Monday, May 28, 2007

May 28, 2007: Memorial Day

In time's memory lanes, we remember familiar faces that etch wonderful moments in our lives. These golden moments that awaken our somnolence stare straight to our very core and unfold like a gorgeous panorama.

Yesterday's Dipolognon fiesta celebration attended by a record-breaking crowd from Zamboanga del Norte and beyond at Proesel Park, Lincolnwood, Illinois, USA invigorated me as I met www.Dipolognon 's owner and publisher, Eddie Artajo among others. He was also one of the pioneer officers of ZAMNAI. Details of the celebration are found online on and comment on the resurrected

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rev. Fr. Anthony Pizarro, CICM
May 19, 2007 , Despedida Party in Chicago
Go placidly amid the noise & haste, & remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly & clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud & aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater & lesser persons than yourself.
ENJOY YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
EXERCISE CAUTION in your business affairs for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideas; and everywhere LIFE IS FULL OF HEROISM.
BE YOURSELF. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity & disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue & loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, BE AT PEACE WITH GOD, whatever you conceive HIM to be, and whatever your labors & aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. STRIVE TO BE HAPPY!
(Note: This poem is always in Fr. Thony's wallet and has guided him to be admirable, humble and grateful servant of God. His profound obsession is to do something noteworthy maybe write
a book on the goodness of this Life. No wonder he graduated with all A's on his masteral degree which is unprecedented in the school's recorded history.
To Fr. Manny Duterte's Zamboanga del Norte Group he fondly dedicate the above poem. And of Corinthians 13...If I love I conquer everything. )

Monday, May 14, 2007

When marital world collides, the panacea is holding tight to Mother Nature's bosom to feel the comfort of its idyllic panorama ,gorgeous landscape , beautiful flowers and placid,therapeutic waters.
Civilization find its beginning always in a place where there is water. When water is found, progress is not faraway. The Niles. The Tigres-Euphrates Rivers. The Hoover Dam. And Las Vegas glistens and glows in the desert.
Greg, Eve, Viring Ebarle , Sister Ma.Rachel,RVM and Lucy Bernardo (Sister's sister-in-law.)

Viring , Sister , her brother Rico Bernardo & Greg
Brings back memories of Apple Orchards.
White dots are apple flowers soon to become apple fruits ready for the basket to the mouth.
Sister Ma.Rachel, RVM at Chicago Botanic's Japanese garden.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mass of Thanksgiving
10th Anniversary of Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. as Archbishop of Chicago
May 12, 2007 at Holy Name Cathedral, Archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois

Fr. Peter Fernandes asked me to carry our banner as a representative from St. Timothy parish on the Banner Processional. Beautiful banners of different sizes representing the parishes of the Archdiocese were carried and displayed. The Cathedral was filled up to the brim as faithfuls and devotees from parishes came to witness and took part in the celebration. There were bishops , priests, nuns and lay ministers.

The Mass was a combination of English and Latin. Cardinal George's homily touched on Love and Fear. Jesus talks of Love. "Those who love me will keep my word. " Love is free driven not by fear but by desire and needs focus...And we are afraid of losing love. While fear is associated with loving one another. With love there is a fear of betrayal, of being faithful. Keep love forever; experience it to conquer fear. The Cardinal touched on Mothers' Day and Mothers. That love of mother is constant and it carries commands, reminders. But really it is a sign of Love.

Christ loves us even to the extent of his death but He is always with us in the Eucharist. God is Love! Christ is the center of love. Find the courage to love. And he extols The Blessed Virgin Mary being the Queen of the church. " That was a very good homily.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Monday, May 07, 2007

Wisdom to Live by ( Taken from my red Daily Reminder, 1980)

* Prayer is dialogue with God.
* The best form of spiritual exercise is kneeling.
* Why do we look down on any one, when only God is in the position to do it.
* Telescope heaven through your tears.

* Home is made and where the heart is.
* Give more of self to get more of life.
* The heart sees, what's invisible to the eye
*Everything has its beauty: you have to appreciate it.

* Give more of self to get more of life.
* What we daily do or act or think spells CHARACTER.
* Taking revenge, you become the enemy; in passing over it, you are superior.
Recipe For A Happy New Year
(Found this on my Green Standard Diary)

Take 12 months. Clean them thoroughly of all BITTERNESS, HATE, and JEALOUSY. Make them just as fresh and clean as possible. Now cut each month into 28, 30 or 31 different parts, but don't make up the whole batch at once. Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.

Mix well into each day one part of FAITH, one part of PATIENCE, one part of COURAGE, and one part of sincere WORK. Add to each day one part of HOPE, FAITHFULNESS, GENEROSITY, and KINDNESS. Blend with one part of PRAYER, one part of MEDITATION and one good DEED. Season the whole with a dash of good SPIRITS, a sprinkle of FUN, a pinch of PLAY, and a cupful of good HUMOR.

Pour all of this into a vessel of LOVE. Cook thoroughly over radiant JOY. Garnish with a SMILE, and serve with QUIETNESS, UNSELFISHNESS, AND CHEERFULNESS.

You're bound to have a HAPPY NEW YEAR. And do this recipe every New Year! Promise?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

On Relationships (05/06/07)

"It's good to be known as individuals, but great to be known by relationships," wrote Fr. Darow, pastor of St. Hilary Church.

I found this amusing looking back on my unpretentious journey on the rough and smooth streets of the land called Life. All along the way I encountered people of different sizes, shapes, beliefs, habits, attitudes , nationalities and personalities. They all are human, loving, understanding and have unique philosophies in their own perspectives. They have fears. They want to live. They seek adventures.

It was a long journey. Enrolled in 7 schools. Took 6 courses. Finally settled to one with a major which to me is vague. I made it. And I am still a student in the University of Life.

With the above background, I was enthused with the euphoria on the relationships with the world riddled with uncertainties and concerns.

The commencement of the relationships with the Church was a fluke of circumstance . It was the invitation to enter the Seminary; then to the outside of its walls that triggered the close relationship to the Creator. I realized that this valley of laughter and tears is still a beautiful place to live. I saw it in the Botanic Garden. The blooming tulips of myriad varied colors. The silver swans gliding comfortably in the man-made lake. The Japanese garden with its dwarfed trees. The Japanese revered age. Reason why decorative plants and trees are cut or pruned regularly .

Meanwhile, this Sunday's first reading from the Acts narrated the successful first missionary journey of Paul, Barnabas and the members of the church of Antioch reaching a noted conclusion that - God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. Historically, Judaism prided itself as being God's chosen people. And the idea of God offering salvation to the Gentiles ( to us) was still a controversial idea for many Jews.

I felt some sort of satisfaction as I opted the route leading to the Church. I developed friendly relationships with a priest, a bishop and a nun superintendent of RVM schools (who is a doctorate degree holder). With them in close door conversations I discovered that they all possessed humility, down-to-earthness, fondness for things beautiful, gratefulness, the profound love of the Creator and the creatures.

And in the church, I give credence to this relationship to the Almighty and to one another through the Lord -be-with-you's, cheek-kisses to loved ones and shaking of hands, even the Communion. I am still wrestling with the audacity to take this relationship from the "inside" of the church to the "outside" of the street. Not suffice just to believe. I have to live with it. And this faith-relationship must be manifested. That is taking it from the "inside" of the heart and soul to the "outside" of the words and actions.

The relationships did not only extend to a priest, a bishop and a nun superintendent but also on crossing the borders of memberships to devotional groups, the Toastmasters club, the Christophers and the Knights of Columbus . And all these have slowly molded me to a closer relationship to the Supreme Lord and Almighty Savior.

Truly, "it's good to be known as individuals, but great to be known by our relationships."

Saturday, May 05, 2007

May 05/07, Saturday

'Twas an activity filled day. Drove Sister Ma. Rachel , RVM superintendent (Northern Mindanao) to Midway Airport (on the southwest side of Chicago, Illinois ) for San Fran then to the Philippines.

After the hugs and goodbyes, she left. Her departure was at 10 am. At least, she left a heart in Chicago.

Dropped Rico, her hermano by 59th st. train station. Viring, my sister and I proceeded to 3826 Wesley st. at village of Cicero via Pershing Road for a home care-giving job. Then I was by myself on the '2000 firethorn red SUV Chevy Blazer. I hit 1-55 (Ronald Regan Expressway) and exited to Cass Ave at Darien, Illinois . I met my wife, Eve at Our Lady of Peace Church where a close nurse friend of hers was given a funeral mass. Found old friends and recapped past memories. Back home by 3:30 pm. Tired but rejuvenated fanned by the breeze of comforting chit-chats on bygone moments.

A beginning and an ending. The cycle of existence. Knowledge of life. Survival. Accumulation of wealth, of money, of wisdom . And fading away into oblivion with a hopeful note of life eternal.

"We only meet on moments like this," quipped a friend. Indeed, he hit the nail by the head as in this fast-paced land of "milk and honey" time is precious.

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine ...
you are precious in My eyes, and honored, and I love you." - Isaiah 43:1,4.

As an enthusiast and member of The Christophers, I found this Three Ideals worth printing:

1. EVERYONE HAS A GOD-GIVEN MISSION. You have a job to do in this world that only you can do. A healthy sense of self is directly related to knowing your mission in life.

11. ONE PERSON CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Your efforts might seem insignificant to you but they may be all that is needed to overcome great evil. Take courage and follow your heart.

111. POSITIVE, CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION WORKS MIRACLES. Complaining can be a waste of precious time and energy. Be positive. "Its better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." - Father John Catoir, Director of the Christophers.