news for the Philippines as the New Year approaches. Filipinos observe the traditional nine-day (that begins on Dec. 16) Simbang Gabi (Night Mass /Dawn Mass, Misa de Aguinaldo/Mass of the Gift) to the eve of Christmas all throughout the corner of the world where Filipino Catholics are found. Remember- "there can be no Eucharist without Christ's Priesthood, just as there can be no Priesthood without the Eucharist."
It's also a joy to the Philippines as the wind of change swift the lairs of the communist party where some of their top leaders scampered for safety to the welcoming embrace of President Duterte's Malacan'ang Palace. (Greg In Trabanca)