Sunday, December 27, 2020

Association History

CIRCA  1989.  Aware of the growing population of Filipinos in Illinois, a group from the province of Zamboanga del Norte which lies at the foot of the forested mountains on the northwestern tip of Mindanao Island, mulled out a plan to form an organization to unite all Zamboanga del Norteans in Illinois as nobody has the time to relate to them as individuals in the hurry and flurry of this newfound land.

On a family get-together and summer picnic at Schiller Park, Illinois in August of 1989 with Bishop Felix Zafra, Fr. King Fuerzas, and Fr. TQ Solis concelebrating the outdoor mass, the Association was created, And given the go signal to be the chairman and fill up the remaining slates was Ber "Nonoy" Refugio.

The first meeting was held at Ramie Calimotan's place. The following officers were chosen: Chairman - Ber "Nonoy" Refugio, 1st Vice-Chairman - Greg Trabanca, 2nd Vice-Chairman, Lydia Filipinas Rusiana, Secretary, - Soling Kwan Anderson, Asst. Secretary - Belinda Lunjas, Treasurer -  Girlie Arrieta,  Asst. Treasurer -  Esper Patangan,  Auditor - Ruding Bonjoc,  PRO -  Gilfred Cruz, Business Manager -  Eddie Artajo,  Asst. Business Manager -  Ramie Calimotan, Social Manager -  Nonoy Bajamunde, Asst. Social Manager - Fil Fertig,  Marshals: Art Fertig and Vincent Frias, Muse - Jiji Ames,  Entertainer - Evelyn Bonjoc.  The Board of Advisers were: Pastor Bajamunde, Dr.Juan Lasa, Dr. Leo Pepa, and Fr. Eutiquio Solis, Jr.

On December 6, 1989, all roads lead to the Rizal Center, 1332 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60613.  The officers were inducted into office by Atty. Alfonso Bascos ( former FACC President). 

Other venues for the meeting were over Esper Patangan's place, and the Rizal Center, The usual agenda was the Annual Summer Picnic and the Christmas Party.  Also, the perennial problems on the membership dues and how to collect them. Other than these, everything was in its proper course and route.

On December 23, 1990, the Honorable.  Dr. Jaime S. Bautista, the Philippine Consul General of Chicago gave the inspirational talk at the Second Christmas Party at the Rizal Center.  Dr. Leonardo Malalis introduced Consul General Bautista while Fr. Manuel Recera offered the invocation.  The theme - Progress Through Unity was effectively emphasized in the state of the association address of the incumbent president Nonoy Refugio.  Alfonso Culanculan made the closing remarks this time but on the first Christmas Party and Induction of Officers, the 
Dipolog City former Mayor Pastor Bajamunde dished out memorable closing remarks that epitomized his outstanding political days.  Greg Trabanca emceed these two significant occasions.

In the second year of the Association's existence, a newsletter was born.  It was published through the energetic and enthusiastic Secretary-turn Editor Soling Kwan Anderson with the guidance and advice of Greg Trabanca.  The newsletter was Christened ZEPHYR which means any soft, gentle wind or mild
breeze.  It was a name taken out of Zamboanga's azure skies and Illinois's soft gentle snow flurries.  And this was to be the vehicle of expression and conveyor of information for the Zamboanga del Norte Filipino - Americans. It was short-lived.

Our second annual Family Summer Picnic was celebrated on Schiller Park with lechon and homemade cooked menus.  The outdoor mass was solemnized by Fr. Leoncio Santiago in the morning and by Fr. TQ Solis in the afternoon. It was an enjoyable day, a respite from the hectic working chores.

The third summer picnic was held in the same place, Schiller Park. The holy sacrifice of the Mass was solemnized by Frs. Manuel Recera and Ricardo Recera. They are brothers. There were two succulent lechons and lots of restaurants and homemade foods. It was a notable and frolicsome summer picnic.

On June 28, 1992, the Zamboanga del Norte Association of Illinois held its election of officers at Schiller Forest Preserve Park, Schiller Park, Illinois.  Elected and subsequently proclaimed by the Philippine  Consul Diosdado Orocio, Jr. were: Greg Trabanca - President,  Eddie Artajo - 1st Vice-President,  Lydia 
Filipinas Rusiana - 2nd Vice-President, Soling Kwan Anderson - Secretary, Girlie Arrieta - Treasurer,  Esper Patangan - Asst. Treasurer,  Rolliette Equia Aves - Auditor,  Ruding Bonjoc - Asst. Auditor,  Evelyn Reyes - PRO,  Angie Baytion - Assist PRO, Gilfred Cruz; Suerte Sienes, Social Manager; Ramie Calimotan, asst. Business Manager. and Remchile Sienes and Vincent Frias, marshals.  These officers will serve for two years after their induction.

The induction of the newly elected officers and Christmas-Family dinner was held at the Regency Inn, 5319 W. Diversey, on December 19, 1992. The affairs also coincide with the launching of the association's first fundraising venture dubbed Project TABANG OR HELP; to benefit the Zamboanga del Norte Emergency Hospital, Dipolog City, Philippines. Worthy of mention was the $170.00 donation to the tornado victims of Upper Disakan, Manukan, Zamboanga del Norte, and Siparok, Jose Dalman, Zamboanga del Norte.

The Association is now on its fifth term. The horizon is rosy. The officers are fraught with enthusiasm, new ideas, and noble projects. And the members are ever willing to help, to cooperate, to work.
(Greg Intas Caponong Trabanca)

Thursday, December 24, 2020

CIRCA  1989.  Aware of the growing population of Filipinos in Illinois, a group from the province of Zamboanga del Norte which lies at the foot of the forested mountains on the northwestern tip of Mindanao Island, mulled out a plan to form an organization to unite all Zamboanga del Norteans in Illinois as nobody
has the time to relate to them as individuals in the hurry and flurry of this newfound land.  In a family get-together and summer picnic at Schiller Park, Illinois on August of 1989 with Bishop Felix Zafra, Fr. King Fuerzas, and Fr. TQ Solis concelebrating the outdoor mass, the Association was created,  And given the go signal the chairmanship and fill up the remaining slates was Ber "Nonoy" Refugio.

The first meeting was held at Ramie Calimotan's place. The following were chosen: 1st Vice-Chairman - Greg Trabanca,  2nd Vice-Chairman - Lydia Filipinas Rusiana, Secretary- Soling Kwan Anderson, Asst. Secretary- Belinda Lunjas, Treasurer- Girlie Arrieta, Asst. Treasurer - Esper Patangan, Auditor - Ruding
Bonjoc, PRO - Gilfred Cruz, Business Manager - Eddie Artajo, Asst. Business Manager - Ramie Calimotan, Social Manager - Nonoy Bajamunde, Asst. Social Manager - Fil Fertig, Marshals -  Art Fertig and Vincent Frias, Muse - Jiji Ames, Entertainer - Evelyn Bonjoc.  The Board of Advisers were: Pastor Bajamunde, Dr.
Juan Lasa, Dr. Leo Pepa,  and Fr. Eutiquio Solis, Jr.

On December 6, 1989, all roads lead to Rizal Center, 1332 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60613.  The officers were inducted into office by Atty. Alfonso Bascos (former FACC President).

Other venues of the meeting were at the Esper Patangan's place and the Rizal Center. The usual agenda was the annual summer picnic and the Christmas party.  Also, the perennial problems on the membership dues and how to collect them.  However, everything was in its proper course and route. 

On December 23, 1990, the honorable Dr. Jaime S. Bautista, Philippine Consul General of Chicago gave the inspirational talk on the Second Christmas Party at the Rizal Center.  Dr. Leonardo Malalis introduced the honorable Consul General Bautista while Fr. Manuel Recera offered the invocation.  The theme -  Progress Through Unity was effectively emphasized in the state of the association address of the incumbent president,  Nonoy Refugio.  Alfonso Culanculan made the closing remarks this time but on the first Christmas Party and induction of officers, the Dipolog City former Mayor Pastor Bajamunde dished out the memorable closing remarks that epitomized his outstanding political days.  Greg Trabanca emceed these two historic occasions.

In the second year of the Association's existence, a newsletter was born.  It was printed through the energetic and enthusiastic secretary turned editor Soling Kwan Anderson with the guidance and advice of Greg Trabanca.  The newsletter was christened ZEPHYR which means any soft, gentle wind or mild breeze.  It was a name taken out of Zamboang's azure skies and Illinois's soft gentle snow flurries.  And this was to be the vehicle of expression and conveyor of information for the Zamboanga del Norte Filipino-Americans. It was short-lived.

Our second annual Family Summer picnic was celebrated on Schiller Park with the luscious Filipino favorite lechon and of course, the tasty homemade cooked menus.  The outdoor mass was officiated by Fr. Leoncio Santiago in the morning and by Fr. TQ Solis in the afternoon. The third summer picnic was held in the same place. This time the mass was solemnized by the two brother priests - Frs. Manuel and Ricardo Recera. Meanwhile, two succulent lechons ( the Filipino favorite) and lots of restaurants and homemade foods graced the picnic tables.

On June 28, 1992, the Zamboanga del Norte Association of Illinois held its second election of officers at Schiller Forrest Preserve Park, Schiller Park, Illinois.  Elected and subsequently proclaimed by Philippine Consul Diosdado Orocio, Jr.  were:  Greg Trabanca, President,  Eddie Artajo, 1st Vice-President,  Lydia
Rusiana, 2nd Vice-President, Soling Kwan Anderson, Secretary, Girlie Arrieta, Treasurer; Esper Patangan, Asst. Treasurer; Rolliette Equia Aves, Auditor; Ruding Bonjoc, Asst. Auditor; Evelyn Reyes, PRO; Angie Baytion, Asst. PRO; Gilfred Cruz; Suerte Sienes, Social Manager; Ramie Calimotan, Asst. Business Manager and Remchile  Sienes, Vincent Frias, marshals.  These officers will serve a two-year term.

The induction of the second newly elected officers and Christmas-Family dinner was held at the Regency Inn, 5319 W. Diversey, December 19, 1992. The affairs also coincide with the launching of the association's first fundraising venture dubbed Project; TABANG or HELP to benefit the Zamboanga del Norte Emergency Hospital, Dipolog  City, Philippines. Worthy of mention was the $170.00 donation to the tornado victims of Upper Disakan, Manukan, Zamboanga del Norte, and Siparok, Jose Dalman, Zamboanga del Norte.

The Association is now on the fifth term. The horizon is rosy. The officers are fraught with enthusiasm, new ideas, and noble projects. And the members are ever willing to help, to cooperate, to work. (Greg In. Trabanca)

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Treasure

 About Christmas

It matters not the day of his birth
What matters is his arrival
To a sinful world with much mirth
From a Father's sole approval.

On this earth, our souls truly mattered
That He came to die and to save
And His seven last words shattered
The humanity that He could save.

A humble birth in the stable
Convinced the Magi to follow the star
This Bread of Life of the people
But the Eucharist seems very far.

Let not despair overwhelm you
As He is always in our midst
Let not the pandemic scare you
Your unfailing faith is a gift.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Life is a Challenge

 Tribute to a True Leader

Man with a vision. Man of Peace,
Of law and order; hates corruption.
Smasher of the communist.
Leadership is hard to impugn.

He has the courage, the charisma;
His lips are mightier than his pen.
His sharp eyes saw the country's vista;
Not war but "peace and goodwill to men".

A question of a human right!
And was he stepping out of bound
 If he paints the dark color bright
As rebellion is all around?

He surrounds himself with bright guys
So his mission is realized.
But not all things they say he buys
As some needed to be revised.

He loves his beloved islands
And the people he cherished much
Of diverse creed he understands
For unity, he has to watch.

He has to fulfill his promise
To terminate the drug problem
He must genuinely  be wise,
And must be true to the emblem.

He activated what he learned.
From school, street, and meandering
Were vital and of great concerned
To his country and of his bearing.

And he saw the panorama
Of the islands in a shambles
Must act nimbly as in a drama
To stop in urgency: the troubles.

He then tried an experiment
And was amazed by what he did
Of a change in the government
That honest people have to lead.

We are employees, he did say
Must follow the law and order
And not to our dire dismay
But our best sans hubris to render.

This true leader has now to confess
Those promises were almost fulfilled. 
Less corruption, more peace, and progress
Fewer drugs, more on his "build, build, build."

And as construction continuous
It went along without a sound.
To the media, it's not good news;
To dear country it is profound.

Now the people's eyes are open
Five decades are more than enough
Armed struggles are really insane
Fighting among fellowmen is tough.

Your cadre now descends to say:
The wind of change had torn open a rift
In the clouds and it's time to pray.

Back to the fold; to family.
Back to work for progress and peace.
For country and of unity;
For these uncertainties to cease.

Note: The Philippines - " Perla del Mar de Oriente; Nuestro Perdido Eden ( Jose' P. Rizal) " ( Pearl of the Orient Sea, our lost Eden)  is now the Perla del Mar de Oriente; Nuestro Encontro Eden)- a found Eden due to its destined true leader, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, whom powerful and progressive countries loved but hated by some of his countrymen.
Addendum: 2020 is a good year as it's good for human eyes. And it's good news for the Philippines as the New Year approaches. Filipinos observe the traditional nine-day (that begins on Dec. 16) Simbang Gabi (Night Mass /Dawn Mass, Misa de Aguinaldo/Mass of the Gift) to the eve of Christmas all throughout the corner of the world where Filipino  Catholics are found. Remember- "there can be no Eucharist without Christ's Priesthood, just as there can be no Priesthood without the Eucharist."
 It's also a joy to the Philippines as the wind of change swift the lairs of the communist party where some of their top leaders scampered for safety to the welcoming embrace of President Duterte's Malacan'ang Palace. (Greg In Trabanca)

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Of Memories

Lost in the wilderness of dreams,
Noises muffled by what May gives
Gliding serenely by the streams
Waking up with a heart that lives.

Lost in the Valley of Childhood;
Wallowing in the scheme of things
Of ideas that are fine and good
Whatever as long as it clings.
Forest, river, sea, sky, the land
Were created for us to use.
For all of us, over anyone
As long as we dare not abuse.

At this time I have to gather
That most cherished long lost moment;
That riveted on the weather
And permeated the firmament.

Faith, hope, and the power of love;
That man direly needs to be sure, 
Mary's help may soar up above
Eternally with the Author.

(Greg Intas Alcala Caponong Trabanca)

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Beautiful Morning

We Must Strike Back

How beautiful is the morning 
When life's moments are all that matter
And the songs that we are singing
Are like the air and the water.

That we are lacking with gladness
As we think of our dear Mother-
The Church that is fraught with sadness
Let us then pray all together.

And passionate prayer we must do
As they try to wreck this ageless Rock
We must be alert and on the go
With faith, hope, and love we must strike back.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Song of Summer

The Wonder of Summer 

Unforgettable is summer.
It is the story of one's life.
Those many summers that offer
Discontentment is out of sight.

Summer is the time to enjoy
And experience a sense of freedom
 To open doors and not to destroy
Or follow the beat of the drum.

And we wondered what happened then
To the summers that just vanished.
In the pale horizon and when
They surfaced, they were the ones we missed.

Then the summer after high school
On an island of blue water
To work with the hand as a tool:
Love, courage, patience: to muster.
Work was fun and the girls were sweet.
We were young and the world was fine.
People were awake on their  feet
And grateful for the sun to shine.
One lovely summer by the sea
 Driving the Pilot's swift tugboat
 An idea: that one could be
As long as one remains afloat.

The wonder and smell of summer,
Provide balm to an aching heart.
And its beauty stays forever
As long as faith doesn't depart.

Oh how lovely is the summer
Of one's dear life when at long last
Graduation is around the corner
And honestly, "the die is cast."

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Summer to Remember

The Long Hot Summer

Soon, my dear, it is September
And welcome to the falling leaves.
Goodbye to the long hot summer;
Orchids to the great mighty braves,

Who are the warriors of the Rock:
One, apostolic and holy.
For this, they are ready to block
Those invaders prayerfully.

They try to take hold of the Church
But they forget the blessed dome.
Failure is the mark of their search
Because the Church is now at home.

"What lies behind us and what lies before 
are small matters compared to what lies between us." 
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Monday, March 30, 2020

Love and Life

The Anniversary Song

Love has its beauty and splendor
Delicately woven with joy.
Her absence no one can ignore
And even Time cannot destroy.

Yes, joy for all the luck of life
That she is with me forever
And no tears nor sorrow can wipe
Away from love's undying ember.

Joy deeply planted in my heart
Is nourished by the memories
That was built from the very start
And were beyond our reveries.

And the fires of faith keep on burning
That we will meet again someday
Because our love is always yearning
For a lovely anniversary.

(05/26/20) The vow was on the 29th of May. And the memory perenially blooms in the garden of life and love and the living goes on. Evangeline is gone but not forgotten, thus these inspiring words water the garden. (Greg In. Trabanca)

" The most difficult thing - but an essential one - is to love life, to love it even while one suffers, because life is all. Life is God, and to love life means to love God." (Leo Tolstoy - War and Peace)

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Dedication To A Brother and a Friend

To a Brother and a Friend, a Dedication.

His day is done and there's darkness
Though the nurse's light is not out.
He is gone but not our fondness;
You dare ask what's this all about?

From the place of a tranquil town
Comes this lad with honest intention;
Admire the beauty and the sound
In his heart grows a pure ambition.

A feeling of joy and longing
Of the earth to the pouring rain;
On himself, he keeps on humming
The known ballad of his terrain.

The night shall be fraught with music
That dear life is sweet and sublime
And we comfort ourselves to seek
Through the nook and corner of Time.

And in the corridors of Life
We picture him with his gavel
As he listens to human strife;
His judgment for good from evil.

Such right gesture, a semblance of might;
The correct statement of the hour.
He ponders sans doubt what is right
Using his God-given power.

And through this vignette and story
The picture and great thoughts suggest
That oblivion cannot steal away
The sad day he was laid to rest.

(Note) This poem is a nostalgic reminiscence of a brother-in-law and a friend, a former municipal judge, Alejandro T. "Boy" Canda, who first saw the light of day in his hometown of Loay, Bohol but over three scores years later lost that glow along the way, from Dipolog City to Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte, the 17th day of January 2020. However, a glow glimmered when a smart and beautiful daughter hurdled the bar examination just recently presumably following the father's footsteps.

"Boy", Canda is a typical guy from the Visayan island, noted for graduates of men of the robe - Bohol.  He studied to become a lawyer and along the way was captivated by the beauty and charm of a nurse, Lucila  Rueles Caermare of Labason, Zamboanga del Norte that eventually became his wife. He is amiable, unassuming, down-to-earth, and dedicated. When he passed the bar, he worked for a while as a lawyer and later was promoted to municipal judge of Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte until his retirement.

There's a favorite hometown ballad that when a maiden seeks a marriage partner she should search no further but a Boholano. And that search undoubtedly should end with Brod "Boy", of the Baby Boomers generation, who is friendly, likes to play tennis, and loves his family.                                                                                         
A billionaire once said, ", I hope you understand that when you have friends or someone to talk to - this is happiness."

And somebody opined, " He is a brother who is always in our hearts."

But a learned Saint, St. Francis of Assisi prayed, "...O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we received, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is only in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen."

Brod "Boy", we are sad that you've left us but we are consoled that you are in His eternal presence. May the perpetual light shine upon you. Rest in peace, Alejandro T. "Boy" Canda, a brother-in-law, and a friend!

By: Greg Intas Caponong Alcala Trabanca