(03/10/2018) St. Eugene Parish Rectory Bible Class of Sr. Roselle Ruperto, V.D.
7958 W. Foster, Chicago, IL)
A Prayer
By: Greg In. Trabanca
Dear God what can I ask from you
When all I need you have given
With your Words so honest and true.
Thank you and let me be your friend.
Thanks for health in the family,
For the firm roof over the head,
For dear life and for being free,
For friends, neighbors, and daily bread.
Dear Lord attains to my succor.
I was reckless and I was wrong
Now I come to you to implore
Amidst the diversified throng.
Without you Lord I am nothing;
Your Words: my Will and Testament
Of my love with your true Being;
Your presence in the Sacrament.
I witness your real presence;
Through the glass window, the ray
Streams the truth of your pure essence.
Lord never forsake me today.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(N.B.) An addendum on the subject of prayer. We wrestle
in our own little world about how to pray. How about this:
Prayer is directing our affections towards God; it is a devout
and friendly talk with Him. It is the tranquility of a mind
illumined from above.
Prayer is also a plea for temporal goods that are necessary
for earthly life. But those who pray ask the Lord with a true
Christian spirit to subordinate their own wills to His; only the
heavenly Father knows what one really needs in the temporal order.
Finally, prayer is thanksgiving, that is, an acknowledgment
of benefits received, and an offering of all our undertakings
to God so that our prayer may be a lasting one.
(From the Sermons of St. Anthony)