A Voice from a Colleague (01/31/09)
Today came a profound moment in the pages of my life's history. It started with a long distance call from the West Coast. From one of the COW states; that is California,Oregon and Washington. Very good states to stay as the climate is appealing especially to the not so young ones.
That call was from Manuel Beldua, a colleague, a great and true friend with his loving, supportive wife Cathy. And days of Dipolog School of Fisheries stream in the river of memories. Those days still echo. They are valuable.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
01/20/09, Tuesday Obama Inauguration
Today, Barack H. Obama was sworn in and became the 44th president of the greatest nation on earth, the United States of America. "Oh say, can you see by the dawn's early light; watch so proudly...America, the beautiful... sweet land of liberty... of thee I sing" and write these few words that would someday echo in the halls of time and memory.
The whole world watched at the dawning of a new America. From sea to shining sea. From continent to continent. And we watch in our living room, glued to the TV screen.
The inauguration was first in my memory of lots of living presidents and vice presidents and their respective wives present. They were: JimmyCarter and wife Rosalyn, George W. Bush Father) & wife,Barbara, Bill And Hilary Clinton, Vice preisidents: Dan Quayle & wife, Walter Mondale & wife, Al Gore & wife, Tipper.
Our 44th president comes from a rare mold. A breed of the past and the present. A colorful combination. A colorful childhood. A well lived life. A life filled with adventure. And finally settled in the Windy City to take root.
Abraham Lincoln failed several times. Pres. Barack Obama failed as a congressional aspirant, yet eight years later became the first African-American candidate to be elected as the 44th president of America. His winning the election was due to his "highly disciplined, perfectionist political organization." Will that same organization be equally brilliant in the governance?
The future is promising with "yes, we can! amidst the natural disasters and overseas conflagration and conflict." We'll wait and see.
Today, Barack H. Obama was sworn in and became the 44th president of the greatest nation on earth, the United States of America. "Oh say, can you see by the dawn's early light; watch so proudly...America, the beautiful... sweet land of liberty... of thee I sing" and write these few words that would someday echo in the halls of time and memory.
The whole world watched at the dawning of a new America. From sea to shining sea. From continent to continent. And we watch in our living room, glued to the TV screen.
The inauguration was first in my memory of lots of living presidents and vice presidents and their respective wives present. They were: JimmyCarter and wife Rosalyn, George W. Bush Father) & wife,Barbara, Bill And Hilary Clinton, Vice preisidents: Dan Quayle & wife, Walter Mondale & wife, Al Gore & wife, Tipper.
Our 44th president comes from a rare mold. A breed of the past and the present. A colorful combination. A colorful childhood. A well lived life. A life filled with adventure. And finally settled in the Windy City to take root.
Abraham Lincoln failed several times. Pres. Barack Obama failed as a congressional aspirant, yet eight years later became the first African-American candidate to be elected as the 44th president of America. His winning the election was due to his "highly disciplined, perfectionist political organization." Will that same organization be equally brilliant in the governance?
The future is promising with "yes, we can! amidst the natural disasters and overseas conflagration and conflict." We'll wait and see.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Here I Am!
The voice of the Lord continuously echoes in several forms and means, but those who listen to His voice are few. "Here I am, " is the response from a young man Samuel, who initially did not recognize the voice of the Lord. However, rather than ignore and fall asleep, Samuel was in tune to listen to the voice of God. His running toward Eli several times, gives us the indication of his willingness to respond to the call, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening."
Listening is a very important medium to acquire knowledge in order to grow in wisdom; no science has to verify this. The inner voice of conscience is rarely heard by us, therefore listening with concentration and dedication is a gift of God. Some go to the shore to hear the ocean; others go into the woods to listen to the rhythm of nature. Every voice is calling us to live in peace and harmony, and praise God for His majesty.
Two disciples heard John the Baptist calling out, "Look, there is the Lamb of God." Hearing this, the two disciples followed Jesus. Like Samuel, these disciples of John were in tune to listen to the voice of God calling out to them. Blessed is the servant who is vigilant to respond. "Here I am! Speak, Lord your servant is listening." The voice of John the Baptist confirmed the faith of his disciples in Jesus, "We have found the Messiah."
We live in a world buzzing with excitement, noise and chaos. Everyone is shouting from the top of his voice to be heard, but no one is listening. What a tragedy! For the modern world, listening is not a value, but considered as stooping low, which is abhorred by many. The claim to speak and not to listen has infected our society and especially our children, which is abysmal and deplorable. The falling out of the faithful from the congregation is a clear indication of a greater catastrophe to come our way.
"Here I am! Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." A servant model is set by Samuel, which we must emulate in our lives in order to grow in holiness and grace. Disciple means one who listens! We are the disciples of Jesus Christ. Let us listen to Him with concentration and dedication.
(Fr. Peter fernandes, sfx.)
The voice of the Lord continuously echoes in several forms and means, but those who listen to His voice are few. "Here I am, " is the response from a young man Samuel, who initially did not recognize the voice of the Lord. However, rather than ignore and fall asleep, Samuel was in tune to listen to the voice of God. His running toward Eli several times, gives us the indication of his willingness to respond to the call, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening."
Listening is a very important medium to acquire knowledge in order to grow in wisdom; no science has to verify this. The inner voice of conscience is rarely heard by us, therefore listening with concentration and dedication is a gift of God. Some go to the shore to hear the ocean; others go into the woods to listen to the rhythm of nature. Every voice is calling us to live in peace and harmony, and praise God for His majesty.
Two disciples heard John the Baptist calling out, "Look, there is the Lamb of God." Hearing this, the two disciples followed Jesus. Like Samuel, these disciples of John were in tune to listen to the voice of God calling out to them. Blessed is the servant who is vigilant to respond. "Here I am! Speak, Lord your servant is listening." The voice of John the Baptist confirmed the faith of his disciples in Jesus, "We have found the Messiah."
We live in a world buzzing with excitement, noise and chaos. Everyone is shouting from the top of his voice to be heard, but no one is listening. What a tragedy! For the modern world, listening is not a value, but considered as stooping low, which is abhorred by many. The claim to speak and not to listen has infected our society and especially our children, which is abysmal and deplorable. The falling out of the faithful from the congregation is a clear indication of a greater catastrophe to come our way.
"Here I am! Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." A servant model is set by Samuel, which we must emulate in our lives in order to grow in holiness and grace. Disciple means one who listens! We are the disciples of Jesus Christ. Let us listen to Him with concentration and dedication.
(Fr. Peter fernandes, sfx.)
The Baptism of our Lord.
The Sacrament of Baptism is the key that unlocks the spring of Eternal Life. Holy Baptism holds the first place among the sacraments, because it is the gateway of the spiritual life. By it, we are made members of Christ and incorporated with the Church. The word Baptism is derived from the Greek word, bapto, or baptizo, to wash or immerse. It signifies, therefore, that washing is the essential idea of the sacrament.
If the baptism of John was for repentance, then why did Jesus seek baptism from John at the river Jordan? Objectively and subjectively, Jesus had no need of baptism from John; in fact, John was preparing the people to receive Jesus into their lives. However, theologically this is an important moment for humanity as it continues to unfold the mystery of incarnation. Jesus embraced human nature at his birth.Now at baptism, he takes on human frailties, which he will redeem at his death on the cross.
Christ instituted the Sacrament of Baptism to be an efficacious sign of grace and a share of his salvation. He commands His disciples to baptize all in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and declared explicitly the absolute necessity of baptism. "Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.". Therefore, only through the Sacrament of Baptism, the image and likeness of God is restored once again in us , and we are made the children of God and heirs of His Kingdom.
The unfolding of the mystery of incarnation delights the Heavenly Father, "You are my Son, the Beloved; my favor rests on you." This is an affirmation and confirmation of Jesus' ministry oon earth by His Father, and an open invitation for all people to share the glory of his Son. At our baptism, the Heavenly Father embraces each one of us, as His own beloved sons and daughters; since, he perceives the reflection of His Son, Jesus. Needless to say, from baptism on, we are called upon to imitate Christ in our life, and be His reflection to others.
(Fr. Peter Fernandes,sfx)
The Sacrament of Baptism is the key that unlocks the spring of Eternal Life. Holy Baptism holds the first place among the sacraments, because it is the gateway of the spiritual life. By it, we are made members of Christ and incorporated with the Church. The word Baptism is derived from the Greek word, bapto, or baptizo, to wash or immerse. It signifies, therefore, that washing is the essential idea of the sacrament.
If the baptism of John was for repentance, then why did Jesus seek baptism from John at the river Jordan? Objectively and subjectively, Jesus had no need of baptism from John; in fact, John was preparing the people to receive Jesus into their lives. However, theologically this is an important moment for humanity as it continues to unfold the mystery of incarnation. Jesus embraced human nature at his birth.Now at baptism, he takes on human frailties, which he will redeem at his death on the cross.
Christ instituted the Sacrament of Baptism to be an efficacious sign of grace and a share of his salvation. He commands His disciples to baptize all in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and declared explicitly the absolute necessity of baptism. "Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.". Therefore, only through the Sacrament of Baptism, the image and likeness of God is restored once again in us , and we are made the children of God and heirs of His Kingdom.
The unfolding of the mystery of incarnation delights the Heavenly Father, "You are my Son, the Beloved; my favor rests on you." This is an affirmation and confirmation of Jesus' ministry oon earth by His Father, and an open invitation for all people to share the glory of his Son. At our baptism, the Heavenly Father embraces each one of us, as His own beloved sons and daughters; since, he perceives the reflection of His Son, Jesus. Needless to say, from baptism on, we are called upon to imitate Christ in our life, and be His reflection to others.
(Fr. Peter Fernandes,sfx)
Sunday, January 04, 2009
The Epiphany of the Lord ( Jan. 4, 2009)
The word "Epiphany" is a rather obscure word for most of us. It is a Greek word, meaning"manifestation", that is, the clear appearing of something or of one unknown to us before.What could not be seen and comprehended, finally is manifested in the child Jesus lying in the manger. Thus, the Feast of the Epiphany can be rightly called the feast of our coming to faith in Christ, who is the manifestation of God to the entire human race.
It was an event which Christians of the early church celebrated with great enthusiasm. There was a good reason for it: the wise men were the first non-Jews who believed in Christ, and early Christians, most of whom had been pagans before, saw in the three wise men three of their own people. They praised God for having called not only the Jews, but pagans as well, to the faith.
"Emmanuel- God with us, " was born on Christmas day. However, in time, Jesus will make God present to the people during his public ministry. People were in awe and wonder, they exclaimed, "He speaks as one with authority, unlike our leaders." Many others praised God saying, " A great prophet has arisen in out midst and God has come to visit his people." The life of Jesus was a continuous Epiphany of God. Emmanuel- God with us!
The church has been entrusted with the same mission, to manifest God through its sacramental life and charity. When the world is challenging the mission of the church, we the disciples have to take courage and stands firm to our call to manifest God to the world. There are many among us who have been led astray to betray the faith , and be a counterwitness to this great mystery. Nevertheless, there are many others, who have given their lives to proclaim the faith with their own blood.
Although, we live in an era not conducive for faith and worship, we are called upon, all the more, to make God present through our life of faith and charity. Mother Teresa of Calcutta became a face of God to suffering humanity through her life of prayer, sacrifice and outreach. The Epiphany of God was seen by many in India and the rest of the world that compelled many to discover the Almighty in charity and faith.
The feast of the Epiphany is the celebration of our faith. Therefore, let us come before God with thankfulness and gratitude for the gift of His Son Jesus, who is the manifestation of the Eternal God, and the source of our faith. Let us live our faith in prayer, sacraments, sacrifice and charity.
-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
The word "Epiphany" is a rather obscure word for most of us. It is a Greek word, meaning"manifestation", that is, the clear appearing of something or of one unknown to us before.What could not be seen and comprehended, finally is manifested in the child Jesus lying in the manger. Thus, the Feast of the Epiphany can be rightly called the feast of our coming to faith in Christ, who is the manifestation of God to the entire human race.
It was an event which Christians of the early church celebrated with great enthusiasm. There was a good reason for it: the wise men were the first non-Jews who believed in Christ, and early Christians, most of whom had been pagans before, saw in the three wise men three of their own people. They praised God for having called not only the Jews, but pagans as well, to the faith.
"Emmanuel- God with us, " was born on Christmas day. However, in time, Jesus will make God present to the people during his public ministry. People were in awe and wonder, they exclaimed, "He speaks as one with authority, unlike our leaders." Many others praised God saying, " A great prophet has arisen in out midst and God has come to visit his people." The life of Jesus was a continuous Epiphany of God. Emmanuel- God with us!
The church has been entrusted with the same mission, to manifest God through its sacramental life and charity. When the world is challenging the mission of the church, we the disciples have to take courage and stands firm to our call to manifest God to the world. There are many among us who have been led astray to betray the faith , and be a counterwitness to this great mystery. Nevertheless, there are many others, who have given their lives to proclaim the faith with their own blood.
Although, we live in an era not conducive for faith and worship, we are called upon, all the more, to make God present through our life of faith and charity. Mother Teresa of Calcutta became a face of God to suffering humanity through her life of prayer, sacrifice and outreach. The Epiphany of God was seen by many in India and the rest of the world that compelled many to discover the Almighty in charity and faith.
The feast of the Epiphany is the celebration of our faith. Therefore, let us come before God with thankfulness and gratitude for the gift of His Son Jesus, who is the manifestation of the Eternal God, and the source of our faith. Let us live our faith in prayer, sacraments, sacrifice and charity.
-Fr. Peter Fernandes, sfx.
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