A Nephew's Epistle
I saw the ZAMNAI website. Seeing the events made by the association, reading its humble roots, and browsing the letters bearing your name makes me smile with pride that I have an uncle who made something for himself and shared it with a great number. With the thought in mind I became more aware of the importance and weight you have given in your acts of true charity. The assistance your family have shared with my parents and son as well, were laid out to show that gifts are shared to everyone without discrimination. Despite the past setbacks you have experienced with sharing to those in need, especially relatives.
I have learned that those gifts were not simply material things to fulfill basic needs and desires but rather tools of learning for the keen-eyed. You have wisely shown that you can give when you have and you can do the same when you make something worthwhile out of the things God has given.
Today I have learned that saving for the rainy day and toiling more when things are better is a must for everyone to survive well in life.I am saving now for my son and the family's future. The walk upwards to financial security may be slow for the meantime, but a slow and steady pace will always better prepare one for the bigger race.
Until now I am thinking of ways to revive the dream we shared of growing a business that will fetch food on the table and help others in life. Am no quitter and will never be. I refuse to believe that only my uncle can be the one who receives and gives. You and auntie will be my inspiration to strive more and be better in life, with God's blessing. The dream will take shape while I walk the slow strides and look up to the skies.
God bless.
(Written by ChrisLawrence Trabanca Dalida, Manila,Phil.)
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Memories ( On Reading David Bates' Childhood)
O lovely and sweet memories,
Of rebellious youthful air,
Like Mindanao's field and forest,
That needs tender loving care.
Witness the opulence around-
In recklessness I wander;
Asking questions on that surround;
Grasping lessons sans surrender.
Who loves not celebrations,
Birthday, fiesta, and school dance,
Puppy love and infatuations,
Freedom in the tender world of chance?
Human nature of revelry;
Living what's in store for life;
Train the body and the psyche
for the future toil and strife.
Fill young days with love, not a terror
And let me sing my own song;
The young person commits no error
As a member of the throng.
Let me play with joy and fearless
In a world of great abundance;
Let my spirit flow and endless
Curb with God's loving guidance.
You cannot stop the river's flow
On its inherent mission
Gleefully it really must go
Or change its destination.
For the youth, it is like a fountain
Filtered by a friendly sand
Its life-giving waters sustain
Withered field and thirsty land.
Youthfulness is the spring of life;
Coming from a tender bud;
And precious love until its ripe,
Needed for the growing lad.
Young and pliant can be molded-
The growing pains to cherish;
Doing the best and being guided;
Lessons from past memories.
O lovely and sweet memories,
Of rebellious youthful air,
Like Mindanao's field and forest,
That needs tender loving care.
Witness the opulence around-
In recklessness I wander;
Asking questions on that surround;
Grasping lessons sans surrender.
Who loves not celebrations,
Birthday, fiesta, and school dance,
Puppy love and infatuations,
Freedom in the tender world of chance?
Human nature of revelry;
Living what's in store for life;
Train the body and the psyche
for the future toil and strife.
Fill young days with love, not a terror
And let me sing my own song;
The young person commits no error
As a member of the throng.
Let me play with joy and fearless
In a world of great abundance;
Let my spirit flow and endless
Curb with God's loving guidance.
You cannot stop the river's flow
On its inherent mission
Gleefully it really must go
Or change its destination.
For the youth, it is like a fountain
Filtered by a friendly sand
Its life-giving waters sustain
Withered field and thirsty land.
Youthfulness is the spring of life;
Coming from a tender bud;
And precious love until its ripe,
Needed for the growing lad.
Young and pliant can be molded-
The growing pains to cherish;
Doing the best and being guided;
Lessons from past memories.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Birth of ZAMNAI
Birth of ZAMNAI, a looking back
How It Started
A score and 15 years ago, there was a ZamboNortean diaspora. The urge to migrate begun. They were from the province of Zamboanga del Norte of the island of Mindanao, the second-largest island of the Philippines. Zamboanga del Norte (ZANORTE) is situated in northern Mindanao bounded on the north and west by the Sulu Sea, on the east by Misamis Occidental, and on the south by Zamboanga del Sur. ZANORTE is known for its twin cities: (a) the orchid city of Dipolog with its beauty and charm (b) the Shrine City of Dapitan with its history and rustic quaintness. Also, of the tourist's delight, Dakak Beach with its oozing natural attraction of the bleach-white sand beach, calm blue waters, coral reefs, shaped cove, and Kodak's sunset horizon.
The Midwest
They came to America. Some on the West Coast. Others to the East Coast. A few to the South. And trickles to the Midwest at the state of Illinois, notably at the city of Chicago. They worked hard. They blended. They were enthusiastic. They beamed with the American dream.
A score and 15 years ago, there was a ZamboNortean diaspora. The urge to migrate begun. They were from the province of Zamboanga del Norte of the island of Mindanao, the second-largest island of the Philippines. Zamboanga del Norte (ZANORTE) is situated in northern Mindanao bounded on the north and west by the Sulu Sea, on the east by Misamis Occidental, and on the south by Zamboanga del Sur. ZANORTE is known for its twin cities: (a) the orchid city of Dipolog with its beauty and charm (b) the Shrine City of Dapitan with its history and rustic quaintness. Also, of the tourist's delight, Dakak Beach with its oozing natural attraction of the bleach-white sand beach, calm blue waters, coral reefs, shaped cove, and Kodak's sunset horizon.
The Midwest
They came to America. Some on the West Coast. Others to the East Coast. A few to the South. And trickles to the Midwest at the state of Illinois, notably at the city of Chicago. They worked hard. They blended. They were enthusiastic. They beamed with the American dream.
The Inquiring Mind
And as they chased that American dream, they wondered why there was no Zamboanga del Norte Association? Maybe, it's time to unite, to associate, to be visible, to have a sort of empowerment.
Birth of an Association
In a summer picnic of August 1989 at Schiller Park, Illinois, USA with Bishop Felix S. Zafra and Frs. King Fuerzas & TQ Solis concelebrating an Association was born called the Zamboanga del Norte Association (ZAMBONORTH then was changed to ZAMNAI, formed with a rock-solid foundation of the guidance and blessings of God amidst the rustling wind of change. Ber "Nonoy" Refugio, a civil engineer and a Jaycee was the 1st president and Greg In. Trabanca became the 1st vice-president.
Constitution and By-Laws
The newly founded Association was in dire need of a Constitution and By-Laws to be effectively in harmony with the fundamental law of the state and the Federal government. We created one. With deletions and additions, the group finally agreed and ratified the newly-created Constitution and By-Laws that began with a preamble:
We, the Filipino-Americans of Zamboanga del Norte, the Philippines invoking the guidance and blessings of God in order to establish solidarity in achieving our goals and objectives do ordain and promulgate this constitution and by-laws.
Why Filipino-Americans?
It is a fitting tribute to the honest, hardworking pioneers who have arrived and reached a state of being a part of the land in their heart- America. They are in America and they are Filipino-Americans from Zamboanga del Norte and not just mere roots but the whole tree planted in the soil of opportunity who want to have a share in the fertile American soil which all hoped and longed for.
The Test of Time.
The Association has withstood the test of time from a small membership to a swelling many. During the 2nd president's tenure of office, the Association unnoticeably had undergone the acid test of boycotting. Out of 120 booked for the occasion, only 80 came. The Association suffered a great loss but it managed to move on and found an avenue leading to revenue to offset the great loss incurred. In fact, it discovered a gold mine so to speak.
The Dream
Unmindful of setbacks and trials, the Association moved on. It has a dream, a vision, and a purpose for Filipino-Americans of Zamboanga del Norte. It is an Association that is on the go blazing the trail for tomorrow's memberships, with its vision, mission, hopes, and dreams under the blessings and guidance of Jesus, the Lord, and Savior of the world. It welcomes all sorts of ideas for better governance.
Birth of an Association
In a summer picnic of August 1989 at Schiller Park, Illinois, USA with Bishop Felix S. Zafra and Frs. King Fuerzas & TQ Solis concelebrating an Association was born called the Zamboanga del Norte Association (ZAMBONORTH then was changed to ZAMNAI, formed with a rock-solid foundation of the guidance and blessings of God amidst the rustling wind of change. Ber "Nonoy" Refugio, a civil engineer and a Jaycee was the 1st president and Greg In. Trabanca became the 1st vice-president.
Constitution and By-Laws
The newly founded Association was in dire need of a Constitution and By-Laws to be effectively in harmony with the fundamental law of the state and the Federal government. We created one. With deletions and additions, the group finally agreed and ratified the newly-created Constitution and By-Laws that began with a preamble:
We, the Filipino-Americans of Zamboanga del Norte, the Philippines invoking the guidance and blessings of God in order to establish solidarity in achieving our goals and objectives do ordain and promulgate this constitution and by-laws.
Why Filipino-Americans?
It is a fitting tribute to the honest, hardworking pioneers who have arrived and reached a state of being a part of the land in their heart- America. They are in America and they are Filipino-Americans from Zamboanga del Norte and not just mere roots but the whole tree planted in the soil of opportunity who want to have a share in the fertile American soil which all hoped and longed for.
The Test of Time.
The Association has withstood the test of time from a small membership to a swelling many. During the 2nd president's tenure of office, the Association unnoticeably had undergone the acid test of boycotting. Out of 120 booked for the occasion, only 80 came. The Association suffered a great loss but it managed to move on and found an avenue leading to revenue to offset the great loss incurred. In fact, it discovered a gold mine so to speak.
The Dream
Unmindful of setbacks and trials, the Association moved on. It has a dream, a vision, and a purpose for Filipino-Americans of Zamboanga del Norte. It is an Association that is on the go blazing the trail for tomorrow's memberships, with its vision, mission, hopes, and dreams under the blessings and guidance of Jesus, the Lord, and Savior of the world. It welcomes all sorts of ideas for better governance.
Friday, July 21, 2006
The Heart, the Passion, The Soul
I am tearfully alone languishing
under the penumbra of loneliness
and if our world once more collides, I'll
gladly take you in my welcoming arms
tenderly cuddle you closer
to my heart so you could feel
the remorseful throbbings
of this longing heart ready
to siphon you to be a living
blood enhancing the incessant
the flow of life-giving love.
The Passion
I am passionate all because of
your timely appearance as
a lovely rose blossoming
in the garden of this perturbed
life; your petals exude a spell
that charm even a savage of a heart;
the color is blood-red shrouding
the thorns with its glow.
The Soul
I see in you the soul of love
draped in the white clouds of heaven.
in you, I see the iridescence of
living and life is immortal
with you.
I am tearfully alone languishing
under the penumbra of loneliness
and if our world once more collides, I'll
gladly take you in my welcoming arms
tenderly cuddle you closer
to my heart so you could feel
the remorseful throbbings
of this longing heart ready
to siphon you to be a living
blood enhancing the incessant
the flow of life-giving love.
The Passion
I am passionate all because of
your timely appearance as
a lovely rose blossoming
in the garden of this perturbed
life; your petals exude a spell
that charm even a savage of a heart;
the color is blood-red shrouding
the thorns with its glow.
The Soul
I see in you the soul of love
draped in the white clouds of heaven.
in you, I see the iridescence of
living and life is immortal
with you.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
(July 18, 2006, Tuesday. )
Nourcel 500 , a Whole Food Dietary Supplement
The Journey
The first time since I arrived in Chicago that I witnessed the captivating lakescape and landscape of the south Lake Shore drive. "To see is to believe" still holds true to its meaning.
Chicago's South
Taking Lake Shore Drive southward is like a leisure drive down Manila's Dewey Boulevard now Roxas Boulevard. This time the destination was - South Shore Hospital, 8012 S. Crandon Ave which is still part of the city of Chicago. Purpose: a meeting of Filipino doctors on the 4th floor conference room thru the courtesy of the hospital's CEO, Mr. Jess Ong (an accountant).
The Nurse and the Doctor
My wife and I were invited by Tess Manuel ( nurse of Norwegian-American Hospital)to this meeting. Dr. Cesareo Rivera Albano, Jr. MD (medical consultant, cardiovascular anesthesiologist, anti-aging Medicine Specialist & medico-surgical and nutritional theraphy counselor) was introducing a new product called NourCel 500 which is a Whole Food Dietary Supplement, not a Medicine.
"Life begins with the proper nutrition of every Cell"
NourCel 500 is a cellular nutritional support that could bring wellness and probably youthfulness. A whole food dietary supplement that will promote better quality of life to everyone. This is a slow process and commonly slowed further by the body's toxic condition. A BIG HELP to maintain general health, in the prevention of diseases, in the management of diseases from colds to cancer, for the proper growth and development of children, and for the prevention of early aging and its associated degenerative diseases. This is an answer to Nutritional Insufficiency and the other stages of Malnutrition. Just as Hippocrates once said, "Let your Food be your medicine and let your MEDICINE be your food."
The Product Presentation
Salad and hot foods were served. It was a lap-top round- table presentation to 5 medical doctors , 2 nurses, 2 accountants and 1 salesperson. Of course, questions pertinent to the product permeated the wholesome atmosphere compared to the temperature outside which was in the 90's. Tess Manuel and her friend gave testimonials on the efficacy of the product. At the end, the doctors were convinced that the product was not a medicine but food which is to be a medicine for long life and youthfulness. All were given one complimentary bottle each that contain 120 tablets. One doctor remarked that he could recommend this product to his patients.
The Product
NourCel 500 is made of pure Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, a highly nutritious dark blue-green micro-algae that is composed of 5 essential micronutrients: Plant Proteins with 18 essential and non-essential amino acids (55-71%), Carbohydrates made of rhamrose (special sugar), polysaccharides an glycogen-like substance called cyanophycean (10-25%), Fats & Lipids with Omega 3, 6, 9 and gamma linolenic acid (5-7%), a Spectrum of Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements (7-13%), Nucleic acid: DNA, RNA (1%), Phytonutrients with phytosterols,phycocyanins, beta carotenes, triterpenoids, chlorophylls, SOD and dietary fibers (8-10%). These are all highly digestible and absorbable, and its biological activity is almost 100%, making it an easy source of nutrients and energy for every cell of the body preventing "Nutritional Insufficiency", the possible "Roots of all Diseases" and the "Flint of Early Aging."
The Answer to Malnutrition
Arthrospira (Spirulina) has been studied for more than 40 years as to its nutritive and medicinal values by different nutritional institutions and universities from different countries like the U.S., Canada, Russia, Germany, England, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and many more. Since 1974, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UNICEF recommended Arthrospira (Spirulina) as the "Answer to Malnutrition" and the "Best Food of Tomorrow".
Nourcel 500 , a Whole Food Dietary Supplement
The Journey
The first time since I arrived in Chicago that I witnessed the captivating lakescape and landscape of the south Lake Shore drive. "To see is to believe" still holds true to its meaning.
Chicago's South
Taking Lake Shore Drive southward is like a leisure drive down Manila's Dewey Boulevard now Roxas Boulevard. This time the destination was - South Shore Hospital, 8012 S. Crandon Ave which is still part of the city of Chicago. Purpose: a meeting of Filipino doctors on the 4th floor conference room thru the courtesy of the hospital's CEO, Mr. Jess Ong (an accountant).
The Nurse and the Doctor
My wife and I were invited by Tess Manuel ( nurse of Norwegian-American Hospital)to this meeting. Dr. Cesareo Rivera Albano, Jr. MD (medical consultant, cardiovascular anesthesiologist, anti-aging Medicine Specialist & medico-surgical and nutritional theraphy counselor) was introducing a new product called NourCel 500 which is a Whole Food Dietary Supplement, not a Medicine.
"Life begins with the proper nutrition of every Cell"
NourCel 500 is a cellular nutritional support that could bring wellness and probably youthfulness. A whole food dietary supplement that will promote better quality of life to everyone. This is a slow process and commonly slowed further by the body's toxic condition. A BIG HELP to maintain general health, in the prevention of diseases, in the management of diseases from colds to cancer, for the proper growth and development of children, and for the prevention of early aging and its associated degenerative diseases. This is an answer to Nutritional Insufficiency and the other stages of Malnutrition. Just as Hippocrates once said, "Let your Food be your medicine and let your MEDICINE be your food."
The Product Presentation
Salad and hot foods were served. It was a lap-top round- table presentation to 5 medical doctors , 2 nurses, 2 accountants and 1 salesperson. Of course, questions pertinent to the product permeated the wholesome atmosphere compared to the temperature outside which was in the 90's. Tess Manuel and her friend gave testimonials on the efficacy of the product. At the end, the doctors were convinced that the product was not a medicine but food which is to be a medicine for long life and youthfulness. All were given one complimentary bottle each that contain 120 tablets. One doctor remarked that he could recommend this product to his patients.
The Product
NourCel 500 is made of pure Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, a highly nutritious dark blue-green micro-algae that is composed of 5 essential micronutrients: Plant Proteins with 18 essential and non-essential amino acids (55-71%), Carbohydrates made of rhamrose (special sugar), polysaccharides an glycogen-like substance called cyanophycean (10-25%), Fats & Lipids with Omega 3, 6, 9 and gamma linolenic acid (5-7%), a Spectrum of Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements (7-13%), Nucleic acid: DNA, RNA (1%), Phytonutrients with phytosterols,phycocyanins, beta carotenes, triterpenoids, chlorophylls, SOD and dietary fibers (8-10%). These are all highly digestible and absorbable, and its biological activity is almost 100%, making it an easy source of nutrients and energy for every cell of the body preventing "Nutritional Insufficiency", the possible "Roots of all Diseases" and the "Flint of Early Aging."
The Answer to Malnutrition
Arthrospira (Spirulina) has been studied for more than 40 years as to its nutritive and medicinal values by different nutritional institutions and universities from different countries like the U.S., Canada, Russia, Germany, England, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and many more. Since 1974, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UNICEF recommended Arthrospira (Spirulina) as the "Answer to Malnutrition" and the "Best Food of Tomorrow".
Monday, July 17, 2006
On Remembering Bishop Zafra
I write you
this as a vacationing priest
reminds me of your annual visit
Even as our world trembles and speaks
(Msgr. Felix S. Zafra died Sunday, Aug. 4, 2002, at 1:00 PM at the Bishop's Residence in Tagbilaran City, Philippines. He solemnized our wedding with Msgr. Salvador Mora con-celebrating on May 29, 1973, at St. Mary's Chapel, Dipolog City, Philippines. )
Greg In. Trabanca
I write you
this as a vacationing priest
reminds me of your annual visit
as a dear friend and not a guest.
Chicago welcomes you
Chicago welcomes you
and with great anticipation
invite you to special occasion
invite you to special occasion
for the Eucharistic celebration.
Your honesty
embossed in the wall of Time
is a living testimony
Your honesty
embossed in the wall of Time
is a living testimony
of your mission in any clime.
The world now echoes with terrors
The world now echoes with terrors
that destroy the peace needs prayer
your integrity and holiness.
Even as our world trembles and speaks
in Babel of harm and disunity
we find unity in diversity.
We believe that Luzon, Visayas,
we find unity in diversity.
We believe that Luzon, Visayas,
and Mindanao could find the fountain
of understanding, peace, and love.
And we have embraced your message
And we have embraced your message
of faith, hope, and love; for you're loved.
(Msgr. Felix S. Zafra died Sunday, Aug. 4, 2002, at 1:00 PM at the Bishop's Residence in Tagbilaran City, Philippines. He solemnized our wedding with Msgr. Salvador Mora con-celebrating on May 29, 1973, at St. Mary's Chapel, Dipolog City, Philippines. )
Greg In. Trabanca
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Blue sky, white sand, serene sea, and I
Precious Zamboanga it's worth a cry.
This is the scenario sans doubt
Supported with true evidence
In all directions, I could shout
Because this narrative makes sense.
I combed the island of my birth
Searching for what really is this for
Only to find that there's a dearth
Of the essence of this metaphor
I see you with your heavy loads,
As they ruined your forest, your path
Leading you to your dear abodes
Of faith, hope, love without wrath.
Embrace me, feel my aching heart
It throbs with affluent delight
Knowing that this arena's part
This life is filled with flight or fight,
A mission for Neighborliness
A devotion towards change
From decades of gloom and darkness
The people will be home on the range.
Pedestrians' footsteps are trudging
Zamboanga's sunbaked lovely shore
The seagulls echo are amusing
The school of fish dances on the ocean floor.
The sky, the sand, the sea and I
Zamboanga, please don't you cry.
Blue sky, white sand, serene sea, and I
Precious Zamboanga it's worth a cry.
This is the scenario sans doubt
Supported with true evidence
In all directions, I could shout
Because this narrative makes sense.
I combed the island of my birth
Searching for what really is this for
Only to find that there's a dearth
Of the essence of this metaphor
I see you with your heavy loads,
As they ruined your forest, your path
Leading you to your dear abodes
Of faith, hope, love without wrath.
Embrace me, feel my aching heart
It throbs with affluent delight
Knowing that this arena's part
This life is filled with flight or fight,
A mission for Neighborliness
A devotion towards change
From decades of gloom and darkness
The people will be home on the range.
Pedestrians' footsteps are trudging
Zamboanga's sunbaked lovely shore
The seagulls echo are amusing
The school of fish dances on the ocean floor.
The sky, the sand, the sea and I
Zamboanga, please don't you cry.

Life is like a leaf
fleets freely from green to brown
enjoys ups and downs.
Summer Moments
The halcyon moments-
somersaulting butterflies;
youthful summer days.
Commencement heralds
graduates to soar like eagles;
new terrain to scour.
River Notes
The purling river
write passionate melodies-
quiet euphoria.
Table Kiss
Your kisses my sweet
give taste to my black coffee
in my round table.
Peaceful Paradise,
vibrant life flowing
in quiet serenity.
Life is like a leaf
fleets freely from green to brown
enjoys ups and downs.
Summer Moments
The halcyon moments-
somersaulting butterflies;
youthful summer days.
Commencement heralds
graduates to soar like eagles;
new terrain to scour.
River Notes
The purling river
write passionate melodies-
quiet euphoria.
Table Kiss
Your kisses my sweet
give taste to my black coffee
in my round table.
Peaceful Paradise,
vibrant life flowing
in quiet serenity.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Tuesday, 1:13 AM
I received this email from a friend, Sam Rabor- a person who meant what he says, makes you feel special sans the applause but deep within the heart, and knows that life is too short to have enemies . A man who knows that a true friend is in the heart, indeed. Here's the gist. (some additions & changes in language & formatting for cosmetics are mine.)
If you were kids in the mid 40's thru the early 80's you would have noticed that:
- cars have no seatbelts; no air bags.
-its an adventure & fun to ride on backs of pick-up trucks (or logging trucks back home.)
-cribs were painted with bright colors (paint's full of lead); back home some kids were born at homes attended by mid-wives (not by doctors).
-there were no childproof medicine bottles nor childproof houses.
- slicing the wind on bike riding without helmets were great,
- there's pride in backyard hose drinking and faucets as there were no bottled waters,
- there were no cell phones (our parents left us to faith in the God that loves & protects)
- we were care-free and we get scrapes, bruises, brake bones, lose teeth yet we sue nobody. We love neighbors and trust people.
- we ate cakes, bread & butter; drink sugary drinks yet we were not OVERWEIGHT because we love to walk, to outside playing, the out-of-doors. And the outside world was amiable and awesome. (Back home we would play hide & seek on moonlight nights; no sex perverts lurking & hiding . Now when somebody hides you the password is ransom. We manifest our teen-age emotions by serenading with our own voice. Karaoke was still a dream.)
- we shared. Four persons could drink in one bottle. It was not gross. Nobody got sick.
-there were no playstations, nintendo 64, X boxes, video games, cable TV with 100 channels, VCR's, surround sound, cellular phones, computers, internet cafe's, on-line chatrooms.
We have truckloads of friends. They don't have much money but they were willing and ready to lend helping hands. They were real friends in thought, words and deeds. They are vanishing breed now.
We were not all smart. Some were left behind but it was no big deal. We were not advised to see psychologist nor suffered from : - dyslexia, hyperactivity, ADHD, ADD, etc... We would simply repeat the grade until we passed. We had FREEDOMS. RESPONSIBILITIES. MISHAPS. SUCCESSES. And we would learn to deal with them.
We SURVIVED: to become great people that we are today. We admit, we were-
BORING, but we were very HAPPY CHILDREN!
Deo Gratias!
I received this email from a friend, Sam Rabor- a person who meant what he says, makes you feel special sans the applause but deep within the heart, and knows that life is too short to have enemies . A man who knows that a true friend is in the heart, indeed. Here's the gist. (some additions & changes in language & formatting for cosmetics are mine.)
If you were kids in the mid 40's thru the early 80's you would have noticed that:
- cars have no seatbelts; no air bags.
-its an adventure & fun to ride on backs of pick-up trucks (or logging trucks back home.)
-cribs were painted with bright colors (paint's full of lead); back home some kids were born at homes attended by mid-wives (not by doctors).
-there were no childproof medicine bottles nor childproof houses.
- slicing the wind on bike riding without helmets were great,
- there's pride in backyard hose drinking and faucets as there were no bottled waters,
- there were no cell phones (our parents left us to faith in the God that loves & protects)
- we were care-free and we get scrapes, bruises, brake bones, lose teeth yet we sue nobody. We love neighbors and trust people.
- we ate cakes, bread & butter; drink sugary drinks yet we were not OVERWEIGHT because we love to walk, to outside playing, the out-of-doors. And the outside world was amiable and awesome. (Back home we would play hide & seek on moonlight nights; no sex perverts lurking & hiding . Now when somebody hides you the password is ransom. We manifest our teen-age emotions by serenading with our own voice. Karaoke was still a dream.)
- we shared. Four persons could drink in one bottle. It was not gross. Nobody got sick.
-there were no playstations, nintendo 64, X boxes, video games, cable TV with 100 channels, VCR's, surround sound, cellular phones, computers, internet cafe's, on-line chatrooms.
We have truckloads of friends. They don't have much money but they were willing and ready to lend helping hands. They were real friends in thought, words and deeds. They are vanishing breed now.
We were not all smart. Some were left behind but it was no big deal. We were not advised to see psychologist nor suffered from : - dyslexia, hyperactivity, ADHD, ADD, etc... We would simply repeat the grade until we passed. We had FREEDOMS. RESPONSIBILITIES. MISHAPS. SUCCESSES. And we would learn to deal with them.
We SURVIVED: to become great people that we are today. We admit, we were-
BORING, but we were very HAPPY CHILDREN!
Deo Gratias!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I have, in one way or the other, dream dreams. Some are possible and most of them are impossible. Yet this stuff makes life worth remembering for dreams never die.
And I learn from them.
Anyone who likes to learn stays young. I am a perennial student. I like to learn anything new any time, anywhere, from anyone in any which way.
I still can recall:
I am delighted to paint the days of my growing up. With no clue or plan, I plowed and plodded the green, savage fields. I saw the semblance and beauty of youth mirrored in the pool of water where carabaos wallowed, of swift flying kingfisher comfortably perched on a frond of a nipa palm patiently waiting and wishing for a sure meal, of a mother oriole garbed in silky yellow and black warbling a lullaby to her young one, of the brook that unceasingly hummed the song of life while the cicadas joyfully chirped notes of endless summer.
And Mother Nature was inundated with life, color, and love.
As I turned the sandy-loamed soil with my wooden plow, I witnessed the fertile soil curled smoothly defining the richness of hope in its wake. My carabao was submissive and willing to go another round while the sun was still friendly above us. Then I took my siesta. And I dreamed of a bountiful harvest which was a magic carpet that would lead me to my goal. ( a goal is a dream with a deadline).
The yield was promising and the task was worth the price. I gathered my harvest with a song of youthful enthusiasm. I narrated a poem about my heart's desire. Then I noticed the radiance of the sun was gradually fading and swallowed by the thick vastness of the westside field.
A quail flew. Meanwhile, a lone heron waded in the muddy water searching for a satisfying dinner. My heart yearned to see more unseen horizons; my limbs longed to plow and harrow other fields. And my mind poised to explore the engaging mystery of tomorrow.
I followed the sun in my direction. I ventured to the city with all its glare and glitz. I felt the warmth of its tempting environment. I was lured to the drumbeats of the passion of teenage dreams and the fires of adolescent love.
I was in love. With life. With the new-found civilization. The city opened my eyes to doors of opportunities, broadened my perspective, and tempered my senses. And for a moment I was in limbo.
I was dazzled. I was tethered. I was tamed.
That borderless living is a magnificent poem. A glorious essay. A short, short story of love.
That carefree life that opened the floodgate to let onrushing memories ecstatically mingle into the vast ocean of wonderful living is worth a moment of remembering.
I have, in one way or the other, dream dreams. Some are possible and most of them are impossible. Yet this stuff makes life worth remembering for dreams never die.
And I learn from them.
Anyone who likes to learn stays young. I am a perennial student. I like to learn anything new any time, anywhere, from anyone in any which way.
I still can recall:
I am delighted to paint the days of my growing up. With no clue or plan, I plowed and plodded the green, savage fields. I saw the semblance and beauty of youth mirrored in the pool of water where carabaos wallowed, of swift flying kingfisher comfortably perched on a frond of a nipa palm patiently waiting and wishing for a sure meal, of a mother oriole garbed in silky yellow and black warbling a lullaby to her young one, of the brook that unceasingly hummed the song of life while the cicadas joyfully chirped notes of endless summer.
And Mother Nature was inundated with life, color, and love.
As I turned the sandy-loamed soil with my wooden plow, I witnessed the fertile soil curled smoothly defining the richness of hope in its wake. My carabao was submissive and willing to go another round while the sun was still friendly above us. Then I took my siesta. And I dreamed of a bountiful harvest which was a magic carpet that would lead me to my goal. ( a goal is a dream with a deadline).
The yield was promising and the task was worth the price. I gathered my harvest with a song of youthful enthusiasm. I narrated a poem about my heart's desire. Then I noticed the radiance of the sun was gradually fading and swallowed by the thick vastness of the westside field.
A quail flew. Meanwhile, a lone heron waded in the muddy water searching for a satisfying dinner. My heart yearned to see more unseen horizons; my limbs longed to plow and harrow other fields. And my mind poised to explore the engaging mystery of tomorrow.
I followed the sun in my direction. I ventured to the city with all its glare and glitz. I felt the warmth of its tempting environment. I was lured to the drumbeats of the passion of teenage dreams and the fires of adolescent love.
I was in love. With life. With the new-found civilization. The city opened my eyes to doors of opportunities, broadened my perspective, and tempered my senses. And for a moment I was in limbo.
I was dazzled. I was tethered. I was tamed.
That borderless living is a magnificent poem. A glorious essay. A short, short story of love.
That carefree life that opened the floodgate to let onrushing memories ecstatically mingle into the vast ocean of wonderful living is worth a moment of remembering.
Portraits in Haiku
The gorgeous sunrise
summons the rough hands to toil
and waking him wisely.
Maria Cristina Falls
Like a poem of love
cascading mankind's heartlands
graces from above.
I miss my country
cross of love and wisdom torch
trouble fraught but free.
Land of four seasons
of questions and solutions
thriving with reasons.
Brown leaves mired in snow
remind us of life and death;
Hope and love that grows.
I miss my country
cross of love and wisdom torch
trouble fraught but free.
Land of four seasons
of questions and solutions
thriving with reasons.
Brown leaves mired in snow
remind us of life and death;
Hope and love that grows.
Monday, July 03, 2006

Snow-covered Landscape
Tears of pearly white
blanket Mother Earth's belly
and the world is bright.
In this Life's garden
blossoming with lovely tunes-
poems of lost Eden.
The meandering
fills the chapters of my blog
worth remembering.
Panoramic View
Who am I to ask
when the land, the sea, the sky
offer their minds to the task.
The time is now dear
to write the art of living-
and move on sans fear.
lovely friends so true.
And we sing:
To the poem of love and not hate,
To the people who toil and wait;
The towering mountains yonder,
And the hills and glens that don't bother
Rush and stare of city slickers,
Arrogant and trouble makers.
Let us sing:
The calm and still of the valley,
The alley, the nook, and cranny,
Avenues, highways, and byways,
Cliffs, rifts, rivers, shores and the bays.
Let us sing:
With Faith as we seize the new day,
Of people in gloom and astray,
That nation unite not divide
And only God, not men be the Guide.
And if there is breathe left for us
We sing to the future; our past.

In our sweet awakening
We humbly thank our dearest God
Of our parents and friends that bring
Gladness to the valley's green sod.
The comely blade of graceful grass;
Red roses color the lovely
Borders meanwhile the dawn's soft brush
Paints this rare idyllic valley.
Let the music exudes life and
Love and faith amidst dark despair-
Sow seed of hope to wasted land;
And spread unity in the air.
Let the refrains of our dear song
Echo messages of pure joy
Into this world waiting for long
The meaning of life to employ.
From: The Meanderings - Verses & Essays
Greg In Trabanca

The grandeur of this world led me
To search for meanings and my role
On whatever I will be
As in life, there is a gamble.
You win when you have the right card
But luck is not always with you
Yet you knew that there's an award
For those who are honest and true.
I am lost in my odyssey
I should leave footprints of wisdom
In the pavement of memory
To remind me where I came from.
There must be something, the essence
Of the seasons that come and go
Of the sun's welcoming presence;
A lovely smile when I am blue.
Success has meaning when there's love
When there's a shoulder to cry on
With grace and blessing from above
Grateful that I am not alone.
You have to seek the other half
To find the beauty of living.
That life is really for the tough
And it's not hoarding but giving.
(Written by Max Ehrmann in 1927-
(Not " Found in Old St. Paul's Church")
what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others you may become vain and
bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of the time. Exercise caution
in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not
blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.
BE YOURSELF. Especially do not feign affection Neither be
cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you
it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you
in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
YOU ARE A CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE no less than the trees
and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear
to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
THEREFORE BE AT PEACE WITH GOD, whatever you conceive
THEREFORE BE AT PEACE WITH GOD, whatever you conceive
Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion
of life, keep peace with your soul.
About me, myself, and I:
A dreamer, a student, a teacher, married, a lovely wife, and 2 children.
dreaming. contemplating. reading. writing. churchgoing. love to travel and study.
And still seeking life's best chapter, savoring its mystery, its worth.
A dreamer, a student, a teacher, married, a lovely wife, and 2 children.
dreaming. contemplating. reading. writing. churchgoing. love to travel and study.
And still seeking life's best chapter, savoring its mystery, its worth.
Memberships: Knights of Columbus, Catholic Men of America, Bible Study Group: (Verbum Dei- Nuns)
Fr. Leoncio Santiago's Santo Ninio De Agosto, Society of the Beloved Disciple. The
Black Nazarene, The Simbang Gabi
Ampo Pray Live your every moment
Fr. Leoncio Santiago's Santo Ninio De Agosto, Society of the Beloved Disciple. The
Black Nazarene, The Simbang Gabi
Ampo Pray Live your every moment
Antos Sacrifice Laugh to daily drive the blues away
Awhag Evangelize Love to banish your heartaches
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